EricsHouse Newsletter- MAY

Welcome to MAY! The EricsHouse Team would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support during these challenging times. It is because of YOUR support that we have been able to continue to help those who have been impacted by suicide, substance, and unexpected losses.
EricsHouse has transformed into a virtual platform to expand our outreach and continue to help heal hearts across the country. So we THANK YOU! 

"Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person."
(unknown author)

A Message From Our Founder: Marianne Gouveia
If you or someone you know is in suicidal crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). Assistance is available 24/7 through this Lifeline number and their website .

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing anxiety, increased substance abuse, and increases in crisis calls to suicide prevention services. Crisis support lines in many states have seen an increase in calls – as much as 300% -- since the virus threw our lives into chaos and confusion. Liquor sales are higher than ever, and our rehabs are expanding at an alarming rate.  
This pandemic is challenging for EricsHouse, too. We are actively working to continue operations so help those in need. Our efforts have blossomed into remote/virtual support and companionship with national outreach. In addition, we support the training and development of new team members to prepare for an increase in services.
For many of us, we are wondering when normalcy can be restored to our lives again. For our bereaved individuals, our goal remains constant: to provide a safe, confidential space where people can share their losses and learn from others with a team of trained professionals.  
Here are some of our results:
  • A mother lost her 25-year-old son to a fentanyl overdose. She now works in a rehab helping others. She re-imagined her career and is turning her tragic loss into good for others.
  • A client tragically watched someone she loved die by suicide. With nowhere to turn, our client is getting tailored, one-on-one and group support, including help to deal with her trauma.
  • A teenager lost a parent to suicide in her home just before the pandemic. She’s learning to understand her loss and express her grief in healthy, positive ways.
Every day 129 people die by suicide - 1 person every 11 minutes. We expect that number to increase. Every loss impacts at least 115 other people. Firearms are present in 50% of suicides and as a result of this pandemic, firearms sales have skyrocketed. Nearly 1 in 12 adults have a substance use disorder. Opiates and alcohol are present in 44% of suicides. The pandemic has created a perfect storm for people at risk of substance abuse and suicide.
We cannot forget our loss survivors.. EricsHouse helps them get back on their feet so they can resume living life again with meaning, purpose, joy, and happiness. We are ready to help anyone who is impacted by these losses.

Please consider helping us help them:
  • Make a donation of any size - every donation matters
  • Sponsor one of our clients for 10 support sessions for $750.00.
  • Share our information on Facebook or hold a Facebook fundraiser benefiting EricsHouse in honor of someone you love.  
  • Sponsor training for someone wishing to give back s after their loss through Dr. Alan Wolfelt’s grief companioning certification for $1800.00.
You can find additional details and links for all our programs through our Facebook page EricsHouse88 and via our website at .
A Note of Thanks to the EH Team: Throughout this pandemic, we have received support from professionals, practitioners, and volunteers who have created daily programs that are provided virtually to many people. Thank you all so much for answering the call.

EricsHouse Inc.
Virtual Grief Support Groups for both Men & Women
You don't have to grieve alone.
The EricsHouse Men’s Group is a group of men who meet biweekly virtually, on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm- 8:30 pm.

We share our grief journeys, day-to-day struggles, and our stories. Mostly we talk, listen, and support each other. 

To register click HERE .

If you’d like more information please call Greg Eckerman at 480-734-3423, or by email at
The EricsHouse Women's Group, will meet biweekly virtually, on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm.

If you are experiencing the sudden loss of someone you love especially to addiction or suicide, this group is designed to support your very unique needs. Throughout the session, you will talk with peers who are loss survivors who understand how difficult it is to navigate family and friends after experiencing a sudden, traumatic loss.

To register click HERE
Upcoming Virtual Events for this Week!
Monday Morning Live Meditation on EricsHouse Facebook Page !
Join us for EMDR After Suicide or Substance Loss with Sanja Sobo, LPC, on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 11:00 AM (PT), 2:00 PM (EST) .
Join us for Self Care: Mindful Practices to Manage Stress on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 5:30 PM (PT), 8:30 (EST)!
EricsHouse will be hosting Being Present with Your Pain
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 4:00 PM (PT), 7:00 (EST)!
Join us on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 9:00 AM (PT), 12:00 (EST), on  Facebook Live, for a Conversation on a Guide to Love with Jean Nictakis.
Join us on Thursday May 7, 2020, at 11:00 AM (PT), 2:00 PM (EST), for
A Course in Miracles with Life Coach Lisa Liss.
*Special Event with Melinda Vail*
on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 5:30 PM (PT), 8:30 (EST), for
Life after Life: Our Children in the Afterlife.

Melinda will be sharing her experiences about what happens when your loved ones cross over to the other side of the veil. Please join us for this virtual event.
You're Invited to EricsHouse Virtual Singalong Happy Hour on Friday, May 8, 2020 at 5:30 PM (MST), 8:30 PM (EST)!
All Are Welcome!
Inspiration for May
Plead don't forget to support EricsHouse tomorrow May, 5, 2020 for Giving Tuesday.
Thank you !
In addition to providing grief support after a loss and holistic support as part of our Integrative Grief Care model, we offer several alternative therapies to support emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. We work with individuals who have lost someone they love unexpectedly with a specialization in suicide and substance losses.