DreamBank is presenting a free online yoga class for kids on Tuesday, June 29. They are providing an ASL interpreter for this event! All ASDC families are invited to attend.
Gallaudet University’s Brain & Language Center is looking for kids entering 1st grade in/near Washington DC to participate in a study on how children learn.
For the past three years, Rachel Coleman has been working behind the scenes to bring new funding, new partners, and new programs for families to ASDC. See highlights from her tenure as Executive Director.
We are establishing the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Guide component in our Guide By Your Side program this summer. We are looking for a diverse group of DHH adults to join our team. Do you use ASL? Do you use Oral language? Cued speech/language? Technology? No Technology? We are looking for YOU! Apply by July 2.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to these generous individuals, families, and organizations for their support. Don't forget that when you donate, you can still get clear face masks to make communication easier.
ASDC provides resources, advocacy, and mentoring for every family with a deaf child so they can communicate, connect, and thrive – together. Get five free sessions of SignOn or Friends Like Me when you join ASDC.