February 10, 2020
Dear friends,

February is American Heart Month and Friday was National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in women. To show support for American Heart Month, my team and I put on our best casual Friday reds. I encourage us all, during this month and throughout the year, to make better choices to maintain a happy and healthy heart.

For more information about American Heart Month, please click here.
This Week in HoCo
Honoring the Harriet Tubman School

I was proud to visit the Harriet Tubman School to honor its history and recognize our trailblazers such as Delegate  Frank S. Turner and Herman Charity. Thank you to Bessie Bordenave and the Harriet Tubman Foundation of Howard County, Inc. for your continuous commitment and advocacy in our community.

Together, we also welcomed students from Wilde Lake High School. During Black History Month and throughout the year, it is important to acknowledge our past, honor our present, and inspire our future.
HCPSS Health Fund Deficit

The Howard County Board of Education recently approved my plan to reduce the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) Health and Dental Fund deficit. The  modified plan sent to the Board earlier this week, proposed eliminating the debt of $39.2 million over four years, through year-end savings and one-time funds from the County.

I’m grateful to the Board of Education and Dr. Martirano for working with my administration to identify a multi-year, pragmatic approach to eliminating the Health Fund debt, so that we can make significant and consistent progress each year until the deficit is fully resolved. This was a collaborative effort that is possible thanks to shared accountability from HCPSS and the County. Read more about it here.
Support Our Farms!

I had a wonderful night with the  Maryland Agriculture Council   as they held their 50th Annual Taste of Maryland Agriculture Celebration. I value and appreciate the time and effort they devote to being a champion of agricultural interests. Farming and agriculture is a major economic driver Howard County and in our great state of Maryland.

With over 300 farms in Howard County, we remain dedicated to sustaining agriculture in our community. As a home for entrepreneurs and small business, where we get the food that sustains us, a place where we see innovative ways to address critical issues and partners for protecting our environment, we appreciate the farming community. Thank you for representing our farmers and residents, advocating for agricultural awareness, and promoting farming opportunities in Maryland. Please support our  Howard County Farm Bureau , farms and farmers!
Welcome to Howard County!

I was delighted to join  Howard County Economic Development Authority for a ribbon cutting with  Marra Forni at their new expanded facility in Elkridge. Marra Forni is one of the fastest growing manufacturers of handcrafted brick ovens for commercial and residential use. We are so glad to welcome you to Howard County.
State of the State Address

On Wednesday,  Governor Larry Hogan delivered his State of the State address to give an update on “the People’s Priorities.” I agree with Governor Hogan that it’s important we all stand united and partner on issues that include investing in our educators, our schools, construction projects, and protecting our environment.

It is also exciting to witness the first State of the State Address begin with “Madame Speaker,” recognizing  Speaker Adrienne Jones as the first female Speaker of the Maryland Delegates and watch  Senator Bill Ferguson preside over the Maryland State Senate. I look forward to continued partnerships with our State leaders to create the best community for all.
Pride in Jumel Howard

As a county that celebrates diversity and inclusion, we are proud to stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ community. We were thrilled to join  Jumel Howard and  PFLAG Howard County. to host the first of many Pride Festivals in Howard County. Jumel is a phenomenal community leader and I look forward to our continued partnerships. Read more about him here.
First State of Business Address

Howard County is home to a strong and prosperous business community. I am excited to invite you to Howard County's first State of Business address with  Howard County Chamber of Commerce. At this address, I will provide an overview our accomplishments over the last year and shed light on the year-to-come goals and priorities.
Free Shredded Wood

For the first time in Howard County we will be giving away shredded wood at Alpha Ridge Landfill starting today, February 10th. This is a wonderful opportunity for residents and businesses to access a free sustainable material for mulching, erosion control, and much more.

This special giveaway will be operated on a first come, first serve basis. I encourage residents and businesses to take advantage of this giveaway to help us create a cleaner, more sustainable environment for future generations. Read more here .
Roundtable with our Youth

I applaud our River Hill Hawks for hosting the 2nd Annual Elected Officials of Color Roundtable. As elected officials, it is important for us to engage in these discussions with our students. The voices of our youth are vital as the decisions and policies made today will directly affect their future.

Special thank you to my friends and colleagues on the panel: Delegate  Vanessa Atterbeary , Sheriff  Marcus Harris , Senator  Clarence Lam , Delegate  Terri Hill , Councilman  Opel Jones , State's Attorney  Richard Gibson  and Student Board Member Allison Alston.
Congratulations to our Student Athletes!

Please join me in congratulating all our phenomenal  Howard County Public School System basketball teams for their outstanding performance around the State; our girls teams from  Wilde Lake High SchoolCentennial High School (Howard County, Maryland), and  Glenelg Country School as well as our boys teams from Centennial High School,  Reservoir High School, and Glenelg County School. We are so proud of all our student athletes. Read more about them here.
Certified Climate Change Professionals (CCPA)

Climate change is a critical issue facing our planet and our community. Recently, six of our  Howard County Office of Emergency Management, Office of Community Sustainability ( LiveGreenHoward), and Department of Planning and Zoning employees became Certified Climate Change Professionals, an international credential administered by the  Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO).

I’m very proud of these outstanding employees who received this certification, not only for learning how to make Howard County more resilient against climate change, but for their efforts to create a more sustainable environment and safer community for all. Please join me in congratulating them!
Pink to Red

On National American Heart Health Awareness day, I was pleased to join the ladies of  Iota Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.  for their “Pink Goes Red” passport to heart health for the mind, body, and soul. It’s important that we come together to promote healthy hearts and lifestyles. Today, and everyday, let’s make better choices to maintain a happy and healthy heart.
Departmental News
Department of Community Resources and Services

In December , I unveiled our Department of Community Resources and Services’ new Age-Friendly Howard County initiative, a three- to five-year plan to join the AARP network of age-friendly states and communities, an affiliate of the World Health Organization. As part of this initiative, we have launched our ‘ Age-Friendly Community Survey .' This anonymous survey provides you with an opportunity to offer us feedback on efforts you believe will make our great county a more livable community for all.
To take the survey, for more information on Age-Friendly Howard County and to learn how else you can get involved, visit . Paper copies of the survey (available in five languages: English, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, and Spanish) can also be requested in person at one of our 50+ Centers , by calling our Office on Aging and Independence at 410-313-6410 or by emailing .
Take the survey today and let us know what you think.
With just over a month to go until the start of the 2020 Census, it's important to understand the importance of being counted. Almost $700 billion in federal funding is doled out based on state, county and neighborhood populations captured in the Census. For every Marylander not captured in the Census, that creates a loss of $18,250 in federal funding. Those lost funds hurt the strength of our infrastructure, quality of our schools and our ability to serve the public.
So, after March 12 th , when your household receives its invitation to participate in the 2020 Census, either online, by phone or by mail, I ask you to take part in this piece of history by completing the survey. Help us ensure #HoCoCounts this 2020.
To learn more about the 2020 Census, visit or contact our local Complete Count Committee at 410-313-6325 or email .
If you were unable to join us last week for our #HoCoCounts 2020 Census Information Fair, no worries, you can still learn more about the temporary positions the U.S. Census Bureau is looking to fill for the 2020 Census count online at . Positions range from census takers, census field supervisors, recruiting assistants, clerks and office operations supervisors. Benefits include flexible hours, weekly paychecks and earnings of $22.50 to $26.50 an hour. Be a part of history and help us ensure that every resident is counted in the 2020 Census by applying today.
Tax time is here. AARP and the IRS are once again offering personal income tax preparation for Howard County residents from February 3 through April 15, available to all middle- and low-income taxpayers, with emphasis on those age 60 and older. Bring your photo ID, Social Security card, 2018 Federal and Maryland tax returns, and all 2019 tax documents. Self-employment returns with more than $10,000 in expenses and complex returns are not eligible. Appointments are necessary for all locations. To schedule your appointment today, call your desired location listed below.
If you weren’t able to join us at this year’s annual Preschool/Child Care Information Fair and need assistance in finding quality licensed child care for your family, check out our Child Care Resource Centers’ ‘Guide to Finding Quality Child Care’ website . On the site, you’ll find a list of resources for finding regulated child care programs throughout Maryland, including a link to the latest Parent’s Guide to Howard County . We also have LOCATE: Child Care, a free, personalized resource and referral counseling service designed to help parents choose a quality child care program that meets their needs. To learn more about LOCATE: Child Care and how its counselors can assist you, check out its website today.
Office of Emergency Management
With flu season in full swing and the spread of the coronavirus worldwide, this quarter’s Office of Emergency Management’s Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meeting, “Get Ready Maryland: Viruses, Virulence and Vaccines,” will focus on public health and recent global epidemic. Set to take place Thursday, February 27 th from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Roger Carter Community Center , the meeting will feature special guest, Dr. Raimee Eck with the Maryland Public Health Association. Dr. Eck will discuss several common (and a few uncommon) public health hazards. His presentation will focus on identifying the most common community illnesses, how they spread and ways to protect yourself and your family. It will also review current global epidemics and the possible impact to us locally.
Health Department

While the CDC considers the risk to the American public to be low at this time, here are some travel safeguards that should be considered and simple prevention precautions taken to protect oneself from any respiratory disease, whether the flu, the coronavirus, etc., from the Howard County Health Department:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available);
  • Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing;
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;
  •  Avoid close contact with people who are sick; and
  • Stay home from work or school while sick.
If you have traveled to China in the last 14 days and have a fever and cough or shortness of breath, OR you have been in contact with someone who has visited this region and you yourself are exhibiting these symptoms, please seek medical care right away. NOTE: BEFORE you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and/or exposure and your symptoms. Also, if sick, wear a mask if you need to leave the house.
The CDC continues to recommend that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to China. As of this morning, there are NO confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Maryland; however, a second individual is in isolation pending the results of CDC testing. The results for the first individual came back negative.
For more information and/or to stay up-to-date on the latest news regarding the coronavirus, visit the CDC's website at website or the Health Department's Alert webpage at website.
Office of Human Rights
This Black History Month, our Office of Human Rights will be participating in a number of events, from the “Black History Lunch and Learn” on the 13 th to the Black History Expo on the 15 th .
At the “Black History Lunch and Learn,” participants will explore black history and the black experiences within the context of American history, systems, institutions and culture. Participants will explore pieces of our racialized history, with the intention of creating space for authentic connection and genuine understanding. Along with the County’s Department of Community Resources and Services, the Office of Human Rights will seek to provide a space for community members to interact and discuss the implications of our history, while critically thinking about how it impacts our current and future communities. All perspectives, truths and experiences are invited to respectfully engage in this experience. The event will take place from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the Elkridge 50+ Center.
Hosted by the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Howard County and the Howard County Public School System, the Black History Expo will feature a variety of exhibits, an educational workshop on the film Meet Me at Equality hosted by our Office of Human Rights, entertainment and a panel discussion focused around the year’s theme: “African Americans and the Vote.” The Expo will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Long Reach High School in Columbia.
For questions and/or more information about either event, contact the Office of Human Rights at 410-313-6430.
Department of Planning and Zoning

Our Department of Planning and Zoning’s (DPZ) Design Advisory Panel (DAP) will hold a meeting this Wednesday, February 12 starting at 7:00 p.m. in the George Howard Building’s Columbia/Ellicott City Room to hear the following item:
The DAP process encourages excellence in project architecture and site design to improve design compatibility with surrounding development, to promote revitalization and to enhance property values. For DAP’s Rules of Procedure, click HERE . For questions and/or more information about DAP, contact the DPZ at 410-313-2350 or email .
On Thursday, February 20 th , DPZ’s Planning Board will be holding a public hearing in the George Howard Building’s Banneker Room starting at 7:00 p.m. to discuss new and substantially modified capital projects that have been requested by County agencies to be included in my proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Master Plan. Items on the agenda include:
A sign language interpreter may be requested at least seven days in advance of the above meeting by calling the Department of Planning and Zoning at 410-313-2350 (voice) or use Relay at 7-1-1, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A five-member board, the Planning Board makes recommendations to the Zoning Board or County Council on matters related to planning and zoning, and renders a final decision on selected development proposals. Before recommendations or decisions are made, the Board holds a public meeting or hearing to provide interested persons the opportunity to provide comment. For details about procedures for testifying at a Planning Board meeting, click HERE . To learn more about Howard County’s Planning Board and upcoming meeting dates, click HERE .
Police Department

Here in Howard County, we are committed to protecting our community with care and vigilance. That is why I am thrilled to see the launch of our Police Department’s (HCPD) one-year drone field test . The result of a workgroup recommendation, this program comes after months of research, testing and piloting this innovative drone technology. HCPD will use its three drones in situations: when life and safety are at risk; when there are specific and articulable grounds to believe that the drone will collect evidence relating to criminal activity; or when there is a signed search warrant from a judge for areas covered under the Fourth Amendment, which protects individuals from unreasonable search and seizure. Rest assured, our drones WILL follow ACLU public guidelines to ensure the community benefits from drone technology without privacy concerns and they will NOT be used for mass surveillance that could violate First Amendment-protected activities.

The launch of this field test is just another step forward in our commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our residents. To learn more about this program, click HERE .
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance projects have been announced. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the  February 3, 2020   newsletter.

  • Twin Rivers Road Water Main Replacement (Capital Project W-8331) – Project to remove and replace a water main along the eastbound lane of Twin Rivers Road between Governor Warfield Parkway and Harpers Farm Road. As temporary traffic delays can be expected throughout the project, signs and flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic as needed during construction hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by mid-August 2020.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email  for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s  website  and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Also, be sure to follow the County’s  Facebook  and  Twitter  pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s  street sweeping  schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Maryland State Highway Administration

The Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) public informational meeting and open house to announce its upcoming improvements to US 29 at Rivers Edge Road in Columbia, previously scheduled to take place this Thursday, February 13 th , has been POSTPONED until further notice. Per SHA, the delay will provide the State the opportunity to continue working with the community as it develops improvements to enhance safety at this intersection and gather feedback. There will be NO changes to the current traffic configuration at this time. Once SHA has a new public meeting date, we will share it.
For questions and/or to speak to someone further regarding this project, contact Elizabeth Harris, SHA District 7 Community Liaison, at 301-624-8157 or email .
Department of Public Works' Bureau of Environmental Services

County residents and contractors, for the FIRST TIME EVER, our Bureau of Environmental Services is GIVING AWAY shredded wood at the Alpha Ridge Landfill . Available on a first come, first served basis, this product can be used for garden paths, weed prevention, base wood for dyed mulch, erosion control, temporary access roads and soil amendment. This giveaway is just another example of the many organic products our Bureau of Environmental Services’ offers to help ensure a clean and sustainable environment and I hope you will take advantage of it, while helping us reduce our shredded wood stockpile at the Landfill.
To find out more about this FREE give away, click HERE or call 410-313-6444.
If you are or know of a business, community group or organization here in Howard County who is creating recycling programs and green initiatives to reduce waste and support our local environment, we encourage you to nominate them today for the County's third annual “Business Recycling and Waste Reduction” and “Green Community Leadership” awards program. Help us recognize these business, community group and organizational leaders who are supporting our goal to create a clean and sustainable environment and demonstrating that purposeful actions can result in creating a better community for all. Submit a nomination form today by clicking HERE . The DEADLINE to submit a nomination is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14.
Department of Recreation & Parks
CHECK IT OUT! Howard County Recreation and Parks' 2020 Spring/Summer Activity Guide is NOW available online . With two seasons worth of fantastic programs, classes, special events and sports leagues to choose from, there's something for everyone. And don’t forget, online registration for Howard County residents for this guide begins Wednesday, March 4 at 6:00 p.m.

Looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day outing for you and your sweetheart? Join the Robinson Nature Center staff on Saturday, February 15 th for its special holiday truffle-making and wine-tasting program! During this two hour workshop, you’ll learn the art of hand-rolling tasty chocolate truffles as you enjoy samples of six wines from Linganore Vineyards. Each participants leaves with 10 hand-rolled truffles to enjoy at home! Tickets are moving fast, so visit to purchase your tickets today!
UPDATE ON CENTENNIAL WEST PARK BRIDGE CLOSURE: A Recreation and Parks' project to replace the pedestrian bridge located along the pathway loop in Centennial Park’s west area in Ellicott City, is expected to begin this spring. As the bridge site will be CLOSED until the installation of the new bridge (which is currently being engineered) is complete, detour signs and route will be in place to help guide park visitors around the closure. Barrier walls have been installed along the northbound shoulder of Centennial Lane to separate and protect visitors from passing traffic, and to take visitors around the site so they may continue walking the lake loop. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late spring.
This Saturday, February 15 th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., join our Department of Recreation & Parks at the Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum as it celebrates the lives and legacies of Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks, two revolutionary icons who fought injustice on behalf of black Americans. At this informative and educational talk, learn how Tubman earned the nickname “Moses” as she led over 300 enslaved Americans to freedom along the Underground Railroad. For more information, contact Kelly Palich at 410-313-0423 or .
It’s Sensory-Friendly Sunday at Robinson Nature Center this February 16 th . From 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., visitors of all ages are invited to experience Robinson and its exhibits, Discovery Room, trails and NaturePlace play area in a quiet and relaxing environment. To learn more about this program, click HERE .
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Our Recreation & Parks Advisory Board will be holding a public hearing on February 19 th at 7:00 p.m. at Recreation & Parks Headquarters in Columbia, to consider the installation of an outdoor lightning alert system in the County’s eight regional parks. Residents interested in speaking at the hearing, may sign-up online by visiting and clicking on “Public Comment.” From the same link, residents may also provide online testimony. Residents are reminded that internet testimony is considered public information and, as such, is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act .   
Office of Transportation
The goal of our O ffice of Transportation 's North Laurel Connections bicycle route project is to develop an enhanced bicycle connection for residents and visitors, connecting the Patuxent Branch Trail trailhead at Savage Park to the North Laurel Community Center and continuing to the Laurel Race Track MARC Station and the Laurel MARC Station. This Wendesday, February 12 th , I invite you to j oin Transportaion at Howard County Library System’s Savage branch starting at 6:30 p.m. to learn about its the newest plans for this project. At Wednesday’s meeting, Transportation will present revised concept plans for the full route and design plans for the two pathway segments of the project.
Last week, the Howard County Council unanimously adopted the updated WalkHoward plan , the County’s pedestrian master plan that provides vision, framework and guidance for improving walkability and pedestrian access to transit within the county. A critical component of creating a multi-modal community for all, WalkHoward will now be the definitive reference for proposed pedestrian improvements within the County that all agencies, developers and stakeholders can reference for guidance. Updates to the plan included a greater emphasis on safety and accommodations for people with disabilities and integration with transit services and schools.
I am thankful for the effort that went into creating such a comprehensive and thoughtful approach to making Howard County more accessible and reliable for pedestrians, and to the Council for its unanimous support.
Our Office of Transportation WANTS TO HEAR from you Howard County! As Downtown Columbia grows, we want to know what strategies you think will help reduce the number of trips made, move more people in same amount of roadway space and spread travel demands across more hours of the day to take advantage of space and capacity to help us as we develop our Transportation Demand Management Plan for Downtown Columbia. Share your thoughts with us with this quick survey: .
Every year, the County submits its annual Priority Letter to the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), outlining the County's prioritized transportation projects for MDOT’s six-year (FY 2021-2026) Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP). The CTP is Maryland’s capital program for state-funded and state-led transportation projects and operations and includes details on both major and minor projects expected to be designed or constructed during the span of the program.
As part of the Priority Letter process, our Office of Transportation will host a public information and input meeting on Thursday, February 20 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Columbia/Ellicott City Room of our George Howard Building. During the meeting, our staff will present information on priority letter projects and solicit feedback and comments on both general transportation priorities and specific projects. The presentation will begin at 5:30 p.m. and be repeated at 7:00 p.m.
Information about the FY 2021 Priority Letter, copies of previous priority letters and more information is available online HERE . For questions, to learn how you can submit your comments if not able to join us on the 20 th and/or for more information, contact Transportation at 410-313-4312 or email .
Upcoming Events and Meetings
January 10 to February 21 | HoCo Open Art Exhibit HoCo Open ,

Howard County Arts Council annual non-juried exhibit celebrating artists who live, work or study in Howard County. HoCo Open will run from January 10 th through February 21 st , 2020.
February 11 | Mission Nutrition: Take a Break Snack Mix

Join nutrition specialist Marcus Hockaday at the Elkridge 50+ Center from 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. for heart-healthy nutrition tips, recipes and tastings. Participants will learn how to create an easy-to-make snack mix recommended by the American Heart Association. For more information on this FREE event, call 410-313-5192.
February 12 | North Laurel Connections Public Meeting

Public meeting to present the newest plans for the North Laurel Connections bicycle route project. To learn more about this project and meeting, visit .
February 13 | Black History Lunch and Learn

Join DCRS for a lunch and learn experience at the Elkridge 50+ Center from noon to 2:00 p.m., focused on exploring Black history and Black experiences within the context of American history, systems, institutions and culture. For questions and/or more information, contact  Jeannie DeCray at 410-313-5175 or email .
February 13 | Grant Needs Discussion Roundtable

Howard County is in the process of preparing its FFY 2020-2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan and FFY 2020 Annual Action Plan. These plans are requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the county to receive Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership funds. For more information and/or if interested in attending Thursday’s roundtable , email  or call 412-461-6916.
February 13 | Community Conversations
Join the Department of Community Resources and Services for a Community Conversation on February 13 th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center in Columbia, for a discussion on ways to help the county become a more equitable and vibrant community. For more information about this FREE event, contact Triston Cooper at 410-313-6549 (voice/relay).
February 13 | Leadership U Information Session
Leadership Howard County (LHC) is recruiting current high school sophomores for its Leadership U Class of 2020. The Leadership U program empowers students to learn by doing. Participants work in teams to discuss, reflect upon and develop solutions for problems that affect them and their peers in the community. They develop mentoring relationships with adult community leaders, learn about Howard County’s government, businesses and services, and hone their presentation skills. Interested county 9 th and 10 th graders and their parents are invited to attend this information or the last one scheduled for March 1 st , to learn more about Leadership U. To learn more, visit .
February 15 | Black History Expo
The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Howard County and the Howard County Public School System invite you to participate in the 2020 Black History Expo on February 15 th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Long Reach High School. This year’s expo will feature a variety of exhibits, an educational workshop on the film Meet Me at Equality hosted by the County’s Office of Human Rights, entertainment and a panel discussion focused around the year’s theme: “African Americans and the Vote.” For questions and/or more information, contact  Muriel Mitchell at 410-461-4717 or email
February 17 | Presidents’ Day Holiday Closings

Howard County Government offices will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of the Presidents’ Day. holiday. There will be REGULAR curbside trash, recycling and food scrap/yard trim (for those with both) collection on the 17 th ; the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will NOT be in effect. For a full list of what County Government offices and local affiliates are OPEN and CLOSED on the 20 th , click HERE .
February 18 | Long Reach Rising Work Session

Join our Department of Planning and Zoning, the Long Reach Community Association and myself on Tuesday, February 18 th at 7:00 p.m. at the Stonehouse Community Center, located at 8775 Cloudleap Court in Columbia, for a work session to discuss the Long Reach Village Center, specifically background and recent events, revitalization and activation and timeline. For more information, visit .
February 20 | Health Department Rabies Vaccine Clinic

Howard County Health Department, in cooperation with the Animal Control and Adoption Center, to host its monthly local vaccination clinic to protect your pet from the rabies virus. County residents are invited to bring their dog, cat or ferret for a discounted vaccination the 3 rd Thursday of each month. Click HERE to learn more.
February 20 | Priority Letter Meeting

Our Office of Transportation will host a public information and input meeting on Thursday, February 20 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the George Howard Building, to discuss the County’s priority letter Maryland Department of Transportation projects and solicit feedback and comments on both general State transportation priorities and specific projects.