Shadow Husky Rescue holds this poem close to our hearts because it reminds us that this is what we are doing here.

We are giving these huskies a chance at Love by saving them from Death. We save the lives that would be euthanized and forgotten, whether it be medical huskies who we nurse back to health or simply the ones who were failed by humans and dumped in shelters.

We do our best to help as many people as we are capable of who reach out with surrenders, who have found strays, or are trying to help with a dog they see in a bad situation.

We Need Fosters
Fosters are the most important part of the rescue business. If you are able to bring in a let down husky into your home and help restore his faith in humanity, even for a short time, please reach out and become part of our foster program.

You would be helping us in the greatest way by being a stepping stone from death to a loving forever home for these huskies.