We are grateful for your prayers!
Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, then you will be able to pray for every part of the world each year!

22 BWA Member Bodies
Arunachal Baptist Church Council
  • 1,150 Churches
  • 122,880 Members
Assam Baptist Convention
  • 860 Churches
  • 35,839 Members
Baptist Churches Council of Eastern India
  • 126 Churches
  • 25,000 Members
Baptist Church of Mizoram
  • 677 Churches
  • 122,284 Members
Baptist Union of North India
  • 54 Churches
  • 15,700 Members
Bengal Baptist Union
  • 145 Churches
  • 7,785 Members
Convention of Baptist Churches of the Northern Circars
  • 255 Churches
  • 165,400 Members
Evangelical Baptist Convention of India
  • 216 Churches
  • 39,641 Members
Garo Baptist Convention of India
  • 2,536 Churches
  • 326,075 Members
India Association of General Baptists
  • 121 Churches
  • 10,300 Members
India Baptist Convention
  • 80 Churches
  • 8,000 Members
Karbi Hill Baptist Convention
  • 335 Churches
  • 37,481 Members
Karnataka Baptist Convention
  • 830 Churches
  • 68,800 Members
Lairam Jesus Christ Baptist Church
  • 110 Churches
  • 18,570 Members
Lower Assam Baptist Union
  • 335 Churches
  • 38,088 Members
Maharashtra Baptist Society
  • 377 Churches
  • 12,437 Members
Manipur Baptist Convention
  • 1,471 Churches
  • 220,190 Members
Nagaland Baptist Church Council
  • 1,615 Churches
  • 610,825 Members
North Bank Baptist Christian Association
  • 1,184 Churches
  • 101,436 Members
Orissa Baptist Evangelistic Crusade
  • 34 Churches
  • 3,842 Members
Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches (membership under review)
  • 893 Churches
  • 475,639 Members
Tripura Baptist Christian Union
  • 943 Churches
  • 70,654 Members
Pictured is a warm welcome from a Baptist church in India during General Secretary Emeritus Denton Lotz's visit in 2001.
In 2007, more than 450 delegates attended the BWA Living Water Conference in Dimapur, Nagaland.
General Secretary Emeritus Neville Callam receives special gifts during his visit to India in March 2013.
Join us in thanking God for the beautiful diversity found within India, home to more than 2,500 distinct people groups who speak over 450 languages.
Join us in praying for the significant hunger needs in this region with an estimated 15% of the population currently suffering from malnourishment.

Sri Lanka

1 BWA Member Body
Sri Lanka Baptist Union
  • 39 Churches
  • 6,509 Members

Pictured is Rev. Heshan de Silva, President of the Sri Lanka Baptist Union, during a special prayer time led by Asia Pacific Baptist Federation General Secretary Vee Tetseo for the people of Sri Lanka at the 2019 BWA Annual Gathering.
Join us in thanking God for the young pastors and church leaders who have a passion to share the Gospel message and for the fruit being born from these evangelistic efforts.
Join us in prayer for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 and for churches seeking to respond to those in need. Pray also for peace and protection in the midst of an unstable political climate in which the Parliament was dissolved in March, preventing elections from proceeding and leading to a constitutional crisis.
Join us also in prayer for the people of Pakistan, the sixth-most populous country in the world with a population exceeding 212 million people.
100 years ago our global Baptist family stood together by giving the first Baptist World Aid gift to communities suffering in the aftermath of the Spanish Flu pandemic. One hundred years later, we are asking you – our Baptist sisters and brothers – to respond again to a global church that is suffering. As the Spirit moved in power at Pentecost, we invite you to stand together as a global family this Pentecost weekend (May 29-31). Imagine the mountains God will move if every Baptist church in every region of the world unites together in worship, stands together in prayer, and gives together to help those in need. Sign up to participate at .
Are you searching for ways to make a difference in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic? General Secretary Elijah Brown invites you to join 47 million Baptists united in prayer and action through the  Standing Together Global Response Plan . In the last month, this response has already included  100+ grants impacting more than 60 countries and 100,000 people.  Thank you for standing with us at this critical time.
New Life

When everything around seems to be collapsing into injustice and chaos
Creator God, teach us to love you
and to recognize that you hold the earth gently in your hands.
When we do not know just what to do and where to turn,
teach us to trust your wisdom,
so that we can discern your presence in events around us.
When we become unforgiving and vindictive,
teach us to grasp your tenderness,
and forgive us for all we do wrong.
When violence, fear and hatred seem to overtake us,
teach us to receive your compassion,
and steer our lives in the ways of justice and peace.
When we think we can go it alone,
teach us to depend on your grace,
so that with patience and persistence we can transform the world.
But most of all,
teach us to appreciate your goodness,
for in you we have new life!

(Aruna Gnanadason, World Council of Churches Coordinator for Justice, Peace and Creation - India)