February 2020: News and Updates
A monthly newsletter from the Center of Human Health and the Environment
Upcoming Events
2/20/20 CHHE's Fourth Annual Symposium:
"Interactions Between the Brain and the Environment"
Additional details below.
8:30 - 5:00 Talley Student Union

2/28/20 CHHE Pilot Project Application Deadline!
Additional details below.
February 2020 calendar with holidays on red paper background
NC State University’s Center for Human Heath and the Environment (CHHE) is announcing its request for applications (RFA) for pilot project proposals for Fall 2020. Applications are due on February 28, 2020. The earliest start date is mid-April 2020 and CHHE expects to fund 6-8 projects. The CHHE Pilot Project Program (PPP) fosters collaborations, increases interdisciplinary research and aids in the career development of early career investigators to advance environmental health research. More details about the objectives of the PPP and RFA instructions can be found here .
funding fund raising for charity money donation for non profit organization
Welcome New Members
Albert Keung, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Full membership

Kazuhito Sai, Biological Sciences, Affiliate membership
The Fourth Annual CHHE Symposium
The Fourth Annual CHHE Symposium will explore the importance of environmental exposures on the brain, behavior, and neurodevelopmental
outcomes. We will have guest speakers at the forefront of the field, and will highlight the breadth of neuroscience research within CHHE.

Guest Speakers:
Mamta Behl (NTP) – Developmental neurotoxicity program
Tim Shafer (EPA) – Protecting the developing brain
Caroline Smith (Duke) – Prenatal exposure and neurotoxicity
Janice Juraska (University of Illinois) – EDCs, development, and behavior

CHHE Speakers:
Sagi Gillera, Aaron Hipp, Cathrine Hoyo, Beth Lucas, and Kurt Marsden

Where: Talley Student Union
NC State University
Raleigh, NC

Registration: 2020 CHHE Symposium
Scott Belcher was recently quoted in the News & Observer's article " NC State researchers find high levels of firefighting foam chemical in Cape Fear bass ". Read more here...

CHHE member Nadine Kotlarz was quoted in a recent Buzzfeed article on PFAS developments. Read more here...

CHHE Detlef Knappe was quoted on PBS newshour: "'Forever chemicals' found in drinking water in dozens of cities" Read more here...

Sarah Orr, graduate student in David Buchwalter's lab won best student presentation at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in Austin TX for her presentation entitled "It's all about the fluxes: Temperature influences ion transport and toxicity in aquatic insects" Congratulations Sarah!
We want your good news! Please send it to Jackie Broughton or Jane Hoppin.
Interest Groups News
 Environmental Epigenetics and Genetics Interest Group
Leaders:   David Aylor   and  Mike Cowley
This group will build a community of faculty, staff and students interested in the mechanisms and consequences of interactions between the environment and the epigenome. We will discuss current trends, exchange ideas, share technical knowledge, and foster collaborations with the goal of addressing outstanding questions in the field.

Behavior and Neuroscience Interest Group
Leader:   Emilie Rissman
This group will focus on research examining the influences of the environment on issues in Neuroscience. Examples of the environment include sensory, diet, behaviors, neurotoxicants, etc. Goals include increasing research collaborations, grant submissions, enhancing trainee presentation skills and our presence at the Society for Neuroscience meeting.

Pulmonary Interest Group
LeaderKym Gowdy 
This group will work to establish collaborations between basic and translational scientists and clinicians that are interested in understanding mechanisms behind environmental exposures and lung diseases. We will hold meetings at both NCSU and ECU to facilitate exchange of ideas and expertise that will result in interdisciplinary groups that can apply for external funding opportunities.

Emerging Contaminants Interest Group
Leader: Jane Hoppin
Are you studying PFAS, BMAA, green space, nanoparticles, other emerging topics of interest? If so, think about joining the Emerging Contaminants Research Interest Group. 
Career Development
All investigators but particularly Early Stage Investigators are encouraged to work with the  Career Development Core  in development of their grants. Talk to  Nanette Nascone-Yoder   to set up a chalk talk to help organize ideas for your next proposal.
Remember to cite our  CHHE grant   P30ES025128 in publications if CHHE has provided you services, facility core use, seed/pilot project funds etc. NIH tracks this as an important CHHE metric.
CHHE Resources and Facilities Page for NIH Grants  is available on the CHHE   website .
PINS:  Remember when submitting your grants, be sure to select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as a center in PINS.

CHHE Cited Publications 

Click  here   to check them out!