The Weekly Evangelist
WE for Sunday, May 9, 2021, the 6th Sunday of Easter.

THIS SUNDAY, May 9th, and NEXT SUNDAY, May 16th will be ZOOM ONLY. There will be no in person worship this week or next. 
Please join us for Morning Prayer, Coffee Hour, and Announcements at 9:30 am. 

Meeting ID: 892 3690 8727
Passcode: 552574
OR Phone in at +1 312 626 6799

Compline and Chat

Wednesdays at 8 pm via Zoom.

Please join us on ZOOM for a short Compline Prayer service on Wednesday evenings beginning this week at 8 PM. Compline (or Complin) is the final prayer service of the day. The word is derived from “completion”. We will offer a short (15 minutes) prayer service and a time to visit with each other. The following ZOOM information will be a recurring check-in link. A wonderful way to prepare for a good night’s sleep and say thank you for your day. Hope to see you there.

Zoom link for Compline:

Meeting ID: 874 7394 0711
Passcode: 043830
OR Join by phone  +1 312 626 6799 
Wednesday Night Faith Formation

In the first century, Jesus of Nazareth inspired a movement. A community of people whose lives were centered on Jesus Christ and committed to living the way of God's unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial, and redemptive love. Before they were called "church" or "Christian," this Jesus Movement was simply called "the way.” Our vocation is to live as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. The deep roots of our Christian tradition may offer a path. For centuries, monastic communities have shaped their lives around rhythms and disciplines for following Jesus together. Such a pattern is known as a "Rule of Life. “Walking The Way of Love: Practices for Jesus-Centered Life” outlines a Rule for the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. Join us on Wednesday night before Compline as we explore this path. (Reading the book is optional.)
Come, join the discussion!
Starts April, 7th and runs for 8 weeks. Wednesday nights at 7 pm.

Meeting ID: 874 7394 0711
Passcode: 043830
OR Join by phone  +1 312 626 6799
It can be purchased/downloaded at many booksellers and on Amazon: Click Here
Announcement from the City of Mankato: 

In the early 1970s and 1980s, this area of Warren Street was updated with utilities and surfacing. Suggested improvements include replacing the existing pavement section, along with installing water main, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, utility services to each lot, curb and gutter, and replacing the traffic signals at the intersections of Broad and Second streets. Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Gas main replacement ongoing from Second Street to Val Imm intersections. The road closure is scheduled from Front Street to Glenwood Avenue for May 6, and a detour will be in place for motorists while the project is underway. Removals of surfaces will start on Monday, May 10. The project is slated for two phases and expected to be completed by mid-October 2021.
UPCOMING Worship Schedule
Worship Team: Rev. Cindi Brickson, Ann Clark, Steve Deeren, Margo Druschel, Nickie VanStelten, and Meg Stump. Mary Schuldt, Organist

Readers: Candace Black, Rick Robbins, Margo Druschel, Steve Druschel, Tim Secott, Joan Hertel, and Audrey Splinter.

Tech Team: Tim Secott, Steve Druschel, Margo Druschel, Jen Drganc.

Please let one of the Worship Team know if you would like to share your skills and talents. 
From ECMN: We're continuing to experiment with new ways to pray as one body in 94 places. The faith communities listed below are in a time of transition. We ask that you hold them and their time of discernment in your prayers.
St. Mary's, St. Paul
Cathedral of Our Merciful Savior, Faribault
St. Paul's, Duluth
St. John's, Mankato
St. James, Marshall

Starting on Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd, ALL are welcome to join us each
Sunday for 9:30 am worship. Plan to arrive a few minutes early to allow
for seating, as the Usher will direct you to your seats in family groups,
every other row.
Please wear red, yellow, orange, pink, and other firey colors for Pentecost!
Please wear your masks and follow arrows on the floor to limit crossing
into the bubble of other families.
If the weather is good, plan to bring lawn chairs and gather outside in the
labyrinth/yard after worship.
Zoom will continue as well for those unable to join us in person.
New Website Launches

St. John’s, Mankato is excited to announce our new website is launched. Please save this link to your bookmarks to have all the news and information you want about St. John’s.
Join the Prayer Chain!

All are invited to this important ministry. Please reach out to Rev. Cindi if you are interested or have questions. 612.998.5136
We have been selected to join the Iona Center’s new grant project to bring together lay and ordained leaders from "bi-vocational" churches all across the country to form Zoom-based learning communities that will support each other over the course of three years as they perform "small experiments" leading their congregations in spiritual disciplines designed to uplift the community, reaching out to the larger community, and discernment processes that will help the church find a common vocation for its life together in community. Think of it as an innovation lab with a lot of social support! More information will be shared as it is available. 
Vestry Updates:

The next Vestry Meeting will be Thursday, May 18th, at 6:30 pm. All are welcome please contact Jen or Tim for the zoom link. 

Vestry members:
Cindi Brickson, Companion Priest, 612-998-5136,
Ann Clark (2023), 507-201-4438,
Jen Drganc, co-warden (2022), 507-514-2418,
Steve Druschel (2022), 978-766-5252,
Robbi Heath (2023), 712-330-2795,
Mike Kearney (2023), 507-381-1435,
Tim Secott, co-warden (2022), 507-995-7825,
Pastoral Care

If you are in need or know someone in need of pastoral care, please reach out to our Companion Priest, The Rev. Cindi Brickson at 612-998-5136 or To be added to the prayer list please contact Connie Miller at or call her directly at 612.237.0940.
St. John’s Prayer List
Please pray for Gay, Andy, Bill, Ricci, Barbara,
Marcia, Mary, Mara, Jordin, Elsie, Elizabeth, Kate, Mary, Wendy,
Ann, Wayne, Swede, Jim, Libby, Bernie, Don, Anne, Mary,
Judy, Joan, Kylie, Amy, Alex and John.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jan Mickelson (05/06), Lisa Westberg (05/15),
Al Berner (05/18), Elsie Olson (05/20), and Paul Mackie (05/23).

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Steve and Marty Penkhus (05/20).
Parish Administrator: | 507-388-1969