Youth Empowered to Prosper News
June Edition
Empowering Youth Excellence
Celebrate Freedom on June 19th!
Juneteenth is an annual holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, and has been celebrated by African-Americans since the late 1800s. The holiday received its name by combining June and 19. The day is also sometimes called “Juneteenth Independence Day,” “Freedom Day” or “Emancipation Day!
Happy Father's Day!
Did you know? On May 1, 1972, President Richard Nixon signed Proclamation 4127, which declared Father's Day as a national holiday, with the first official celebration on June 18, 1972. "Let each American make this Father's Day an occasion for renewal of the love and gratitude we bear to our fathers, increasing and enduring through all the years," he wrote in the document.
Help us celebrate all Dads on Sun. June 20th!
Young Women Who Win Mentoring
Closing Ceremony Celebration
To all the mentees, mentors, volunteers and stakeholders,
thank you for participating in this amazing event. Thank you to For the Children for allowing us to use your space and to Healthier Lake Worth Beach for providing the gourmet pizza and salad. Take a look at the short video below for some touching moments!

Thank you for awarding YEP with a Grant for
Teen Leadership PBC!

Stay tuned for details of the program in the coming months.

Undergraduate students interested in program planning, communications, marketing and social media coupled with a passion for youth issues and a desire to learn more about this field are encouraged to apply.
Internships are paid a monthly stipend. To apply, please email resume and cover letter expressing your interest to
Would you like to serve on a YEP Committee?
Closing Ceremony for Future Leaders
July 13, 2021
The Future Leaders Prep Course is coming to end toward at the end of June. The course was designed for youth ages 14 to22 in PBC to learn about leadership development, financial awareness, and job preparedness.

Help us celebrate our Future Leaders on July 13th! Those who qualify, will be rewarded with stipends. Thank you BeWell PBC for funding this initiative!

Youth Empowered to Prosper is proud to announce that we have gained the trust & support from
GuideStar's Gold Seal!
Would you like to pay it forward?

*Make a Donation

*Volunteer on a Committee

*Become a Mentor

*Like & follow YEP on social media

Thank you for your support!
Youth Empowered to Prosper (YEP), 561.720.2492
1104 N Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth, FL 33460