May Watershed News
Topics: Recharge! | Sacred Springs Kite Exhibit Call for Artists
Recharge to Discharge Karst Tour | Greenfielding Progress at Coleman's Canyon Preserve
Pristine Waters Bill | Texas Groundwater Shrinking (Op-Ed)
Bacteria Monitoring - Cypress Ck and Blanco Rv | Floodplain Reforestation Program
Upcoming Events

Welcome rains have saturated soils, allowed runoff, and helped recharge the aquifers a bit. Rain makes its way from the surface through karst features like caves and sinkholes into the groundwater system. Once recharge creeks start flowing, water reaches the aquifers quickly with little filtration. This rapid recharge is beneficial because groundwater supplies can be replenished quickly, but it can be problematic for water quality, so well owners should be aware and look for changes in taste, color, or appearance--particularly after rains. The EPA and many groundwater conservation districts have good guidance on when sampling is advised.

The graph above shows flow at two Middle Trinity springs–Jacob’s Well and Pleasant Valley. These springs provide the baseflow for Cypress Creek and the Blanco River in western Hays County, respectively. The 3-4″ rainfall totals at the beginning of the May contributed good recharge to the groundwater system. Jacob’s Well flow momentarily peaked at about 30 cfs, Pleasant Valley and Park Springs temporarily reached 17 cfs. Spring flow has slightly increased even after runoff ended, which indicates that recharge added water to the groundwater system. There will likely be a similar response with the next round of rain. The water level in the Mt. Baldy Monitor Well has leveled off, and with additional recharge may begin to increase.

NOAA has forecast significant rainfall for late May. Additional rains this week are expected to generate more runoff, and therefore, more recharge. With runoff comes the potential for high water in area creeks and rivers. Be cautious when driving over low water crossings–check for water over the road. Turn around, don’t drown.

Water levels and spring flows remain low. In order to preserve groundwater availability, coordinated water conservation measures are essential.
Art4Water: Sacred Springs Kite Exhibition Call for Artists

Celebrating the Great Springs of Texas, this kite exhibition is the inaugural program of Art4Water, an initiative to advocate for environmental protection through the lens of art. Art powerfully communicates the value of water beyond words.

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Solutions to Blanco Wastewater Discharge Seeing New Light

The impact of the election May 1 on Blanco citizens and their Wimberley Valley neighbors downstream along the Blanco River was immediately apparent at the city's May 11 council meeting under new mayor Rachel Lumpee, joined by new council member...

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Recharge to Discharge Karst Tour

Going from Coleman's Canyon to Jacob's Well, UT students followed the path of groundwater! The UT Hydro Field Camp visited with staff from the WVWA, Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA), and Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District.

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Greenfielding Progress at Coleman's Canyon Preserve

When WVWA purchased the Coleman's Canyon property, greenfielding derelict buildings was a priority. The greenfielding project began in March 2021, and the progress has been incredible. WVWA partnered with a company to strategically deconstruct...

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Senate's Turn to Protect Pristine Waters

There are only a few truly pristine rivers left in Texas. HB 4146 (passed by the House on 5/11/21) would help protect them. Lt. Gov. Patrick will send it to the Senate for consideration soon. Help by voicing support for this bill. Only about 40...

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Texas groundwater supplies are shrinking (Op-Ed)

My great-grandfather founded our family's Hill Country ranch in 1887. For nearly 100 years, spring water flowed through the seeps and creeks of our land,...

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Bacteria Results for Cypress Creek and Blanco River

The Wimberley Water Advisory Group is a group of volunteers that has monitored Cypress Creek and the Blanco River near Wimberley for E. Coli bacteria for decades. As long-time supporters of this data gathering effort, the WVWA is coordinating with...

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Central Texas Floodplain Reforestation Program

Impacts to trees, especially the devastating impact to iconic Cypress trees along the Blanco River, is still evident from the 2015 flood. These trees are a key part of the riparian habitat and help stabilize banks to minimize erosion. Treefolks is...

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What's Next for Texas Water? (EDF & Headwaters Alliance)

Texas' underground water supplies are struggling. That creates long-term uncertainty for landowners who rely on groundwater, the rivers and streams that are fed by it, and the plants and wildlife that will die without it. Yet the Legislature has...

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Wimberley One-Water School - Innovative Design (7/1/21)

The Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District has announced its 2021 Water-20 Speaker Series. Speakers will present at 5:30 live and online. Dial-in information will be on the District website

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The Wimberley Valley Watershed Association is a 501c3 non-profit organization. In order to carry out our mission, we rely upon generous donations by people like you who care about protecting and preserving the natural beauty of the Hill Country. Your contributions are tax-deductible. 
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