Advocacy event spotlight
Rather than reinvent the advocacy wheel, learn from the leaders that have planned successful advocacy events at other chapters.
Oklahoma's Pizza and Politics
In November, the Oklahoma College of Dentistry hosted "Pizza and Politics," an event to educate students and faculty about current issues being faced at the national, state and local levels of government. The chapter worked with the Oklahoma Dental Association to organize a lineup of speakers who shared their great knowledge about the political happenings around the United States. Presenters included the president of the Oklahoma Dental Association, the Dean of the University Of Oklahoma College Of Dentistry and a lobbyist at the state capital employed by the Oklahoma Dental Association. To encourage students to participate, the chapter sent several all-school emails advertising the event and the availability of free pizza. There was a strong turnout of 80 students, the highest level for an in-school ASDA event for the chapter this year. 

Have additional questions about this event? Contact the Council on Advocacy.  

Record-breaking Advocacy Certificates awarded
Congratulations to all that participated in the Advocacy Certificate program. ASDA had a record-breaking year.
  • 1,401 total points were submitted by 270 individuals. That is more than 10x as many individuals participating last year.
  • 61 of 66 chapters had at least one submission.
  • 96 members earned enough points to be awarded an advocacy certificate.
The advocate who received the most points will recognized at Annual Session in March. All other certificate holders will receive their certificate and pin in the mail in the coming weeks.
Lobby Day registration opens on Feb. 17
You and your classmates can join hundreds of other students and dentists who are eager to make change on Capitol Hill. Throughout three days in Washington, D.C., you will network with dentists from your state, hear from prominent speakers, meet with your elected officials and attend receptions.

Talk to your chapter leaders to register once ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day opens on Feb. 17. We hope to see you in Washington, D.C, April 26-28! 
FROM Washington
House approves VA Dental Care Pilot Program

The issue:  The House of Representatives passed H.J. Res. 80.  The resolution aims to  expand veteran  access to dental care by allowing the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to connect veterans to community-based or discounted dental services in their area. The resolution would not cover the cost of these services, but simply serve as a medium to connect veterans with dental care options. Currently under the law, the VA cannot connect veterans with dental providers outside of the VA. The resolution now moves to the Senate for consideration.

Why is it important?  As listed in ASDA's H-8 policy , the association supports initiatives to improve and foster the oral health of military veterans. The pilot program may reduce barriers to care for veterans in need of dental services.

FROM the states
Wisconsin Rural Dentistry Scholarship bill moves to the Senate 

The issue:  On Jan. 21, the Wisconsin Assembly passed AB 258 and it now moves on to the Senate for consideration. The bill would provide a scholarship for Marquette University School of Dentistry students. It would require recent graduates to practice at least 12 months in a rural underserved area of the state. Up to five students could receive as much as $40,000 annually. The bill also allocates $350,000 to Marquette to help with programs dedicated to the recruiting and training students in rural dentistry.

Why is this important?  ASDA supports legislation that reduces the  burden of student debt for  recent  graduates. This bill may also reduce barriers to care for residents that live in dental health shortage areas.

The issue: In early January, HB 2046 was introduced. The bill would enable anyone who holds a professional license in another state for a least a year to apply for a Missouri license. This bill would apply to dentists and would require the Missouri Dental Board to waive any licensure requirements for applicants that can demonstrate that they have held a license in another state for a year and are not under investigation by any licensing board. The bill has passed two committees and a vote on the House floor could be scheduled soon.

Why is this important? Last month we shared that Ohio is considering licensure portability legislation and that Arizona passed a similar bill in May 2019. This trend could make it easier for dentists to obtain licenses in different states.

Advocacy Brief shares news about ongoing issues and legislation that are of interest to dental students and organized dentistry. Inclusion of items does not imply their adherence to ASDA policy.