February 7, 2020


Join our partners list!
NEXT FRIDAY (February 14) is the deadline to become an AGC annual partner for 2020. Get the details here.
MnDOT seeks federal infrastructure investment funding for three projects
The Minnesota Department of Transportation will seek funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Infrastructure for Rebuilding America discretionary grant program to help advance three high-priority infrastructure projects that will improve safety and economic vitality.

MnDOT is submitting grant applications for two projects in Greater Minnesota and one in the Twin Cities area:
  • US Highway 14 Four-Lane Expansion - Grant request: $50 million to help fund the estimated $90.5 million project that will expand Highway 14 to four lanes from New Ulm to Nicollet. The project is currently unfunded. MnDOT and local partners will fund the difference as well as seek additional dollars from other federal sources to construct the project.
  • Highway 10 Rum River Bridge Replacement and Corridor Improvements - Grant request: $15 million to help fund the estimated $68 million project, which will replace the bridge over the Rum River and improve the Ferry Street (Highway 47/Highway 169) interchange at Highway 10.
  • Interstate 90/US 52 Interchange Reconstruction - Grant request: $13.4 million to help fund the estimated $25 million project, which will replace and reconstruct multiple ramps and bridges at the interchange to improve mobility and safety. The interchange, with at-grade left turns, ramps with sharp curves and bridges with a substandard height, currently does not meet the region's needs. The project is scheduled for 2024 construction.
The INFRA program nationally is expected to award more than $900 million to major projects that will improve transportation infrastructure, economic productivity and quality of life. For more information, visit
MnDOT Respectful Workplace Webinar
MnDOT Office of Civil Rights is hosting a free webinar - "Strategies for Creating a Respectful Workplace: Implementing best practices to improve workplace culture" on March 5 from 12-1 p.m.  Successful construction employers know that to meet future workforce challenges, they need to recruit from diverse talent pools, which means establishing a respectful and inclusive workplace culture that is welcoming to all.
If you are interested in participating in the webinar, please RSVP by February 27 to or 651-366-3315. 
When do Statutes of Repose Begin to Run on
Condominium Projects?

A statute of repose defines the date by which a particular type of claim must be asserted before it becomes untimely, or "stale," and can no longer be pursued.  This provides designers and builders of construction projects some security that, after a certain date, they cannot be hauled into court to answer for their alleged breaches of contract, negligence, or breaches of warranty. What if the claim involves the construction of a condominium project? Read More

Written b y David D. Hammargren, Larkin Hoffman Attorneys
Construction and Surety, Construction Litigation, Real Estate Litigation

Upcoming ADA Design and Construction Inspection Certification Courses
The MnDOT ADA Unit is again providing two separate courses this winter for consultant designers and construction inspectors:
  • Accessible Design in the Public ROW Certification
  • ADA Construction Certification
The training announcements and course information can be found hereContact Joe Zilka at MnDOT with any questions.
2020 Legislative Session Kicks Off Next Week
The AGC Government Affairs team has been working in the interim to build important coalitions and draft bills that reflect AGC's Legislative Platform for the 2020 session, which begins on February 11th and will wrap up by May 18th. Priorities include advocating for infrastructure through a bonding bill and addressing underground damage prevention, among several other initiatives. Check the Weekly Update for updates each Friday, respond to Action Alerts as needed, and consider joining the Legislative Committee.
AGC's Legislative Committee meets every other week during the legislative session. To keep up-to-date on legislative issues that affect your business and the construction industry, contact Laura Ziegler to join the committee. Skype is always available to attend remotely.

U.S. House Passes PRO Act

The U.S. House of Representatives this week passed comprehensive legislation (called the PRO Act) that if passed into law would have substantial implications for both union and non-union contractors. Among its numerous provisions, the legislation makes significant changes to the National Labor Relations Act, reverses and/or changes prior actions and declarations of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and impacts the status of collective bargaining agreements, strike and secondary boycott actions, and related labor relations and collective bargaining matters.  The legislation was passed this week on a largely party line vote in the Democratically controlled House, A handful of members from each party crossed established party line positions and voted for/ against the bill. The legislation is not expected to be brought up in the Republican-controlled Senate and the White House took the unusual action of issuing a veto threat, further weakening the bill's chances. 
AGC of America this week issued a white paper that provides a detailed analysis of how the legislation might impact both signatory and non-signatory contractors.  For further information on the PRO Act, please contact Mike Schechter or Laura Ziegler.
2020 Labor Negotiations Event
If you have a collective bargaining agreement expiring this Spring, be sure to RSVP to Mike whether you are able or not able to attend the negotiations event on March 4th.

Did you complete the survey on negotiation  issues?  If not, please contact Mike.
Form Termination Notices
Termination notices are due to unions with whom you have an expiring collective bargaining agreement.  Form termination notices are available  here (if you are a member and do not have login credentials, Renee would love to get you set up).  If you did not receive an email from Mike about this form and are signed to an expiring CBA, please contact Mike as soon as possible.
Next STP Classes Begin Soon
Registration is open for the next round of Supervisory Training Program (STP) classes.  These classes are beginning a bit earlier than our normal March/April schedule, so register soon to get a spot!

These will be the last STP classes offered until September 2020.

Unit 4: Contract Documents (Feb 19 - Mar 25)

Unit 6: Risk Management & Problem Solving (Feb 27 - Mar 26)
AGC Economic Summit
Where is the construction economy heading?

Is your business model focused on hot markets?

Where are the opportunities?

Which trends are pushing and pulling the industry?

How will materials pricing or challenges in the labor market affect your bottom line? 

AGC is pleased to present a unique opportunity to hear from two nationally-recognized experts, Ken Simonson (Chief Economist, AGC of America) and Jay Bowman (Principal, FMI), as they share observations and insights of significance to the commercial construction industry.

Join us on March 4 for a peek behind the curtain into local and nati
onal economies and  trends.

There's still time to sponsor the Economic Summit and get exposure in communications and at the event!  See the event registration for more details.
Construction Trends & Technology Council
As  Your Trusted Resource, AGC of Minnesota is providing an opportunity for your firm and personnel to learn from peers and industry leaders about construction technology.  What's out there?  What is coming?  Who is using which technologies?  How are they succeeding (or not)?  Which application(s) are best?  The AGC Construction Trends and Technology Council is a forum where disruptive thinking is embraced and participants will come away feeling engaged and energized about how technology and its integrated application can provide your firm with a competitive advantage.
A kickoff meeting of the Construction Trends and Technology Council is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 12:00- 2:00 pm at the AGC office in St. Paul (lunch will be served). There is no cost, but  registration is required. Remote participation is available.  

The CTTC is open exclusively to AGC members.
Underground Damage Prevention: National and Local Initiatives
This educational event on February 18 is open to all AGC members. AGC of America's Utility Infrastructure Division Director, Allen Gray, will discuss major initiatives in underground damage prevention and how Minnesota fits into national efforts.

Come to this event to learn about:
  • actions and partnerships that AGC of America has to represent utility contractors.
  • resources your company can access regarding utility damage prevention.
  • state legislation being pushed this year by AGC of MN to address recent utility locating issues.
Details and Registration  
DBE + MWSBE Showcase
Want to learn more about the DBE and MWSBE firms ready, willing and able to bid on your construction projects? Attend the DBE+MWSBE [Encore] Showcase on Thursday, March 26 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Earle Brown Heritage Center, and learn how you can engage with minority and women owned small businesses in various disciplines. 

New this year is the opportunity for contractors to participate in a Connect Up with a DBE and/or MWSBE, host a 45-minute informational session and receive over 40 capability statements. The Showcase is a stakeholder joint effort between MaKee Company, the National Association of Minority Contractors, and others. 



Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110  |   St. Paul, MN 55103