Oct. 2, 2020

We had a great first two days of school! Everyone was dropped off and picked up on time. School was WONDERFUL!

Here is some reminder information:

Group A-Monday/Thursday 8:26-3:26 Beginning October 1st.
Group B-Tuesday/Friday 8:26-3:26 Beginning October 2nd.

Students will have designated entrance and exit doors depending on their classroom.
  • Kessler, Walker and Hunter will use the South exit doors (near the kindergarten classrooms)
  • Smith, Truax and Mielke will use the Southeast exit doors (near 1st grade classrooms)
  • SAFE and Torches will use the front exit doors (near the office)
  • Sparks will use the Northeast exit doors (near Mrs. Martin’s classroom)
Students will be shown how to get to their doors. Specific teachers and aides will be stationed either at the exit door or the classroom door to help students find their classrooms. Remember only ½ of our students will be coming per day, so it won’t be as busy as usual. Students who ride the bus will be released to their doors and we will help students get to their classroom the first few weeks as well.

Doors will open at 8:10, please do not drop off students before 8:10 until staff is outside and available.

Please let your child know that ALL students are currently eligible to receive FREE breakfast and lunch daily. Some students have been nervous to take breakfast. If you do not want your child to receive lunch or breakfast, please let your child’s teacher know, otherwise they will receive both breakfast and lunch free of charge.  

Once we are in hybrid learning mode, remote learning will look different. We understand that students have spent too much time on the computers and in front of screens. Students will still be accessing SeeSaw on their remote learning days, but there will not be as many teaching videos. Teachers will be teaching in person on their hybrid days, and sending home paper pencil activities as much as possible. There will still be a writing video that will be an extension of the previous days writing. Students will have their writing folders to continue that work. Science and Social studies will continue online. Students will be expected to still check in and turn in assignments on SeeSaw when in remote. On Wednesday’s, teachers will be working with small intervention groups via Zoom. 

At this time we are not allowing parent volunteers or parents to enter and walk their child into their classroom.

If your child comes to school displaying any potential COVID-19 symptoms, students will go into our COVID sick room and parents will be called to come and pick up their student from school. I apologize that almost all symptoms including cold and flu are also COVID symptoms. Please know that our goal is to have all students at school everyday, we just do not want an accidental outbreak where we have to shut down a classroom or even the entire school.

Thank you for a great first few days! We look forward to many more in person days of learning with your children:)

Thank you,

Nicole Keorkunian, Principal
Cooper Elementary
Conferences are being held next week via Zoom! Reach out to your teachers if you have not signed up yet!
If your student will not be in school (remote or in person days), we ask that you call the attendance line at 269.349-2674 to report the absence, no later than the morning of the absence.

Please supply a reason why. We report illnesses to the County Healthy Dept. on a weekly basis.

Thank you!
Late Arrival
If your student is dropped off late to school they will enter the main entrance and we will sign them in.

Parents do not need to enter the school with them.
Upcoming Dates
10/6 - Conferences 4:00-7:00
10/7 - Conferences 12:30-
10/19 - Picture Day
10/20 - Picture Day
10/21 - VIRTUAL students Picture Day at Starr Elementary
11/20 - End of first Trimester
11/25 - 27 Thanksgiving Break
(It will prompt you to log into your account)

Channel: Click Here!
Cooper Elementary
Nicole Keorkunian, Principal
7559 N. 14th Street Kalamazoo, MI 49009 
Phone: 269.349.2674 Fax: 269.345.5111