Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
October / 2020
If you feel that you require some debt relief options or you want to get your finances back in great shape, then look no further because Advantage CCS has the only start-to-finish, fully-integrated, FREE, online Credit Counseling System out there. This is the first counseling system of its kind to provide truly personalized debt relief advice and suggest (if appropriate) whether a Debt Management Program (DMP) is right for you.

Click below to read more:
In This Issue:

Online Credit Counseling System
Emergency Credit Usage
Living Paycheck To Paycheck
How To Save During A Pandemic
Clients Speak Out (Reviews)
The Advantage Challenge
Credit cards are widely misunderstood financial tools. To some, they’re a source of unlimited funds that later turn out to be problematic when the bills are due. To others, though, they’re forbidden objects that must never be touched, stopping these fearful individuals from building credit or making.... Read more!
If you are living paycheck to paycheck, then you can rest assured that you’re not alone. You could find yourself in serious trouble if an unexpected expense came up. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to get.... Read more!
As a consumer, you need to try to build your nest egg of wealth at all times, no matter what’s going on in the outside world. A global pandemic, such as the coronavirus, can make the task challenging. However, there are some ways that you can make your money grow, even in uncertain.... Read more!
"Very professional. Always willing to answer any questions I might have. Enjoyed monthly articles. Appreciated monthly statements. Only required to send copies of bills every quarter. Just a great experience." ~ Elizabeth C.
"Advantage CCS was a life saver for me, they made my payment manageable, the staff was very friendly never felt embarrassed about my situation, answered all of my questions quickly. I loved that I got a statement monthly showing my balances decreasing. I hope I never put myself in a financial situation like I was in but I wouldn't think twice about using them again!" ~ Sandra G.
"Your people....especially Roberta were outstanding. Advantage was a life Saver for me! They helped me thru a very difficult period. I highly recommend your wonderful service. An absolute blessing! Thank you!" ~ Michael B.
Are you up for the Advantage Challenge?

We challenge YOU to check your credit report and if you can, your current credit score.

Use the free government owned website and select your report from one of the three major credit bureaus or you can see it from each of them. 

If it’s in your budget or if you can somehow get it for free (like on a credit card statement), opt to get your current credit score. Don’t use websites like Free Credit Score because they will charge you. They are not free!

Try to get it free from one of the credit bureaus or if one of your lenders like Bank of America or Discover offers it. Examine your credit report to see what you need to work on and to make sure everything listed is correct. 

Take steps to increase your credit score and check it again early next year. Let us know what changes you've made and how it affected your score. Send an email to We're looking forward to hearing from you!