THANK YOU for your life changing support through International Children's Network and it's Matsiko World Orphan Choir!
After a successful 2018-2019 tour, the Matsiko World Orphan Choir is taking a year off from touring in 2020. We have had a fantastic sponsorship rate over the last several tours, and we want to make sure that the sponsorship programs in each country are caught up and ready to receive more support.

We will also be using this year to do some intensive leader training in each country to ensure that all of our leaders are operating at the highest level of integrity.
And finally, our choirs will be working hard to learn new songs and dances so that they will be able to WOW you all during their 2021 tour!

Stay tuned for our 2021 Matsiko World Orphan Choir Tour Dates!
Many people ask themselves, “how can I make the most impact with each dollar I give?”  Working, sponsoring and donating with International Children’s Network (ICN) allows you to make the most of your giving. ICN's annual audits show that nearly 90 cents of every dollar goes to it intended purpose. This is one of the highest ratios that can be found.
Educational sponsorship is the greatest way to prevent child trafficking. Many desperate families feel pressured to sell their children in order to give them a better life with a stranger. Once they see an opportunity for their child to have a better life, many will willingly sign their rights over to complete strangers believing that this is the only hope for their child to have a better life. Of course, these strangers have no interest in providing for the children, but instead use them to earn money.  
Edu cational sponsorship provides a better solution for these desperate families. Sponsorship allows the family to stay together and for the children to have a future. The opportunity to go to school and complete their education gives children the opportunity to become doctors, lawyers, mechanics, teachers, engineers, or anything else they desire.  Completing their education and finding a career means that the children can now help their families, villages, countries, and even the world!
Your support also helps form ICN's renowned Matsiko World Orphan Choir that has become the treasure of their nations and one of the greatest forces of good for our world's 600 million forgotten orphaned and at-risk children!

On behalf of the 600 million orphaned and at-risk children around the world, THANK YOU for making an impact with your support! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us at 253-632-8181 or email us at .
We invite you to join ICN on a service trip to witness the life-changing impact your love and sponsorship support provides. Join our team as we visit the Matsiko children, help set up sponsorship, provide sports, arts and music opportunities, help with tutoring, construction, medical care, or simply provide hugs to the many children desperate for love and affection.

You will have the opportunity to visit the any villages ICN works in and understand the value a complete education provides in preventing child trafficking while promoting a hopeful future.
You will also meet the local families, churches, schools and officials and experience the country from the perspective of the children you have come to know and love.

Excluding the airline flight, the cost is roughly $60 per day for all travel, wonderful lodging, and 2 meals. ICN can also arrange visits to any attractions you wish to see in the area as well. Visit our SERVICE TRIPS page or send an email to to learn more.
PERU May 11th-18th/24th
LIBERIA August 7th-21st

We hope to see you in Peru or Africa!
If you shop on Amazon, visit and select International Children's Network as your charity. Anytime you purchase eligible items through Amazon Smile, %.5 of the price will be donated to ICN.
Thank you for your love for the forgotten children around the world!  
We are extremely grateful for your support as we work to empower as many of the world’s 600 million orphaned and at-risk children as we possibly can.  
Thank you for working with us to accomplish this mission!

I nternational Children's Network (ICN) is proud to announce new accreditation with Billy Graham's Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. EFCA joins GuideStar, Network for Good, Better Business Bureau, United Way and others in recognizing ICN with the highest level of financial accountability.
International Children’s Network |  Matsiko World Orphan Choir
PO Box 7695, Covington, WA 98042   
253-632-8181 | |