in Music 

Jackson Browne  10/9/1948

            Albert Franz Doppler           10/16/1821

            Charles Edward Ives           10/20/1874
Mark Your Calendars

 Rockbridge Youth Chorale guest performance at W&L Fall Choral Concert,  
8 PM, Wilson Hall,  
W&L Lenfest Center

 Holiday Concert, Rockbridge Chorus
and Rockbridge Youth Chorale, 7:30 PM,
Presbyterian Church. 
Community Caroling
begins at 7:15.


Rockbridge Chorus
extends the holiday season with Vaughan Williams Hodie and Saint-Saens Oratorio de Noel,
3 PM,
Presbyterian Church.
Rockbridge Youth Chorale, Spring Concert,
7 PM,
Presbyterian Church

Rockbridge Chorus,
Spring Pops Concert,
7 PM
Presbyterian Church
Better Late Than Never
        The Rockbridge Chorus now has its long-promised singers' welcome brochure for the 2019/2020 season.  Want to know how to contact the board members of the Rockbridge Choral Society or your section leader?  How about what to wear for concerts or where to get copies of music?  Thanks to the efforts of board members David Biddle, Melissa Holland, and Anne Sauder, we have compiled everything you need to know about singing with the chorus, and we hope this information will be useful to all our singers, old and new.  Copies are available at rehearsals and on our website,     
They Came, They Ate, They Sang 
     The Rockbridge Chorus had its first pot-luck gathering of the 2019/2020 season on Monday evening October 7.  We got together, ate a lot of good food, got to know one another a little better, and then sang for our supper at the usual Monday evening rehearsal that followed.  Music for our December holiday concert was the order of the evening.  We are looking forward to joining again with the Rockbridge Youth Chorale for this concert on December 7.  November and December will be here before you know it, so get that concert on your calendar so you won't miss this fun annual Lexington tradition. 
An Anthem for  
Hong Kong? 
     Hong Kong doesn't have a national anthem.  At least a lot of Hong Kong's population doesn't think so these days.  Singing has been a part of this year's pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong with protesters early adopting Do You Hear the People Sing? from
Les Miserables as an anthem.  But since August, Hong Kongers have been singing in the streets and in shopping malls and interrupting the Chinese national anthem at soccer matches with a new anthem. Written and composed anonymously, then modified in online forums popular with protesters, "Glory to Hong Kong" features the kind of brass-heavy backing and soaring lyricism common to anthems, including the line "May people reign, proud and free, now and ever more." In a slickly produced video version, an orchestra and choir dressed in protester garb - black shirts, helmets and gas masks - perform through a fog machine, meant to evoke images of tear gas.  The song's creation mirrors the broader movement: Largely crowdsourced, yet reliant on the expertise of professionals in many fields.  Will it survive?  Only time will tell. LIsten here:  
One String Thing    

       Professional string players in orchestras from cold climates have employed bows strung with horse hair from equally cold climates (Siberia, Mongolia, and Canada). White and black horse hairs produce different sounds on different instruments. White is used almost exclusively by string players of the violin and viola, and black by cello and bass players.  
Who knew?

The Rockbridge Choral Society
P.O. Box 965
Lexington, VA 24450