Welcome, New Members!

We would like to welcome our newest members to PBA:  Antietam Entertainment ,  Bucket List Tours by Barb,  Explore Charles County  and  the  Old Barracks Museum!

Antietam Entertainment provides amazing food and top-notch entertaining productions for an excellent price!  Based in Hagerstown, MD, Antietam Entertainment is the perfect dinner show choice for your group!  
Contact:  Tim Rotz, Owner/Director

Bucket List Tours by Barb  In Bucket List Tours by Barb is all about you and what's on your Bucket List.  We listen to your ideas and incorporate them with other client ideas to make the perfect package.  We strive to keep our prices low and quality high.  We offer knowledgeable staff on each tour and in our office.
Contact:  Barbara Dunmire,  Owner
(717) 201-7566 
80/20 Rule for Work/Life Balance 
  February 11, 2020

Trends In Travel & Tourism
March 23, 2020

Marijuana in the Workplace
March 23, 2020 
(Central PA)
March 31, 2020 
(Eastern PA)
April 6, 2020 
(Western PA)

Group Leader Marketplace 
March 23-24, 2020
York Expo Center Arena
Deadline February 15th. 

Annual Meeting
June 21-23, 2020
Wind Creek, Bethlehem
Registration Opening in the Spring!

Explore Charles County   - You never know what you might find in this enchanting gateway to the state - and that is also part of our mystique.  There are reasons notorious and noteworthy figures have ventured here. And the reasons we hope you'll venture here as well...creating your own adventures, memories and stories in this legendary place.
Contact:  Maggie Boyden, Tour Specialist,  
(301) 932-3470 x 5162 

Old Barracks Museum  - In 1758, the Old Barracks was constructed to house British troops during the French and Indian War.  During the Revolutionary War, the barracks was one of Washington's military hospitals.  
Today it houses an interpretive museum, galleries and gift shop.  Guided tours, on the hour, from 10am-4pm Monday-Saturday.
Contact:  Michelle Doherty, Group Tour Coordinator,  
(609) 396-1776
Distinctive Driver and Safe Employee Award Nominations Open
Honor a special driver or employee who  has performed exceptionally well and deemed worthy of recognition by nominating them for thDriver and Employee of Distinction Awards Program.  This program is supported by our operator members.

The award presentation will take place during our March 23rd reception at the Wyndham York Hotel, the evening before the PBA Marketplace.  

Submit an online nomination  or you can  download and email/mail  the form.   Deadline for submission is March 1st .
Leadership Sessions-Marijuana in the Workplace
At the 2020 Leadership sessions, the hot topic of Medical Marijuana in the  Workplace will be facilitated by expert Denise Elliott. 

This year, we have scheduled three sessions on said topic. Please select the session that works best for you based on your location and availability:
  • Western PA: April 6, 2020 at Pittsburgh Marriott North, Cranberry Township, PA.
    Schedule: 11:30AM-2:00PM. Lunch included.
    Please here to register.
Creating Local Partnership to End Human Trafficking Coalition Build
PBA is co-hosting this half-day summit with the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office, the Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association, Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) and Busing on the Lookout (BOTL) to bring together key trucking, truck stop and bus industry stakeholders, with local, state and federal law enforcement and government agencies to work together to close loopholes to traffickers.

Date:   March 26, 2020, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (lunch provided)
Location:  Eden Resort & Suites 222 Eden Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601
Safety Drives Every Decision at Turnpike Commission
Despite the best efforts of the transportation industry nationally working together to reduce fatal and serious-injury crashes, nearly 40,000 people die each year in highway-related incidents; on average, 15 of those occur on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Every year, dozens of roadway workers, first responders and tow-truck operators are killed; we have felt the loss of 45 employees since opening in 1940. 
PennDOT, TSA Remind Pennsylvanians About REAL ID Enforcement
Beginning October 1, 2020,  a  federally-accepted form of identification (whether it's a Pennsylvania REAL ID driver's license or ID card, a U.S. Passport/Passport Card, a military ID, etc.) must be used as identification to board a commercial flight or visit a secure federal building that requires ID at the door. REAL ID-compliant driver's licenses and photo ID cards have been available at the customer's option since March 2019.

More information about REAL ID in Pennsylvania, including frequently asked questions and information on documents required for REAL ID , can be found at
FMCSA Extends Compliance Date for Entry-Level Driver Training Rule 
FMCSA is amending its December 8, 2016, final rule, "Minimum Training Requirements for Entry-Level Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators" (ELDT final rule), by extending the compliance date for the rule from February 7, 2020, to February 7, 2022.
AACA Museum, Inc. Elects Richard Sills As Its New President
The AACA Museum, Inc. elected Richard Sills as its 2020 President and also added four new members, Jim Hess, John Dockendorf, Chad Winters, and John Oakman to serve on the Museum's Board of Directors. The changes were made at the organization's November 23 meeting, effective January 1, 2020.  With these appointments, the AACA Museum Board is now comprised of 20 directors. 

Are you looking to stand-out to reach more tour planners and groups leaders to boost your group sales? After registering for Marketplace, why not choose a sponsorship/advertising opportunity that works for you? Our Marketplace directory reaches over 1,000 planners between group leaders and bus operators.   Link to Sponsorship Form .  

We would like to thank our Members who have signed up for a sponsorship:
Gold Sponsors:  

  Silver Sponsors:  
Important Deadlines:
  • February 15, 2020 - Sponsorship and booth deadline for guaranteed placement in Marketplace Directory.
  • February 23, 2020 - Designated hotel room deadline (Wyndham - York)
  • February 27, 2020 - Penn State Expo Services starts accepting booth shipments.

The 80/20 Principle for Tourism Pros Webinar with Sally Davis Berry 
The 80/20 Rule is a little-known law of nature that is the secret to being more efficient at work and happier at home. This principle shows us that 20% of our efforts bring us 80% of our results, and vice versa.

Date:   February 11, 2020 11:00AM (EST)
Cost:  PBA Member fee is $29.00 per person.
           Non-PBA Member fee is $49.00 per person.

Do You Have News  to Share?
We would love to hear from you.  S hare your news via email to .

The Motorcoach PAC allows the Pennsylvania Bus Association to support legislators who work with us to promote, change or defeat legislation that impacts our industry. Contributing to Motorcoach PAC gives us a stronger voice in Harrisburg. Please consider giving $200, $300 or more.

Personal checks may be made payable and sent to:

Motorcoach PAC
200 North Third Street, Suite 1500
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Corporate funds are not permitted in any form. Unincorporated business checks are acceptable providing no owner or partner of the business is a corporation. Please contact Milliron & Goodman if you have any questions at (717) 232-5322. Political Action Committee donations are not tax deductible.

Download the solicitation form for more information.  

Trans-Bridge Lines, Wolf's Bus Lines, Fullington Trailways &  Krapf Transportation  have coaches and other items for sale now! 

Download our logo above to display proudly on your website.