Military couple normalizes receiving support
The Girvan family struggled with accepting financial help for their special needs child. Support Our Troops helped them feel supported as they navigated the financial realities of raising a child with exceptionalities. 
Inaugural Victory March raises funds for humanitarian efforts at home and abroad
The first annual Victory March, supported by BMO Bank of Montreal, Veterans Affairs Canada and The Royal Canadian Legion, was a huge success! From May 1-9, Canadians laced up alongside members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and experienced the military tradition of marching. $85,000 was raised in support of Boomer’s Legacy, which funds humanitarian initiatives in communities where CAF members are deployed. The goal of these projects is to build local capacity to create lasting impact.

Boomer’s Legacy was founded in memory of Corporal Andrew “Boomer” Eykelenboom, a CAF Medic who was killed in action on August 11, 2006. Andrew was committed to saving lives and making a difference. His humanitarian spirit lives on through Boomer’s Legacy, committed to “Helping our Troops Help Others.” Since 2006, $1 million in grants has been distributed.

Thank you to everyone who participated! 
Scotiabank helps military kids connect through Personnel Support Programs (PSP) summer day camps
Military families who participated in the program expressed experiencing peace of mind and a sense of normalcy at home. Learn more about Scotiabank’s key role in supporting PSP camps.
Did You Know?
Children, youth and young adults from military families can access free mental health and well-being support by texting the keyword CAFKIDS at 686868 for service in English.

The Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone is confidential and available day or night.
Bright futures for scholarship recipients
The National Scholarship Program recognizes exceptional and deserving military family members working towards their post-secondary education goals. Thanks to the generosity of thousands of Canadians, we can continue providing financial support to students like Tristan and Bronte, and the dozens more who receive a scholarship every year.
Royal Military College women’s soccer team takes huge strides in raising awareness of mental health
This spring, the Royal Military College women’s soccer team ran, rucked, and marched 500 km to raise funds in support of mental health and Soldier On.
Register for the 2021 Virtual Navy Bike Ride! 
The Navy Bike Ride encourages the well-being of our families and communities and raises funds for those in our military community who need help.