Explore the Vision, Build the Myth, Know the Magic
The public is invited to join Honshin Fine Art for First Friday, October 4th from 5 - 8pm, with new poetry by Honshin, original music by Renick Turley, and special guest Kelvin Mockingingbird.

Vision Myth and Magic
Come to Honshin Fine Art first Friday and experience the vision created by our artists given to them by nature’s heart.

You will discover the myths, the the actual creations that the artists have brought forth from their visions and then they laid down the story of our current myths in the world today through their creative efforts artworks, poetry jewelry paintings and sculpture
Then come and know the magic. That your heart and their heart can resonate together through this wonderful art that’s been created through their vision and their myth and it will be your magic and their magic sharing together at Honshin Fine art this opening this Friday October 4 th
Song of the First Light
She Who Reveals the Master of the Nine Realms
Merging of Nature, Art and Science - Honshin
Vision of Liberation - Honshin
The Sacred Light of the Dance of Creation - Honshin
Vision of Tranformation - Honshin
Three Serpents of Light Dancing to the Song of a Golden Moment World
Eagle Mask

Star Mother Katzina
Handcolored Linoblock - Honshin
Song of the Shaman
Handcolored Linoblock - Daiensai
Natures Inspiration , Beauty, Transformation

Sharing the Peace and Joy of Enlightenment with all Sentient Beings

High Fired Ceramic on Petrified Wood

Meditating on the Heart of Sky
Peace and Joy Flow in the Four Directions
High Fired Ceramic and Turqoise

Emerging at the Well of
Golden Moments

High Fired Ceramic on Petrified Wood

Amulets of the Healing Heart
Moonstone, tourmaline, topaz, pearl
Margaret Thurman
2020 Thich Nhat Hahn Calendars and the Zen Cat Calendars are here and the cover girl for the large calendar approves!
All Artwork by Honshin

Call the gallery a small and large calendar together shipped anywhere in the contental US for $30

Honshin has received international acclaim for his work, which he sees as a mirror reflecting the true beauty and healing connectedness of all cultures. In 2001 he was invited by Thích Nhất Hạnh’s publishing company to collaborate in a series of calendars, datebooks, journals and note cards using his artwork and the poetry and teachings of the renowned Buddhist teacher. For the past Nineteen years they have inspired and guided people worldwide to practice the principles of compassion, love, kindness, and the joy of living in the present moment.

News and Events
News and Events
The largest painting ever created by Honshin (9 feet long) Is on the way to a new home and will only be on view in gallery until Sunday when it will be packed and shipped to Baltimore.
September 21
The Honshin Fine Art Team celebrated at the annual fund raiser for the Humane Society of Sedona.
October 12
Honshin Fine Art
Is sponsoring an adoption event with the Humane Society of Sedona. Every living being deserves a safe home. Come enjoy the event from 1 to 3.
0% of all sales this day at Honshin Fine Art will go to support the animals at the shelter.

September 28
Honshin Fine Art
Held a release party for the 2020 calendar series and is donating 10% of all calendar sales to the Humane Society of Sedona until October 12