Saint Martin's
Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 25th
3pm to 5pm
Bring a carload of fairies and ghouls and drive by decorated trunks! With safety in mind, children will receive a treat bag at the end.
Together with the United Reformed Church in Somerville, we are looking for donations of new socks to meet the needs of our local homeless population and others in need. A drop box will be available at the Trunk or Treat!
Opportunities to support the Trunk or Treat
Donate Candy! Box for donations outside St Martin's school entrance on Sunday October 18th (or contact Christine Kellam)
Youth Fellowship Opportunity
Fill Trunk or Treat Goody Bags Sunday, October 18th at 2pm
We will fill bags outdoors at Saint Martin's. Masks required!
Drive by our Trunk or Treat on the 25th! Support your parishioner's creative efforts!
Pictures, Pictures!
Do you have pictures of any St. Martin's event that was held after Fr. Bruce's farewell party?
Please send them to me at I need them asap. Thanks, Alison
This month’s Outreach goal is to assist SHIP. They are very much in need of casseroles for their food truck and we are requesting that parishioners make any type casserole for SHIP. Casseroles (frozen or not) can be dropped off at the SHIP office from 8:30 to 2:00, Monday through Friday. They also are in need of pop top cans, such as Chef-Boy-R-Dee or prepared tuna meals, and snacks such as potato chips, cookies, crackers. These items can be dropped off at the time the casseroles are delivered. The SHIP office is located at 87 E. High Street, Somerville, NJ.
If you can donate but are unable to deliver, I will pick items up at our home on Monday, October 19th.
Either email me or call me 908-704-9527 and I will make arrangements for pick up. Thank you for all your help.
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. During this time when we are not able to be in our building, members of the parish have been taking turns caring for the light in their own home and then passing it on to another member for the next week, until we can all be together again in the church building. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
Do you have a message for the people of St. Martin's? Email Alison at Send me a blurb and I'll put it in this bulletin.
Prayer Requests
During our Coffee quarter hour every Sunday, we ask people to tell us their prayer requests.
We lift up this week in prayer:
For healing after surgery:
Linda Virtue, Mary Irwin and her daughter Alexis her primary caregiver, David Bachman. Diane Lester, Yvonne Comeau.
Also, Laura Butrico's co-worker Chris with a cancer diagnosis, Beth Hixenbaugh's co-worker who lost her ex-husband, Beth's student who needed special guidance, Jane Linn's grandson Jacob who is undergoing chemotherapy, Annemarie Galbreath who started a new job, Fr. Collis's grieving family, and all teachers, health workers and mental health providers.
Books I've Read during the Pandemic
The Art Of Woo
By G. Richard Shell
Wooing goes beyond your significant other. Stop shouting, get your point across with integrity and find common ground by learning how to "woo". A book that can improve your perspective in many things.
Howard Stamato
How can we put this delicately and positively?
The people of St. Martin's are generous with their time, finances, and offering the volunteer services they do. We have so much for which to be grateful. We are so committed to the ministry we share. We love this church. So please keep up your financial support, because frankly, it is needed!