Thanks to All Slogan Contest Participants
The results of our recent slogan contest are in. Over 150 different ideas were submitted, and then filtered for length, relevance, and attractiveness. We then asked you to rank your top three choices.

The winning entry (check it out at the top of this newsletter, just below the logo) was the result of a modification of a reader's submission. As a reward for the inspiration, that entrant (David Coakley) will receive a free BeHear ACCESS headset next month, when it launches. Congratulations, David, and many thanks to everyone who participated!
New Customer-Oriented Website

To make it easier for Web visitors to understand what solutions we provide at first glance, we have updated our home page, and added new content about how our headsets help people hear better in noisy places, while watching TV, at concerts/movies, on mobile calls, and outdoors. Tell us what you think!
HLAA Members Review BeHear NOW

We recently attended the HLAA Convention (the annual conference of the Hearing Loss Association of America) and met many friendly members who volunteered to provide honest reviews of our products.

We're happy to post both a technical review and a user-oriented review from a couple associated with the Kentucky chapters. Thanks for helping us get the word out!

If you'd like to share your experience with our products and help bring the gift of better hearing to people you know, you may qualify to be a W&H Brand Ambassador.
Attending IFA? Come Visit Us!

IFA Berlin is the leading showcase for the global technology industry. The latest products and innovations will be presented here, in the heart of Europe’s most important regional market. Alango is proud to participate and will exhibit the Wear & Hear line of assistive hearing products for key retailers, buyers, media, and industry experts from over 100 countries worldwide.
We'll be exhibiting in Hall 1.2 - Stand 204.

Additionally, we will launch BeHear Access - a new hearing headset which includes two telecoil receivers for use where hearing loops are installed, a cradle for simple recharging, and large, tactile buttons in an extra-sturdy form factor.

Want to submit your feedback? Use our simple survey form.
Share Your Opinion!

We're always happy to hear from our customers about what they like (and don't like!) about our products. Feedback keeps us on the right track as we move to improve our assistive hearing solutions and reach all those who could benefit.

We've received quite a few interesting reviews in the past few days, both from Amazon customers as well as direct customers.