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A.BACKGROUND  ... Jesus is headed to his destiny, the Cross and beyond, in Jerusalem. His popularity is at its height. People are following him, believing in him. Not so much a theological belief, or doctrinal, but personal. That popularity led to crowds, people wanted to see him, hear him, be blessed by his presence. In today's scripture Jesus and the disciples are walking through Jericho as crowds gather for... something. Let's see, like them, what it is. 
B. TODAY...     Luke 19:1-10
C. SUMMARY.   As Jesus enters Jericho and the crowds gather, Zacchaeus decides to see it all for himself. Being short and unable to see over the heads in front of him, Zacchaeus climbs a tree from which to observe. By profession he is the "chief tax collector". From earlier email Bible Studies, you'll remember that "tax collectors" at Jesus' time were traitors, agents of a foreign, conquering country, Rome. The tax collectors cheated their own people and therefore were despised. Indeed, he was "the chief tax collector", sharing in all the ill-gotten gains of others, not just his own.
While up in his tree to observe Jesus, Jesus observes him. Calls him by name. Invites himself to Zacchaeus' home for dinner. As a result of their time together, Zacchaeus decides to give half of his wealth to the poor; and repay everyone he's cheated 4x over. Jesus announces that "salvation has come to this house... because (he) has come to seek and save the lost" (verse 10).

1. ATHEISM vs AGNOSTICISM. Literally, atheism is "a" (without) "theism" (belief). Agnosticism is "ag" (without) "gnosis" (knowledge or understanding). So, the atheist has certainty: there is no God, I do not believe. The agnostic isn't sure, doesn't know. In America in the last 20 years, there have been big developments regarding belief. First, when people are asked their religious preference (Protestant, Catholic, etc., or none of the above), there's a dramatic increase in people choosing "none". Second, atheism is a far more aggressive, upfront movement. Court suits against religious practice, ads, public presence. In other words, theism (belief), with some measure of conviction or faith, is either in decline or less obvious.

2. Zacchaeus as ATHEIST? In my books and sermons, I've quoted my Czech Catholic priest friend, Tomas Halik. His book "Patience with God" is about Zacchaeus, whom he compares to today's atheists. Halik grew up under communism, behind the Iron Curtain, in the former Czechoslovakia. When he chose to be a Christian and a priest he was ordained secretly until the overthrow of communism. Remember, communism was officially atheist and openly hostile to religious faith. So Halik has lived his life (and ministry) under communism AND now secularism. He knows the atheism enforced by ideology; and the popular atheism of today born of apathy, of the failures of religion, and of hypocrisy. The end result is that Christianity sees theism as the enemy, the competition, a threat, even an evil. BUT Halik sees the atheist/agnostic of today as Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. He was interested, intrigued. But he didn't want to be seen. Or be part of the crowd. He kept his distance. How does Jesus break through Zacchaeus' resistance? How does Halik spread Christianity in today's Czech Republic so successfully? How can we genuinely reach out to our neighbors, friends, and family who seem to be disinterested in church/faith/Christ? Halik notes that Jesus does three things. First, he notices Zacchaeus. Doesn't ignore the guy in the tree. Second, Jesus calls Zacchaeus by name. He cared enough to inquire, ask, note. Jesus made it personal. Third, Jesus goes to Zacchaeus' home; actually invites himself to dinner! He went on Zacchaeus' turf, where Zacchaeus was comfortable, and among his own circle. And that is where Jesus' message of love, repentance, forgiveness, and a new life took root.


3. Making AMMENDS. Zacchaeus may have been hated, but he earned his wealth legally, by the laws of the day. He got away with what Rome allowed him to get away with. By squeezing his fellow citizens, he wants to do better, be better. His first step is to use his wealth to help others. The second step is to repay everyone he'd cheated, by a lot! Making amends, setting things right, restoration, restitution - these are noble goals, a key part to AA (Alcoholic Anonymous) and most religions. But how? Money? Apology? Fixing? I'm sure it varies. Two things matter: the willingness to make amends, and the spirit of it. Begrudging doesn't count.

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