Pro-Abortion OH Lawmaker/Doctor DENIED  Presentation Access in Columbus Catholic Diocese  

Monday January 6th 2020

We reported on Friday  (01-03-20) that pro-abortion Ohio State Representative Beth Liston (D) was scheduled to present a dangerous workshop on mental health treatment for youth, at St. Peter's Church in Columbus.  You can read the details here.  

Ohio Catholics contacted Bishop Robert Brennan, the Bishop of the Columbus Diocese and shared their concerns about the false credibility that would be afforded to this pro-abortion legislator whose views and opinions are on the opposite side of many of firmly held Catholic beliefs, if the workshop went ahead as scheduled.  

Despite the fact that Bishop Brennan was out of town on vacation for the Christmas holidays, he immediately communicated with his office and the workshop (which promoted some very questionable lifestyles) was canceled.  
We would like to sincerely thank the Bishop for his leadership and to assure him of our ongoing prayers.  We would also like to thank all who took the time to contact the Columbus Diocese.  

Please take a moment to email Bishop Robert Brennan or call his office to thank him.  We would encourage everyone to pray continually for our clergy and for our legislators.  

Contact information
Bishop Robert Brennan:  (614) 228-2457
St Peter Church:  Pastor - Fr. Mark Summers  (614) 889-2221 

Cleveland Right to Life Mission


WE believe that all human beings are made in the image of the Creator and must be respected and protected from the moment of conception until natural death. We know to be true that human rights begin when human life begins, as affirmed in the Declaration of Independence.  So as to foster a culture of life we promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings and reject such practices as abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, and same-sex marriage that are contrary to "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God".  We represent pro-life citizens from over 8 counties in the region, making our organization one of the largest pro-life organizations in the State of Ohio. We focus our efforts first and foremost at the local level to achieve local solutions and then cooperate with the state and national pro-life efforts as directed and needed.


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