Connecting our church and community to become change agents for Jesus.
Good morning, COG family!

Per Meriam-Webster, rejoice means to feel joy or great delight. If we take a moment to think about it, we all have many things to rejoice in.

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"
Philippians 4:4

Take time to rejoice in the Lord today and every day.

We have a multitude of events upcoming over the summer, including gatherings for our little ones, teens, women, and men. I am thankful that we are able to gather, but now our gatherings can look different because it's safer. Take a few minutes to look below for all of the upcoming events.

Be salt and light,

Pastor Chris
COG Covid-19 Update
Most of you have heard that Arapahoe County recently moved to Level Clear. Additionally, the CDC issued new COVID-related guidance, which triggered changes in directives at both the state and county level.

The elders met to discuss what that looks like for Community of Grace. Pastor Joel emailed out a video summarizing the elders’ decisions. If you did not have the opportunity to watch it yet, it is linked below.

In summary, here are the key points for us to be aware of:

  1. We will follow the governor's guidance on masks. If you have been vaccinated, you are free to come to church without wearing a mask. If you have not been vaccinated, we encourage you to wear a mask. It is ultimately up to you. 
  2. In children's church, whether your child continues wearing a mask will be left up to the parent. There will be some children wearing and some not wearing a mask.
  3. When you come into church, you are welcome to sit anywhere you like. If you would prefer to maintain social distancing guidelines, we have set aside the north side of the auditorium for social distancing.
Tithes and Offerings
Thank you, COG family, for your generosity and faithfulness during these difficult times! Here are our giving numbers for the last two weeks:

Week of May 11, 2021
Giving: $10,114.00
Weekly Budget: $10,296.31
Year to Date Giving: $185,791.16
Year to Date Budget: $195,629.89

Week of May 18, 2021
Giving: $14,490.29
Weekly Budget: $10,296.31
Year to Date Giving: $200,281.45
Year to Date Budget: $205,926.08

Below are the ways that you can contribute your tithes and offerings to the church.

  • Write a check to the church. You can either mail it to the church or stop by the church and put it in the slot of our mailbox located by the doors of the North Building (4343 S. Flanders St. Centennial, CO 80015).
  • Bill Pay through your banking institution.
  • COG website - online giving.
Pray First Resources
As we continue to commit to Pray First, we want to provide resources to help us grow in our prayer walk. Tom King from the Vision Team has done a great job of gathering resources, and we will provide them on a regular basis.

These are May's resources:

Chandler New LifeGroup
"Lessons We Can Learn From The Legends"
The Chandler LifeGroup will be looking at people from the Bible and dive into their stories to see how those lessons apply to us today. They might be popular figures, but do we really know what or why they did what they did? Was it good? Was it bad or something else?
Our first legend will be Joseph (Jacob’s son, not Mary’s husband). Joseph’s story is actually like a reality TV show today. His life and story have many applications in real life!
Do you see the Bible as alive – giving us current examples from long ago? We will explore what happened, what Joseph was really like, his family dynamics, and the shocking reality of, “did that just happen?”
There is a lot to learn from Joseph, from how he handled himself to how God ultimately worked through him. So, come talk with us as we get down in the weeds and really look at the decisions he made, the life he lived, and the family and nation he saved.

Meetings will be in person on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm at 21415 E. Mansfield Dr., Aurora 80013. If you have questions you can email Roger and Kathleen.
Facility Manager Position
COG is in need of a facility manager. This is a part-time job taking care of our two buildings and grounds. We are looking for someone who has maintenance skills and can organize volunteers as needed. If interested, talk with or email Pastor Chris
Upcoming Events
Our May Boost gathering will be on May 26th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. We'll be going on a whirlwind around-the-world adventure! It's guaranteed that you will be encouraged. Snacks and fellowship on the COG lawn afterward!
Vacation Bible School
You are Treasured!
Calling all elementary kids who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade! Mark your calendars for this year's FREE and IN PERSON VBS June 6th - 10th, 6:00-8:30 pm!

You won't want to miss the games, Bible stories, science activities, crafts, and more! Also, don't miss our All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Kick-Off Event on Sunday night (June 6th) for the whole family!

CLICK HERE for more details and to sign your kids up today! Kids signed up by May 23rd will receive a free t-shirt. Email Nancy with questions.

VBS Volunteers Needed:
Many church members look forward to helping at VBS each year. It is fun and the kids will keep you hopping and laughing all week!

CLICK HERE for a list of volunteer opportunities and to sign up to help. Training and lots of support is provided even if you have never helped before. Don't miss the fun this year! Email Nancy with questions.
New Members' Class
If you have been attending COG for a while and want to learn more about what it means to be a member, your opportunity is on June 13th right after service in Pastor Joel's office. Child care will be provided if needed. Sign up at the Get Connected table in the back of the sanctuary or online.
Men's Beast Feast
Men, you are invited to a cookout at Pastor Joel's house Sunday, June 13th at 5:30 pm. Bring your own meat to grill and a side dish to share. Drinks and paper products will be provided. Sign up at the Get Connected table in the back of the sanctuary or online. Don't forget to bring your sons as well.
Youth Camp
It's only SOGCOG's biggest event of the year!!!

Falls Creek is one of the most amazing Christian camps in America with literally thousands of middle school and high school students gathering for five days of spiritually-impacting teaching by Shane Pruitt, powerful worship led by Cody Dunbar, and amazing times of fellowship and bible teaching in our own cabin.

Over the course of the summer at Falls Creek, THOUSANDS of students place their faith in Jesus! This will be an unbelievable opportunity to have your student and their friends hear the Gospel! Check out this link for a little TEASER.

The cost for this life-changing week is $275 per participant BUT we have a few amazing ways that families can bring down this cost:

1. Students who sign up and pay before May 31st will receive $25 off their camp cost.

2. The first ten students who sign up and pay for camp AND have a non-SOGCOG student sign up and pay for camp will receive a $50 credit for their camp fees AND their friend's camp fees. (Pastor J. has the final say on whether or not the friend qualifies as a non-SOGCOG student.)

3. SOGCOG will be holding a couple of fundraising opportunities before camp that will benefit students that choose to participate in these events. Watch for fundraising details coming soon.

Is your student ready to sign up? Follow this LINK for more information about Falls Creek and the student registration form. Please turn in this form as well as payment to Pastor J. Make checks out to COG.

We are still in need of a small, enclosed trailer to borrow for the trip to Falls Creek from July 18-24. If you or someone you know might be interested in loaning a trailer for this week, please email Pastor J or call him at 303-819-9774.

For His Glory
- J.
Rockies Faith Day
Do you enjoy baseball? How about Mercy Me? Just want to get out and hang out with your COG family? We are reserving tickets for the Colorado Rockies Faith Day on August 18th at 1:10 pm, which includes a post-game concert by Mercy Me. Tickets are $18 per person. You can sign up in the foyer or email Pastor Chris. Write a check to Community of Grace and put "Rockies Faith Day" in the memo line.

We are taking seat reservations now so we can try to keep COG seated together.
Outdoor Ministry
Outdoor Ministry - There is still room for anyone interested in going on our beginner or intermediate whitewater rafting trips on Saturday, June 12. Please contact Carol Bryan at 303-522-2293 by May 30 for details.

Outdoor Ministry -  Come join us on a beautiful walk around Lakes' Ladora and Mary at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. We will meet at 8:30 am on Monday, May 31 at the parking lots by the lakes. Contact Carol Bryan at 303-522-2293 for more details.
Face Masks Needed
Are you tired of wearing your masks? Are you vaccinated, and ready to get back to a new normal? Don’t throw your cloth masks away!

Our international medical team will likely require people in the villages to wear masks when they visit our medical clinic, and many rural villages do not have masks. I am happy to take any unwanted cloth facemasks, gaiters, or unused surgical masks. You can drop them off in the bin in the foyer.

Thank you!

Joyce Baker
Graduation Recognition
COG staff is putting together a presentation slide show for all of our church family members who have graduated over the last twelve months. This is for those who have graduated high school, college (at any level), trade school, beauty school, etc.

If this is you or someone in your family, please send the following information to Pastor J via email by May 20, 2021.

Graduate Full Name
Nickname (If applicable)
Graduated From
Level of Degree
Future Plans

Our recognition will be Sunday, May 23rd during our worship service.
Women's Group Study
This 6-week study reveals what Scripture says about forgiveness and leads you through a step-by-step process to free yourself from hurt, uncover emotional triggers, and more. The group will read and discuss Forgiving What you Can't Forget by Lysa Terkeurst. This group meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm via Zoom. If you have not signed up, you can still join via the Zoom link. The meeting ID is 918 1397 0190. You can email Anita if you have questions.
Women's Bible Study
The next Friday morning women's Bible study will begin on June 4th with The Simplest Way to Change the World: Biblical Hospitality as a Way of Life by Dustin Willis and Brandon Clements. This 6-week study will delve into hospitality as a natural and effective way to build relationships for Christ. The cost for the book is $14.00 on Amazon. 

Join us Friday mornings on Zoom beginning at 9:30 AM! Contact Judy at 303-378-1904 or email Judy Cale for more information.  
Men's Bible Study
Men, do you need a place to be encouraged and challenged? Join Pastor Joel for a time of looking into God's Word and applying it to your life. We will meet from 6:00 to 7:00 on Tuesday mornings. Email Pastor Joel if you have questions. Join via Zoom here.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
The Good News Club is meeting in person each Thursday through May 27th from 4:30 - 6:00 pm at COG. This group is for elementary-aged children.

You can register online or download the registration form. If you have questions or want to be a helper/leader, you can email Kathleen Chandler or call her at 720-621-3602.
Community of Grace
Sunday Prayer Time
Join in for corporate prayer time every Sunday morning from 8:00 - 8:30 am via Zoom. The link and login are the same every week.
Meeting ID: 598 261 804
Passcode: 053343

If you have questions, email Kathleen Chandler.
Women's Game Night
Ladies gathered on May 16th to play board games and enjoy some much-needed in-person fellowship time. We had fun telling stories and anecdotes, drawing, and choosing photo captions. Snacks and drinks were provided and the youth group brought us a pizza too. Many thanks to Catherine Bundick for organizing this entertaining evening!