July 31, 2019
Sunday @ Central
August 4, 2019 | Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
11:00 a.m. Service for the Lord's Day
This is Central: Hospitality is Central
Isaiah 56.1-8 | Acts 8.26-40
Jessica Patchett, preaching

Dear Friends,
This Sunday, we’ll begin a new sermon series called “This is Central.”
I know some of you have been around for a while, and you likely have clear ideas about who Central is, what’s core to Central’s life together, and how Central expresses the Christian faith in a unique way.
But as a newcomer, I – and many others – are still learning, still trying to put words to what makes Central such a special place. So, throughout the month of August, I’d like to invite you to join me on this journey of exploration. I’ll need your help to see what I haven’t seen, meet who I haven’t met, hear stories I haven’t heard, and refine the words I’m using to describe and understand all of it.
To give us a starting point, I’ve chosen four dimensions of the Christian faith that I’ve found central to who Central is: hospitality, humility, liberation, and grace.
As the month unfolds, I’d love to hear from you:
·       When have you experienced these with the Central community?
·       Who has embodied these things? Helped make them real for you?
·       When have you had the privilege of seeing someone else come alive because of them?
·       What am I missing? What else is central to how Central lives the Christian faith in a unique way in this time and place?
Your stories and insights will be invaluable to me and other members of the Central community as we continue to grow together into a new season of life, ministry, and mission together.
There are two ways you can send me your reflections:
1.      Write them down and e-mail them to me at jpatchett@cpcatlanta.org with the subject line This is Central .
2.      Use your phone to record a short video of you or someone else and share it with me through a Facebook message. You can find me on Facebook by searching Jessica Renee Patchett. 

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

P.S. If you follow a lectionary for personal devotion and reflection, you’ll notice this month that the scripture passages I’ve chosen for us to read and reflect on in worship are my unique selections and do not follow a lectionary. In the Presbyterian Church, pastors are given the responsibilities of choosing scriptures to be read in public worship and providing for a proclamation that invites the hearers into active communication with the living God. I’m grateful for the gift of the Revised Common Lectionary and the unique way it invites people to read and discover scripture.
And, I find kinship with pastors of many times and places throughout history who have heard the Spirit of God prompting them to attend to the witness of scripture in other rhythms and routines. You’ll find that there are times when I lean on the lectionary and other times when matters of congregational life, events in our city and world, and the movement of the Spirit guide me to choose other scriptures for weekly worship.
If you’re interested in what’s coming up and would like to read Sunday’s scripture ahead of coming to worship, please stay tuned to the Central Wednesday e-mail newsletter each week!
Sunday, August 4 
11:00 am Worship

At Central, we support and encourage students of all ages in their journeys of learning, growth, exploration, and education. As Atlanta schools and area colleges and universities begin a new school year, we'll take the opportunity to offer a blessing for students in worship on Sunday, August 4. Students, please join us and bring your friends. 

A note for rising 6th - 12th graders: Please meet Youth Coordinator Lauren Scott from 9:45-10:45 in the youth suite to help prepare a special gift that we'll give to students later in the morning. 
Our Sunday Fellowship Lunch resumes this Sunday
Fruit and Salad Bar
Fried Fish
Field Peas w/Snaps
Jambalaya Rice
Cornbread Muffins
Pound Cake

To RSVP, click here
From the Organ Bench
While Vicki takes a few vacation days, we are privileged to have guest musician Eric Nelson as organist and Rebecca Testerman playing oboe this Sunday. Eric is Professor of Music and Director of Choral Studies at Emory University. He is also the conductor and Artistic Director of Atlanta Master Chorale. In addition, he is a fine pianist and organist! Eric subbed for Vicki when the choir went to Scotland two years ago. Rebecca Testerman is adjunct professor of oboe at Young Harris College and has played at Central before as well as other churches and with various orchestras in the area.
Let's Go To Camp!
If you have been thinking about joining the Chancel Choir (college age - adult) but were not sure when was the right time, our Choir Camp weekend would be a great time to start. During this time together we promise you will have fun, sing with a great group of people, and eat good food.
This year our Choir Camp will be on Friday, August 23 (7:30 – 9:30 p.m.) and Saturday, August 24 (9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) at the Harrington Center Chapel of Columbia Theological Seminary ( click here  for directions and a campus map). A Choir Social Dinner will follow the all-day Saturday rehearsal – spouses and significant others are encouraged to join us!
Please contact Vicki Fey by  email or phone (404.601.3133) for more information or to let her know you'd like to go to camp.
You may have noticed a display of paint sticks on the wall of the second floor on your way to the sanctuary! This hanging was designed and created by artist Ellen Cavendish Phillips for the Mo/PAM Worship and Music Conference in 2016 at Mo-Ranch, Texas. Dave VanderMeer directed that conference, and the theme was Worship is ExtraOrdinary. The piece symbolizes the liturgical seasons, forming a colorful calendar, running for a three- year cycle. The conference for which it was developed focused on the season of Ordinary time, and this physical representation shows how much of the liturgical calendar is Ordinary Time. They were displayed at Mo-Ranch in one three-year cluster, but that can’t be reproduced on the wall, so they are arranged in three three-year cycles. Start with the Advent Blue sticks and work your way to the right, then start over! We owe thanks to John White and our custodial staff for their time and effort in hanging this display.
J oin the CPC Youth during lunch in Tull Hall on August 11  as they share their experiences from Guatemala. We hope to see you there!
The Adult Education Committee invites you to take a seat in our seminary classroom (a.k.a. OAC Lobby/Atrium) which continues this Sunday with The Rev. Rod Hunter. The class bell rings at 9:45 a.m.
CLICK HERE for the 2019 Summer Series Course Description Booklet
It's Your Time to Shine in the All Church Retreat Variety Show!  
Join us for a family-friendly evening of entertainment and fellowship at the All Church Retreat Variety Show, hosted by Central's own David York. Dust off your tap shoes, trombone, stand-up routine, or other hidden talents and join the fun! All ages, skill levels, and styles are welcome! Slots are going fast, so sign up today!

Register for the retreat in person after worship at the designated table in Tull Hall, Click Here to register now, or Follow us on Facebook and register from that page.
Although the Central Night Shelter will not open until November 1, and the first night of Foot Clinic is not until November 6, it is flip flop season now! This is the best time of year to buy the flip flops that help us prevent the spread of athlete’s foot in the showers because you can find them for $1 a pair at Walmart or the Dollar Store. We need men’s sizes 9-14. There will be a basket in the narthex for the rest of the summer for your gifts. Thank you.
CDC logo color
Want to Get Your Child's Summer Wardrobe & Raise Money for the Child Development Center of Central? 

Shop Primary Clothing! You'll love these soft, easy care fabrics, in brilliant colors for your children.
  • CDC receives 10% of each purchase.
  • Use the link  www.primary.com/school/cdc
  • New customers get 25% off their first order with the code: CDC 
Lunch for the Main Frame Job Readiness Students
As a part of the Main Frame Job Readiness Program we offer lunch to our students on Mondays and Tuesdays of the three week class. We are extremely grateful for the generosity so many of you have displayed by donating lunch, and sometimes staying and eating with our students. Providing lunch can be as easy as donating to Central Outreach and Advocacy Center online and letting us know that the amount donated is to pay for a Main Frame lunch. You can donate food in person and eat lunch with the students--something the students always enjoy. You can also purchase a Kroger or Publix gift card. Any of these ways is a low commitment way for volunteers to have a hand in the ministry of Central Outreach and Advocacy Center, and the Main Frame Job Readiness Program in particular. If you are able to provide lunch in one of these ways, please take a moment and sign up link. Feel free to contact Ahren Cassinari-Foster with any questions you may have … afoster@centraloac.org or 404-601-3146.
Thank you for your consideration!
Interested in helping design the 2019-20 program year for Central Women? If so, you are invited to attend our planning meeting on


If you can join us, please bring a salad to share and enthusiasm for the task. Let us know to expect you by sending an email to  Linda McCord

If you cannot be with us, please send your ideas and suggestions.
If you would like to have breakfast with a great group of guys from Central, meet at  Homegrown Restaurant  this Sunday, August 4, at 8:00 a.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Brian Bishop by email.
Looking for an Easy Way to Give This Summer?
Our ministries depend on your steady giving, so even when you're away, you can take advantage of electronic giving via three different ways. You can make a single contribution or set up a recurring gift on Central's website by clicking this link. You can also give through the ChurchLife app, or you can text “cpcatlanta” to 73256 (Click the link you receive in your text message response and follow the prompts to give; text giving even saves your payment method so you can quickly give/pay again.)

Thanks for your continued support!
Share the Good News about the life and mission of Central! Follow us on: