Greetings !
Here at Always There Home Care, we are grateful you are slowing down to read our newsletter, which is full of items that relate to home care, home health care, aging & eldercare, as well as some useful tips for daily living.
Please enjoy in the spirit of community and cooperation in which this newsletter was sent.
Please take some time to watch our video!
Regina McNamara RN, MSN President & Kelly McNamara, Chief Operating Officer
Photos in top banner: Mary (our graphic designer) with her family, Matt, Grace and Luke; Regina and Tom Christmas in Canada, with grand kids Ryan and Nora; Mishelle (Angie’s Daughter) with her dad Raymond
7 Things You Should Never Say to a Patient or Caregiver
By The Caring Bridge Staff
We’ve all been in this situation before: A loved one is struggling with illness or grief, and we completely fumble for the right words to say, or possibly say nothing at all.
It can be disorienting to watch someone you love go through hardship. No one wants to say anything that will make their pain worse, and so we often default to cliché language that isn’t actually all that helpful.
Authors Emily McDowell and Kelsey Crowe of “There is No Good Card for This” cover 7 examples of unhelpful language to avoid when consoling patients or caregivers, and Caring Bridge shares what you can say instead.
1. “Everything happens for a reason.” Why is this harmful? Saying that everything happens for a reason minimizes the patient’s or caregiver’s pain. This statement implies to your loved one that there is a good reason for their struggles, and they should just accept the situation the way it is.
What to say instead: “I’m so sorry this is happening to you. You don’t deserve this.” This statement shows your loved one that you recognize and validate their pain, and that nothing they’ve done has caused them to deserve what they’re going through.
2. “This is God’s plan.” Why is this harmful? This statement is problematic for a couple of reasons: First, not everyone is religious, or puts their trust in the same faith that you do. Additionally, even if it’s not your intent, saying this can come off as self-righteous, like you are in control of what is or is not God’s plan.
Finally, like ‘everything happens for a reason’, saying these words can minimize a patient’s or caregiver’s pain by implying that their grievances are all part of a plan that they must simply accept.
from Kelly
All caregivers mentioned will receive a bonus and our sincere gratitude!
Many thanks to all, for extending yourselves to ensure that we are Always There!
Alethea McDonald
This month we have yet another Amazing Rookie Caregiver. We should probably have a special award for that. Alethea, only with us since September, was already an experienced caregiver and a wonderful person but joining our company meant she needed to meet our standards, and show excellence in her work every day. She needed to support the families as well as the clients, follow good common sense and use solid clinical skills to provide her clients with the best care possible. She needed to know when to call for help or assistance in problem solving, communicating well in speaking and writing. And more. She has exceeded our expectations in every way.
There is simply no way to truly describe this... but she simply LIGHTS UP every room she enters. She carries a maturity and confidence well beyond her years. Once she is in sight, we immediately know Oh good... Everything is going to be all right.
Unexpected Gratitude... The finest gift by far.
Christmas always presents challenges to me. I need little in the way of gifts, Kelly wants nothing but contributions to causes important to her... fighting animal cruelty, increasing awareness of food choices and effects on the environment, promoting veganism. She is easy to please and to have the opportunity to contribute to such organizations in need support is a truly worthwhile gift.
With so little shopping (other than for beloved grandchildren of course) I enjoy the season. But this year there were some unexpected heartwarming gifts in the form of expressions of sincere gratitude from our amazing, hard-working caregivers.
A few examples:
We are not like any other home care company. You care for and support us so we can do the same for our clients, thank you
Merry Christmas God bless you. You are the best boss I’ve ever worked with, I appreciate all you have done for me from the bottom of my heart
New Section! First Honoree!
Center for Physical Therapy and Wellness, Bloomfield.
This new section of our newsletter features a new discovery for us. As we strive to find the best providers / referral partners in our state-wide company we are always seeking opportunities to showcase a new find!
In this case, Dawn Reed, our long-time employee and Senior Caregiver Mentor was accompanying a client to therapy. Dawn of course was familiar with Rehab centers. She is not easily impressed.
We are privileged to have received referrals from and be able to coordinate care with many Assisted Living facilities, rehab facilities, and Medicare Home Care and Hospice agencies. Our growth is in large part due to the trust the staff in these organizations have put in our caregivers. We are likewise impressed with them and we are committed to referring to them on a regular basis
- Seabury Active Living Retirement Community, and Seabury at Home, Bloomfield
- The Hearth Assisted Living Southbury, Branford, Guilford, Madison
- Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care, Middlebury CT
- Masonicare Home Health and Hospice - Danielson, Derby, East Hartford, Mystic, Norwalk and Wallingford
- Regional Hospice Danbury Serving CT and NY
Every person between the age of 70-80 is:
On the path to a fall, will likely miss their medications and confuse their medicines all together, will go without meals on a regular basis, may suffer depression due to life's losses and/ or will miss out on life's joyful moments due to loneliness...
We know that we can make that ten-year gap between 70-80 and well beyond that so much better, safer and more joy filled. Let us help!
Always There Home Care is the only nurse owned and managed private duty company in Connecticut.
Our clinical expertise allows us to provide a wide range of services from providing personal care and meaningful engagement with seniors to managing complex chronic diseases in the home.
together we will discover how we can best help you and your family.
Phone: 800.348.0485 ~ We are Always There