Lent is Coming - Grow Closer to God
Mardi Gras Pot luck, Games and Fun
Saturday, February 22 @ 5:30 - 8:30
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
Then...you are invited to observe a Holy Lent
Impostion of Ashes & Holy Eucharist @ 7:30 p.m.
Pray with your neighbors this Lent.
A Joint Gathering of Fellowship and Education of the People from St. Paul’s in Bound Brook, St. Martin’s in Bridgewater and St. John’s in Somerville will focus on the theme of
. We will meet on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Guild Room of St. John’s Episcopal Church, 158 W. High St., Somerville (with the exception of March 19). Each night will begin with a light meal of soup, bread and water. This will be followed by prayer, a scripture reading, reflection, study questions and song.
Practice of Prayer - Our Time Together
Feb. 27:
Pray without Ceasing: Following St. Paul’s instruction
March 5:
Learning to Pray: Learning from the early Church
March 12:
Praying for a Change: Reconciling tradition and contemporary rationality
March 19:
Laundry Love ministry meets at Wayne’s Wash World II, 20 Division St., Somerville – all are invited to take part
March 26:
Sweet Hours of Prayer: Establishing a time of quiet and reflection
April 2:
Our Deepest Prayer: Connecting our waiting with God’s waiting
Details and Questions
There is no charge to attend this series. Bibles and reflection aids will be provided. Free-will donations to support St. John’s monthly Laundry Love ministry will be accepted.
For questions or more information, call Paul Grzella, 908-507-8020, or St. John’s, 908-722-1250. Email pgrzella@verizon.net.
Celebrate St. Patrick's with Celtic music in the special setting of the Convent of St. John Baptist at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 15 - 82 West Main Street, Mendham.
A Special Afternoon of Celtic Music
THE COMMUNITY FOOD BANK needs diapers (larger than infant size). Our collection will take place Sunday, March 1.
If you'd be willing to help St. Martin's reach out more and more to our community, join us at our next Outreach meeting, Thursday, February 27 at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday Forums in Lent
Join us @ 9:30 beginning March 1, as Fr. Mulder leads us in a reconsideration of the cross and its message, from Samuel Well's new book, "Hanging by a Thread: Questions of the Cross." Fr. Wells is the Rector of St. Martin in the Fields, London. This book is for anyone who has been troubled by the traditional notions of the "Atonement," whereby Jesus had to die to satisfy God's sense of justice for the sins of the world. Fr. Wells presents an alternative perspective. Come, discover why the word, "with" is the most important word in our faith vocabulary.
St. Martin's is such a beautiful church, and that includes not only the main part of the church, but also the meeting space, classrooms, and especially the Lady Chapel.
During Lent we plan to celebrate the 8:15 a.m. Sunday Eucharist in the Lady Chapel. We will return to the main church on Palm Sunday.
Why do this? Partly to affirm the beauty of the chapel as it helps us to worship God. Partly to enhance our sense of the "common" aspect of "common prayer.
It would be great if we had to bring some folding chairs into the chapel to handle all who come. Why not consider making this part of your Lenten journey?
In the early Church Lent was a time to prepare for baptism as the first rays of sun would come up on Easter morning. If you, or your child, would like to be baptized at St. Martin's this year, there could hardly be a more joyous time than at the Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m. Please speak with Fr. Mulder to make plans.
One becomes a part of the Body of Christ at Baptism, but being a follower of Jesus is a life-long practice. Along the way we are invited to affirm for ourselves what may have been affirmed on our behalf when we were yet too young to realize what was happening. The emphasis of Baptism, be it for an infant or an elderly person, is the grace of God given as a gift of love and inclusion. Confirmation can actually happen every day as we recommit ourselves to God.
Lent has been a special time in the history of the Church to prepare for Confirmation. You may be a teenager or an adult and decide you want to commit yourself in faith to God in a deeper way.
You are invited to join us, beginning Sunday, February 23 at 11:30. Confirmation itself will take place at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton, with Bishop Stokes on May 2.
Also, if you have already been confirmed in some branch of the Christian Church, but would like to become an Episcopalian, this is a wonderful opportunity to be received by Bishop Stokes. Please speak with Fr. Mulder for more information.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350