Hart Elementary School
450 Country Club Road
Lucas, TX 75002
July 30, 2019
Message from the Principal
Lacey Moser

Dear Hart Families,

An exciting part of every year is finding out the answer to "Who is my teacher this year?"  In the past, we have posted classlists to our website and or on our campus doors the Friday before Meet the Teacher.  This year, we will answer that biq question using a new procedure.  On Monday, August 12th at 10:00 am, you can log on to your child's PowerSchool account to see your child's teacher.  We are using this new procedure to ensure privacy for each child.  As we get closer to this date, we will send step-by-step instructions on how to answer that magic question.    This is the same procedure that is utilized at Sloan Creek Intermediate School, Willow Springs Middle School, and Lovejoy High School.

We are looking forward to a great year!  

With a Full HeART,
Lacey Moser