June 2021
Dear Friends,

June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The older population is growing faster than are younger populations. Many older adults require care and are vulnerable to abuse by a caregiver or someone they trust. Abuse, including neglect and financial exploitation, are experienced by about one in 10 people aged 60 or older who live at home. Many cases go unreported because victims are afraid or unable to tell police, friends or family about the abuse. It is up to all of us to provide a structure of support and to prevent, notice and report abuse.
5 Things Everyone Can Do to Prevent Elder Abuse:

1) Learn the signs of elder abuse and how we can solve the issue together.

2) Prevent isolation. Call or visit our older loved ones and ask how they are doing on a regular basis.

3) Listen to older adults and their caregivers to understand their challenges and provide support.

4) Prevent caregiver burnout by asking for help from a friend, family member, or pastor. You can also call the Calvert County Office on Aging at 410-535-4606 to learn more about support for caregivers.

5) Report abuse or suspected abuse to Adult Protective Services by calling:
443-550-6969 (M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or after hours, state holidays and weekends at
2021 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Webinar
Coming Back Strong After COVID-19: Federal Elder Justice Innovations and Resources, hosted by ACL's National Center on Elder Abuse.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021, Noon ET

This webinar will highlight prominent elder justice issues and resources to strengthen the elder justice movement as we rebuild from the pandemic.
Calvert County Office on Aging
Lisa Caudle, Long Term Care Manager
450 West Dares Beach Road
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
410-535-4606, ext. 129