CBM Seminars

The Westfield High School PTC-Gifted Ed Committee presents…

The College Tour…Where To Go and What To Do When You Get There

Lisa Bleich, President, College Bound Mentor
Beth Cassie, Independent Education Consultant, College Bound Mentor

Thursday, February 28, 2019, 7:00PM

Westfield High School Cafeteria B, 550 Dorian Rd., Westfield, NJ

Are you starting to think about colleges? Do you get overwhelmed by all of the choices? This seminar will help you identify the key areas to think about when deciding which colleges to visit, provide tips on how to plan the trips effectively and what you can do while you are there. We will cover the following topics:
  • How to organize visits, e.g. timing and activities
  • Best time to visit college for sophomores, juniors, and seniors
  • Questions to ask during your visits
  • How to tailor the visit based on your needs, e.g. athletics, performing or visual arts, special needs, etc.
  • What to do when you are there
  • College visit tools to help plan your trips efficiently

This free Seminar is open to both parents and students

Click for m ore information

CBM On The Road: Recent College Visits
We recently posted two new college visits on the blog, including Vanderbilt University and t he University of Miami .
Lisa visited Vanderbilt and 6 other colleges on the HECA Waltz Through Tennessee College Tour.
Rampant ADHD drug use on college campuses give students false sense of success. Robotic memorization does not replace critical thinking and processing skills.

The Hard Part of Computer Science? Getting Into Class

As STEM majors soar at UW, interest in humanities shrinks — a potentially costly loss.

What's Happening Now
Many of you may have just come back from college visits during President's Day and are starting to develop your lists. We'd love to hear about your visits. Lisa wrote an article for Grown and Flown called Creating a Balanced List . It's also time to plan your summers and classes for senior year. You can schedule a meeting below.

Freshmen / Sophomores: 
As you plan your classes for next year, you have a lot to think about and the goal is to challenge yourself while striking a balance. Here is a post on how best to plan your classes for the coming year. We are also available to meet with you to help you plan classes and your summer. You can schedule a meeting below.
Follow the journeys of eleven students as they navigate the college application process and search for the right fit schools. Getting into their heads as they make decisions about which extracurricular activities to pursue, which schools to apply to, and which topics to choose for their essays will help you think about your own process in a more strategic way. Order Here .
Notice anything different? We've updated our logo to reflect our growing work with students applying to graduate school! Please visit our new website www.collegeboundmentor.com to learn more. If you'd like to schedule an appointment with us, click Book Now.
Check us out on social media for up-to-date articles on college admissions!