PUNS (Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services) is a statewide database that records information about individuals with developmental disabilities who are potentially in need of services. The State uses the data to select individuals for services as funding becomes available, to develop proposals and materials for budgeting, and to plan for future needs.
When should I do this?
PUNS can be completed for any individual in Illinois with a developmental disability who has an unmet service need anticipated in the next 5 years. After initially meeting with an Independent Service Coordinator Agent (ISC) the PUNS must be updated annually, anytime a need for service changes, when contact information changes, or when caregiver information changes. Failure to update annually with your ISC Agent will result in removal of your service need from the waiting list. Updating is often a quick process, and the only way to be selected for funding for services is to be on the list!
Website & Contact information
To apply, you should go through your local PAS agency. For our area, the PAS agent(s) are as follows:

DayOne PACT, Inc.
Dupage County PAS Agent and PUNS Coordinator
750 Warrenville Rd.
Lisle, IL 60532
Phone: (630) 960-9700

Suburban Access, Inc.
Cook County PAS Agent and PUNS Coordinator
4415 W Harrison St, Suite 410
Hillside, IL 60162
Phone: (708) 449-7257
Additional Questions?
Additional information on PUNS can also be located on the Transition Services Website:

If you still have questions or want more information, simply reply to this email or reach out to Taryn Chrapkowski at 630- 468-4406 or tchrapko@hinsdale86.org.
Was this information helpful for you?
This information was compiled by the Tuesday Transition Tidbits Committee- Taryn Chrapkowski, Ashley Principe, and Heather Riggs.