The Ohio River Channel
A Periodic Update from the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
February 2019

River Art Champs!
ORSANCO holds an annual poster contest for students in grades K-12 to promote the Ohio River Sweep, and the winners were announced last month! The Grand Prize Winner was Marilyn Snedaker from Springmyer Elementary School in Cincinnati, OH. Her artwork will be displayed on the 2019 Ohio River Sweep poster. The T-shirt design winner was JoLeigh Young from Moundsville Middle School in Moundsville, WV. Her artwork will be used as the T-shirt design for the 2019 Ohio River Sweep shirts. Prizes were also awarded to 13 other students, one from each grade level. A complete list of winners and their river art is available on the Ohio River Sweep webpage. For more information, including details on how to volunteer for the 2019 River Sweep event on June 15th check out Ohio River Sweep on ORSANCO's website at  

Spend Your Summer on the River!
Do you have a Bachelor's degree in biology or environmental science? Are you looking for some great experience working on the river with a fun crew who will make every minute an experience you'll never forget? If so, check out a seasonal biologist position this summer at ORSANCO! Applications are due by March 15, 2019. Questions? Please contact Senior Biologist  Rob Tewes or read more about it on ORSANCO's  website!
Pollution Control Standards - Proposed 2019 Revision
The Commission's Pollution Control Standards Committee has met several times to consider public input regarding revisions to ORSANCO's Pollution Control Standards (PCS). At its February meeting, ORSANCO proposed a 2019 Revision to provide cost-effective use of ORSANCO and member state resources while preserving the PCS and maintaining protection of the Ohio River. For more details on the new proposed revision as well as the upcoming 2019 public comment period, click here.

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