Happy June everyone! With our new buying procedures in place we’re finding pleasure in discovering new products that we didn’t know we had. That may sound strange but Covid forced us to rely on our venders to select and supply us with products they were able to stock at the time and what they thought we would want for our customers. Having new perspectives and a different set of eyes has turned out to be fun, enlightening and quite liberating. We are still processing pallets of inventory to restock those staples everyone is looking for plus discovering wonderful new treasures to share. Now, more than ever before, it’s fun to just stop in and check out all the newly stocked shelves and bins.
June’s special day observations include the celebration with reverence to the end of slavery in the United States every year on June 19th, known as Juneteenth. It seems like we just had the shortest day of the year, but our Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, also called “Midsummer” falls on June 20th this year. If you were at the North Pole on this day you would be able to enjoy 24 hours of sunlight. Not only is June 20th our Summer Solstice but also notably Father’s Day. Fathers need love and attention too so it’s kind of nice that they get the longest day of the year to enjoy a little special attention. June is also celebrated as LGBTQ Pride month, so we look forward to seeing more rainbows this month! For those who keep track of astrological energies, Mercury is in retrograde until June 22, but things could still be stormy until June 30th. Lastly remember the postponed filing deadlines for the IRS and Texas Franchise taxes are coming up soon on June 15, 2021 for all Texas residents.
With ongoing international changes in the mineral industry, we feel an obligation to share what we have learned as steps to guard against deceptive practices. Please be sure to read below about ways to guard against becoming a victim to these unorthodox marketing practices. We try to keep on top of industry trends and help educate with our online store blogs so if you haven’t been following us, be sure to check in and catch up on some great info by reviewing our past blog material.
Speaking of our Online Store, we are constantly adding more products and this month we are adding Tibetan Singing bowls and other meditation items. We will also be restocking our stone hearts and several other polished shapes online. Tourmaline has such amazing versatile working energies so we choose several different sizes and shapes including a limited selection of specialty cut base display pieces.
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.
Karen and the Staff
March UPDATES: COVID-19 Safety Protocols
UPDATE 06/01/2021: With Travis County downgrading COVID to Stage 2, Nature's Treasures has decided to expand our capacity and reopen our Auditorium. Despite growing immunity, we recognize that there is still concern of potential exposure to COVID for many, so we will continue to do our best to keep our Nature's Treasures Family, including you, safe. Please see below for changes to our capacity and protocols this month.
Through the month of June, we will continue to operate with adjusted procedures and limited capacity. We are increasing our capacity to 125 customers in the Retail Showroom and 25 customers in the Rock Depot/Yard. When Austin/Travis County drops to Stage 1 (click HERE for the current tracker), we will increase our capacity and reduce our restrictions further.
With the CDC stating that COVID is not likely transmitted through touching previously touched items, we will no longer require hands to be sanitized upon entry/exit. We will no longer sanitize baskets after each use. We have 1 restroom available for customer use.
We will continue to require masks to cover nose/mouth at all times, regardless of vaccination status. Pets may be brought into the building, but must be on leash or in a carrier at all times; any pet-related accidents will be the full responsibility of the owner. Any pet-related disturbances will result in being asked to leave the premises.
We have updated procedures. Returns/exchanges may be conducted by walk-in or appointment Monday through Thursday. For an appointment, please e-mail admin@ntrocks.com with your receipt number and item you wish to return to schedule your return/exchange. Layaways walk-ins are available Monday through Thursday.
*If you show symptoms of COVID-19 or feel sick, please Stay Home
*Online Shopping, FREE Curbside Pickup and FREE Personal Shopping available for individuals that cannot wear masks
*Storefront Hours: 11a-5:50p, Daily
*Max Retail Capacity: 125 customers
*Max Depot Capacity: 25 customers
*2-ply face covering is required for entry
*Face covering must cover nose/mouth at all times
*Physical distancing exercised at entry & check out
*Layaways available
*Returns/Exchanges by walk-in or appointment
Nature's Treasures will continue to review recommendations made by local government and the Center for Disease Control to move forward in a socially responsible way to best support staff, customers, the community and the economy.
If you would like to be added to a COVID-19 Response Notification to stay updated on the Nature's Treasures plan-of-action, please update your e-mail subscriptions HERE.
Shop Nature's Treasures ONLINE!
Shipping Orders Daily
Free Standard Shipping for Domestic Order over $50.00
Free Local Curbside Pickup
Shop online with confidence -- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, Free Return Shipping. Details HERE.
Moldavite And Garnet Pendant || Sterling Silver
Fresh moldavite from our friends in the Czech Republic! Limited Quantity!
Wild Republic Announces Recall of all Slap Watches
Hazard: The coin cell battery inside the slap watches can fall out, posing battery ingestion and choking hazards to young children.
Recalled Product: Wild Republic Slap Watches sold from March 2018-April 2021.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the slap watches away from children, stop using them and contact Wild Republic for a full refund.
For more information:
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET
This recall is being conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Zodiac Stones:
Crystals for Cancer
The timing of the summer solstice coincides with the beginning of the Cancer zodiac season. If your birthday falls between June 21st and July 22nd, Cancer is your sun sign. Cancer is symbolized by the crab, soft and sensitive on the inside with a tough protective exterior.
Real vs. Fake Moldavite:
A Quick Guide
BUYER BEWARE!! Due to Moldavite's meteoric rise in popularity, the market is being flooded by fakes! Adrienne Goff shares tips to make sure you are getting the real thing!
Featured Agate - Agua Nueva agate
This is Agua Nueva Agate from Chihuahua State in Mexico. It is a neighboring ranch to Rancho Coyamito to its north. The ranch has been a working cattle ranch for about 500 years. Agate production has been for the past 60 or so years.
The agate has been found with reds, purples, yellow and light blues and a brown mossy agate is often found with the banded variety.
Featured Fossil - Crinoid Fossil
Crinoids are an aquatic life form, also known as a sea lily because of its flower-like appearance. Few Crinoids are alive today, however, they have existed as far back as 480 million years. These sea creatures anchor themselves to the bottom of the sea floor or on a rock and float freely in the water. The flower part of the Crinoid filters plankton from the water in order to catch its food. Crinoid fossils form in a variety of different ways including bulb form, on a slab and as small stem fragments. They can be used in jewelry making and home décor. Crinoids have been worn as a talisman for protection and can assist in grounding oneself while allowing for freedom to grow and thrive.
Merrieh F.
Merrieh was born in Milledgeville, GA. She grew up outside Austin in Leander, TX. She joined our team with a shared love of sea shells, crystals, and gems. As a hairdresser her passion to reveal others outer beauty has transformed to helping others find their inner light thru the love and healing potential from crystals. Merrieh has been promoted to the Retail Assistant Manager.
"One of my favorite stones right now is Hematoid Quartz because it is grounding and helps to balance emotions and thoughts."
Justin grew up in Leander and received two associates degrees from Austin Community College. He joined the Nature's Treasures team as part of a competition with a friend to see who could get a job in a geology-related field first. In addition to a passion for rocks, Justin loves biking and went abroad to Bosnia to bike the mountainous terrain there. You may see him in our Rock Depot as the Depot Assistant Manager, but if you're into Austin night life you might also see him around town playing in his band, Onyxyria.
"Gem Silica is my favorite rock. The best pieces look like a creek because of the Chrysocolla inclusions in a clear Chalcedony."
Get Better Soon, Jessica!
Sending our best wishes and Healing Energy to Jessica from our Online Department! If you shop online, chances are your order was packed or shipped by Jessica.
Jessica was recently in a major motorcycle accident. She is alive, but will remain in ICU during her recovery process. Please feel free to contribute to her well-being click here:
POLL: How do you cleanse your crystals?
Which method do you use for cleansing your crystals?
Night under the Full Moon
Selenite/Quartz Charging Plates/Wands
Singing Bowl Sound Cleansing
In The Community Events Center
The Nature's Treasures Community Events Center Auditorium is available for events and classes! The Studio will be closed and unavailable until further notice.
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event.
Daily Practitioners are Baaaaaaaack!
We are so happy to welcome back our practitioners this month.
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11a-3p.
Madam Zee - Magikal Life Coach - 1st, 10th, 15th, 29th
Michelle Hieng - 3rd, 22nd
Personal Shopping Services
Custom Jewelry with Crystal Heart Studio
Walk-ins Welcome!
Merlyn Dyches-Bessent, metaphysical jeweler/artist and owner of the Crystal Heart Studio, will be offering stone wiring, wrapping and intuitive reading services for individuals wishing to have their stones made into jewelry. Please visit the store every Saturday this month to meet Merlyn!
We are proud to announce that thanks to our customers and employees we were able to make a $2000 donation to Austin Wildlife Rescue in memoriam of Heather S who passed away last year.
To see how YOU can support, visit their website HERE!
Maplewood Elementary School Food Drive
Nature's Treasures strives to encourage and inspire young people as they learn and live. We are happy that this year our Neighborhood Association invited us to participate in the Food Pantry and Summer Toy Drive for Maplewood Elementary School. In just 3 days we collected enough to donate support for 5 families in our community.
The Healing Arts Festival & Market
Sunday, June 6, in San Antonio!
Don't want to drive into Austin and wait in line to get into the store? Visit our booth at The Healing Arts Festival & Market to get your crystals and interact with a myriad of practitioners and vendors all with unique gifts and products!
Featured Affiliate - The Rainforest Partnership
The Rainforest Partnership here in Austin does work with organizations and non-profits all over the world to raise awareness and grow community to serve rainforests all over the world. On June 22, World Rainforest Day, The Rainforest Partnership will be teaming up with the World Rainforest Day Organization to raise funds, awareness and vibrations for one of our most life-giving ecosystems.
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015
Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p
Visit NTRocks.com for Holiday Hours
Look For Us On Social Media