SOT Certification Series
SOT Research and Clinical Conference
Marc Pick - Dissection Seminar - Hawaii
San Jose, California
SOT Graphic
SOT Certification Series - San Jose, California

The SOT Certification Series will present the four seminars needed to sit for your SOT Practitioner Certification Examination. By signing up now for the full series prior to August 20th you can save significant money and your position in class. This series has been sold out the past five years. 

The first seminar covers introduction to the SOT category system, extensive presentation of category two (SI joint hypermobility syndrome), trapezius fiber analysis, cervical stairstep, and specific rehabilitative exercises). The second seminar focuses on a comprehensive presentation of category three (discopathy/sciatica), category one (SI joint fixation with altered sacral nutation), occipital fiber analysis and treatment, and how to smoothly transition between the three categories.  The third seminar focuses on chiropractic manipulative reflex technique (CMRT) which covers occipital fiber vertebral related viscerosomatic/somatovisceral reflexes, organ balancing, and interdisciplinary integration.  The last class covers how to diagnose and treat SOT related extremity disorders as developed by DeJarnette and Zindler, with a review of how extremities, CMRT, and categories all interrelate into the whole kinematic chain of influence. 
 October 26-27, 2019, San Jose, California 
Hilton Garden Inn, Milpitas, California

Advanced Registration - Special Rate 
Ends August 1, 2019 
Sign Up NOW and SAVE

This conference will focus on TMJ Disorders, Dental Chiropractic Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Airway Compromise, and Forward Head Posture.

There will be clinical research presentations as well as significant hands on demonstrations. We will have the opportunity to learn from an amazing group of speakers: Drs. Thomas Bloink, Charles Blum, Kathy Cantwell, Robert Cooperstein, Adam Del Torto, Harvey Getzoff, Jeffrey Mersky, Marc Pick, Jacque Roberts, Richard Robertshaw, Jason Scoppa, and David Shirazi.


Room is limited for this conference so please consider registering now to save your space and save money. When we reach the maximum limit registration will be closed and we expect that to be well before the conference takes place. 
Significant savings are available for SOTO-USA members. If you aren't a member yet, make sure to become one before registering for this conference.

REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE (click here, scroll to the bottom of page) 
If you register by August 1, 2019 you will save significant money and save your spot at the conference.

See you soon!!!

Charles Blum, DC 
Conference Chair 
Marc Pick - Four Days of Human Dissection
September 9 @ 8:00 am - September 12 @ 3:30 pm
Course Purpose: To dissect and investigate the following systems and assess their relative importance to Manipulative Therapy: Musculoskeletal System Visceral System Nervous System (Peripheral, Central, & Autonomic) Seminar Location: Gross Anatomy Lab at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu 

SOTO-USA | 336-793-6524 | [email protected] |