First Christian Church
2320 Country Club Rd
Winston-Salem, NC  27104
July 26, 2019

Welcome to FCC Weekly News!

Hello to you all and welcome to FCC Weekly News, your electronic source for what is happening at your church each and every week.
In This Issue
Serving in Worship This Sunday
July 28, 2019

Preaching:  Rev. David Harrison

Acolyte: Hannah Harrison

Elders: Brenda Smith and Marilyn Cardwell
Deacons: Tom, Tracy and Denise Glenn

Worship Leader: Claudia Colter

Director of Music Ministries: Regina Pozzi

Opportunities for Service and Fellowship

Bob Matthews'                     5 :30 p.m.  
Memorial Service

Sunday School                     9:30 a.m.       
Fellowship Time                 10:30 a.m.    
Sunday Service                  11:00 a.m.

Men's Lunch Bunch          11:30 a.m.
(at Clemmons Kitchen)

Youth                                    6:00 p.m.
A Celebration of Life

Dear Disciples:
Please find below,  the arrangements for Rev. Robert "Bob" Matthews.

Rev. Bob Matthews, 80, passed away on July 22nd at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. 
A Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, July 26th at 5:30 pm at First Christian Church, Winston Salem NC 27103.
In lieu of flowers, the family request donations to be made to First Christian Church of Winston Salem or to Solus Christus.

+Valerie Melvin
Regional Minister
Family Film Festival
Outdoor Movie Series

Meet the families and faces behind the community sharing good food and a film on top of hosting a school supply drive.
Experiment in Self-Reliance (ESR), in partnership with Forsyth County Public Library, New Communion, and Great Commission Church is excited to announce year three of its Family Film Fest: Outdoor Movie Series. This free admission, community-centered series will be held July 20 and August 10 at sundown.
Arrive between 7:30 and 8 for activities. Movie will show at sundown. All movies will take place at ESR which is located at 3480 Dominion Street NE, Winston-Salem, NC. Children will have the opportunity to enjoy educational entertainment including a puppet show, book mobile, school supplies and more! All movies are equipped with Spanish subtitles. Hotdogs, chips, and drinks will be available for sale. Popcorn will be free of charge. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets and lawn chairs. In the event of rain, the movie showing will be moved inside.
The August 10 showing will be the movie Megamind!
Vacation Bible School

Hi friends!

We are just a few weeks out from Vacation Bible School (8/5-8/9)!! Our theme this year is "Roar! Life is crazy. God is good." We're super excited for this opportunity to teach around 60 kids that God is good in every situation. 

To make this a success, we need your help! VBS is August 5-9 (M-F) from 9-11:30am each morning. We've got several places that you can help out (listed below). When you see something you'd like to be involved with, you can email Emily at or call/text her at 423-248-9063. 

Volunteers for VBS:
  • 1 Wild Bible Adventures Co-leader: you will read the Bible passage for that day with another volunteer to groups of 10-12 kids. You will then facilitate discussion around the Bible point of that day (all passages, points, and question prompts will be provided). This position will require loud speaking and some standing/walking. 
  • 1 Snack Provider: you will provide pre-chosen snack materials for the week that the kids will assemble and serve. You will coordinate with one other snack provider on what to bring which day. This position does not require you to serve the snacks (but you're welcome to help if you want!). 
  • 6 Crew Leaders: you will lead a group of 10-12 multi-age kids to each station of VBS. You will facilitate discussion with your crew at the beginning and end of each VBS day. You will be the Crew Leader but you will have a volunteer helper. This position requires lots of walking, movement, and energy. 
  • 3 Imagination Station Leaders: you will lead groups of 10-12 kids in a craft activity that corresponds with the Bible point of that day. All materials are provided and the crafts are very easy to understand! This position requires walking, bending, sitting on the ground, and upbeat energy. 
  • 2 Recreation Leaders: you will lead kids in a sports activity/dance/song/game that corresponds with the Bible point of that day. You will hype the kids up and get them excited about VBS! This position requires a lot of walking, movement, and energy. 
  • Of course, much more goes into VBS than these positions. If you'd like to help out in a different way, we'd love to have you! 
Message from Myrna Law

Dear First Christian Church,

In a few weeks I will be moving to Dogwood Terrace in Richmond, Va. I am writing to thank you for the care and love you have given me in so many ways -- phone calls, visits, flowers, cards, food and etc! You made me feel wanted even though physically I have not been able to participate for some years. You hear of special congregations, and I want you to know you are a member of one of the best! The way you have managed the challenges of the past some years has made me proud just to say I know you. You have pulled together under some topnotch leadership and have overcome many challenging situations that have destroyed other congregations. The level of trust and faith has been exemplary. I pray for each of you that your spiritual journey as part of this congregation will influence and guide you as much as it has me since 1962. When we joined the church, the leadership was in the hands of the folks who slaved and worked to build this building. Almost all of them are gone now, but the church is continuing on. I learned many things from them -- things I didn't know that I did not know. The one I remember most came from Mrs. Johnson, Ralph Johnson's mother, 
"God doesn't have any grandchildren!"

-Myrna Law (
Crisis Control Ministry

Dear Friends!  

We will be doing the month of July a little differently from what Crisis Control Ministry requests. The usual food for July is peanut butter. Knowing that New Communion always requests that food, I feel we should not compete. Therefore, we will be choosing CANNED VEGETABLES OF ANY KIND. Yes, home grown varieties are wonderful, but all folks do not have access to them, so canned goods is the answer. Share what you can so others can eat.  Place them in the white bin in the Education Foyer. Thank you on behalf of many!

Please choose a few cans the next time you shop for your family. 
Together we make  a huge difference.  Bring what you can to share. 
I have said many times, the more we share, Crisis Control Ministry can use their funds to help with other  life-sustaining needs. 

We all feel blessed when we share with others.
Becky Minnix, 
Missions Ministry
DWM/CWF Day Group

M eetings will NOT be held in June and July. 
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 19 th , at 3:00 p.m. in the library.

To those interested in renewing our PINC (Partners In Christ) meetings, please respond in an e-Mail. In your answer, please relate the following answers:
  1. Your level of interest
  2. Evenings that you Cannot meet
  3. Types of activities that interest you
Our goal is to meet together and get to know each other in a more personal way. In sharing various activities, I think we accomplish that in a very Christ-like way.

In the past in addition to opening devotionals (when appropriate) we have performed several service projects - Valentine and Easter Baskets for seniors, Preparation of eggs for our Easter egg hunt,and help with fund-raising projects of the church. In addition we have prepared items for sale to raise funds and had sale of donated items.  We have also participated in fun activities such as movies, bowling, art and wine parties, and dinners out. We also had interesting speakers for our meetings as well as instructors for arts and crafts projects.

Your response to this message is important in deciding the future of PINC.

Janice Taylor

Five Points Farmers' Market

On every LAST  Friday of each month through October First Christian Church is hosting a Farmers' market in the parking lot from 3:30 pm - 6 pm. With an exception to July 26th we will end early at 4:45 pm due to a memorial service for Rev. Robert "Bob" Matthews. We invite craft vendors too. If you or someone you know is interested in  becoming a vendor or sponsor  please  email Alanna Harris   for more information   at
Proceeds will go to the church.
Fall Craft Show - September 28, 2019

First Christian Church is having a craft show, so start crafting. If you have friends and/or family members that are crafters let them know about the show too. There will be a $35 fee for the crafter's space. All money made by selling crafts is the crafter's. Proceeds from the selling of spaces will go to one of the missions of the church. If you would like to participate please contact Judy Gillespie at 336- 602-2430 or 336-817-3403.
Attendance for Worship Service

You will find a black book for members and visitors alike to sign.  Please complete your information and pass it along to the person next to you. If you are the last person to sign the book on the row, pass it back to the beginning. The first person who signed will remove the sheet and place it in the offering plate .
Youth Happenings

Hey friends!

The youth have kicked off "Justice July" with a great start. This month we are looking at ways the Gospel calls us to love our neighbors and stand up for the least of us. We're planning a service project and some end of the summer fun activities before they head back to school in August. 

Want to help out with our young people? We have spaces available for you to bring dinner! In July, you can sign up for the 17th or the 24th. If you are interested in providing dinner for 5-10 hungry teenagers at 6pm either of those Wednesdays, please let Emily know via email at or call/text 423-248-9063. 

FCC Youth

Pledge Cards

If you didn't turn in your pledge card and need one you may print one off  HERE , find one on the table in the sanctuary, see Jesse in the church office, or send an email to if you would like one emailed or mailed.
Listen to Sermons Online

You can listen to sermons online here: A big thanks to Andy Askew for recording the sermon audio every Sunday!
Samaritan Ministries

The shelter has a year-round list of needs that are always appreciated. They especially have shortages of men's deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, and socks.  Food items are canned meats and #10 size canned fruits, vegetables and applesauce. Please place your items next to the white bin in the foyer outside the office or in the church office.
Online Giving Options!

You will now be able to use your paypal account or credit card! Go to  and click on the donate or give with givelify button under the search bar on the right hand side of the website page. It will lead you to paypal or givelify's secure pages in order to give. It even gives you the option to enroll for monthly giving so you don't forget your offering! 

You can download either of the apps as well to your smart phone! 

Check out our website for more information: