Solutions for FUNctional Independence
Since January 24, 2018, Mobility Service Dog-West Coast Project has hit the ground running, putting the FUN in FUNctional independence . We have been running so hard, we realized we haven't stopped to share all the exciting news with you!

We have placed 12 ​Service Dogs/Service Dogs in Training . These canine/human teams are thriving, growing, and learning daily as they navigate medical appointments, daily life, and the world at large. ​We have three new puppies joining our team next week and 10 more in October 2019. We are always looking for puppy raisers to join our team.

The First Annual Poodle Palooza is being held on September 12th at the University Club of Pasadena to raise awareness and funds as we celebrate National Service Dog Awareness Month. Put on your dancing shoes, your poodle skirt or tie ( CODE: POODLEPALOOZA ) , and join us for an evening of celebration, education and fundraising. Exciting Underwriter and Sponsorship Opportunities are available. Last chance for your early bird tickets! Tickets go up to $173.33 on August 1st, so buy your discounted tickets today!

Our Education and Outreach Team is hard at work in the community. We have two programs launching in August that we are PAWsitively excited to share with you:

  • The Reading Circle Program will be leading six-week and twelve-week courses covering themes relevant to children learning how to empathetically interact with Service Dog Teams at all seventeen elementary schools in the Pasadena Unified School District grades Pre-K through Six.

  • The Pack that Empowers (TPTE) will be partnering with a local residential rehabilitation program for a series of six workshops that will highlight an interdisciplinary approach to wellness.The Pack that Empowers will use themes such as Compassion, Fear, Kindness, Me/I/Mine, Empathy, Trust to teach these young people important life skills.These skills will then be translated into tasks they teach our Service Dogs in Training to illustrate their knowledge of the word and theme as part of their pathway to wellness.TPTE participants will create their own books, drawing upon their work with the Service Dogs in Training and using art, writing, and walkabouts.

Our sincerest gratitude and appreciation to each and every one you for your support of Mobility Service Dogs West Coast Project as we have launched! There are ongoing opportunities to volunteer and work with us in making the world a better place for all of us who are mobility challenged. We could not do this important work without you and encourage you to come to the Poodle Palooza to see our work in action.


Janie Heinrich
Executive Director and Co-Founder
Service Dog Spotlight
Arthur as written by his Handler
"I met Arthur on a warm December night, when his local trainer brought him over. Like an Angel with wings, descending the heavens in a Jan Van Eyck masterpiece, Arthur entered my life, my soul, my entire reason
for being. His big, beautiful, brown eyes looked into my sad eyes and knew immediately what he had to do. Become my shadow, even when the sun is not shining. There was no grace period. No checking each other out. It was instantaneous, as was the joy he brought to me and all that surrounds me. I’ve raised so many dogs I can’t count them all. I was four or five when I got my first puppy, a Collie, of course it was the nineteen fifties. Never have I ever met a K9 like Arthur. The bond that formed between us, is almost frightening. On first encounter, people could not believe we had been together a matter of days, nor could I. He goes everywhere with me. Ubers, cabs, buses, he’s cool with everything, and pandemonium where ever we go. He loves people of all ages, especially children. Did I teach him this. No. I haven’t taught him a thing, except maybe his name, Arthur. This is how he showed up that warm December evening six months ago. He has never left my side, back , front, my heart. Undoubtedly my forever friend. He is a life changer, and has made all the
difference in my life and the lives of everyone he meets. What would I have done without Arthur?

His beloved friend, caretaker, soulmate, Elliot Lincis
Handler Arthur SD Team
April 2019 
Ruff! Ruff!
A bark-out to our
PAWsitively Amazing
Service Dog Trainers

Denise Chalnick Marquez,
Anna Gilnets, and Michelle Hill!

Together our trainers have over 50 years of experience in working with Service Dogs. They are available to our Service Dog in Training Teams day and night, guiding each team through daily life and challenges. They are also available to train your dog and love referrals!

We are most appreciative of each of you and honored to have you as part of our team!

Health and Wellness Spotlight

Mobility Service Dogs West Coast Project is excited to be an affiliate with YourSuper  is a health company specializing in superfood mixes and wellness. Using code MSDWCP , you will receive 15% off your purchase and $10 will be donated back to Mobility Service Dogs-West Coast Project. It is a win for everyone!

New Digs, New Opportunity

On August 1st, we will be moving out of the apartment and into a new office space. This will allow for meetings, increased volunteer opportunities, and continued expansion of our mission and work!

Find us at:
150 S. Los Robles Ave. # 950
Pasadena, California 91101
Mailing address:
65 W. Dayton Street #406
Pasadena, California 91105
San Marino High School and Junior High School Students headed by students Charise and Nathan with their friends! Grateful to each of you.

Thank you for your twenty hours of volunteer assistance preparing marketing materials for The Poodle Palooza!
Want to get involved? It's easy! We need volunteers to facilitate workshops, run programs, assist in the office, puppy raise, and reach out to event underwriters. We will train you at a proper tea party in our new office space!
- West Coast Project