An Update from GPC on COVID-19
May 2020

Dear Geneva Point Center Friends,

It is early May and the world is such a different place than it was a year ago. I hope this finds you well and making the best of your situation.

The first questions everyone asks me are, (1) are you open now, (2) will we be open this summer, (3) have groups already cancelled and (4) will GPC be OK.  

  • 1. No, except… Businesses like GPC are not permitted to reopen any sooner than May 31st. The Governor of New Hampshire and his Economic Reopening Taskforce are working to manage a flexible, phased reopening of the State’s businesses. Summer youth camps, family camps, resorts and hotels are among the types of businesses that do not yet have reopening guidelines and dates. However, we do expect to be hearing more about that in the coming days and weeks. GPC has been closed since the end of January 2020. The exception is that our trails have remained open as a service to our friends and neighbors here in Moultonborough. 

  • 2. Yes, but… We remain hopeful that many of our July and August events and activities will be able to happen. However, we expect greatly reduced numbers of participants. For all those who do make it to GPC this summer, it will be unlike any other summer before.

  • 3. Yes… A few larger groups have cancelled because of the distinct health and safety characteristics of their participants. We do expect additional cancellations.

  • 4. Yes… GPC will be OK, but it will not be easy, and we will need the support of all those who love this special place and believe in its mission. 

The annual meeting for Geneva Point Center was to have been this past weekend but, of course, that did not happen. It is now rescheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2020. Had there been a meeting, my opening comment to all the friends and supporters of GPC might have sounded something like this:

Amid a global pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis, Geneva Point Center is resilient and continues to be a place that is making a positive difference in the world. We are fortunate to have entered this devastating and uncertain time with a healthy balance sheet, a strong Board of Directors, a capable and dedicated staff and steadfast financial support from our annual and sustaining contributors. Not only will Geneva Point Center get through this, it will reemerge stronger, ready to serve and to thrive.

GPC’s Board of Directors has been meeting bi-weekly since mid-March to think through the nonstop flood of new information, consider its impact on GPC and what decisions need to be made.

Currently, GPC has only its core year-round full and part time staff of about a dozen working to make our facilities ready for opening in July. 

We are so pleased and grateful that all our sustaining monthly contributors have continued their giving, and some have even increased their pledges. Others have sent in their 2020 annual gifts early and still others have become first-time contributors or made special gifts.  

Many friends of GPC have also asked about the Barn project and should they give for that or just to help GPC through this challenging time? The answer is both! 

  • Our priority is to financially sustain Geneva Point through 2020. Some of our regular summer guests who are unable to be here this summer have already made a gift of some of what they might have spent on their visit to GPC this summer. We hope others will do the same.

  • We are also pleased to have strong support for the Barn project and are on our way toward the $85,000 fund-raising goal for that project. We still hope to begin work sometime in 2020. Noting the priority above, please do make an additional gift to keep the Barn Project moving forward. One of the nicest gifts recently received was a $100 check with the instructions, “If not needed to get through this difficult year, please use for the GPC Barn Project.” If you are considering a more substantial gift for the Barn, please contact me.

In a time when everyone is so affected by the Corona pandemic, we are grateful to all who have called or written or contributed. Your support means so much. Geneva Point Center will be OK, because together we will make sure of it.
Best wishes and many thanks,
Peter Claypoole
Executive Director

What can you do to stay connected and support Geneva Point Center?
·        Visit our new website
·        Find us on Facebook
·        Find us on Instagram
·        If you are in or near Moultonborough, come and walk the trails
·        Become a sustaining monthly contributor or increase your pledge
·        Make an annual gift
·        Make a special gift just to help GPC through this difficult time
·        Make a special gift for the GPC Barn Project