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Dragon Tales
Please note: The church office is closed today due to the winter storm. For information about tomorrow, please view our new Inclement Weather Policy.

We will be testing a new group texting system for tomorrow's announcement. If you wish to make sure you are signed up, please email your name and cell number to info@st-margarets.org.
A Note from Patti
We’ve talked a lot about discipleship lately, and done quite a bit, too! In our efforts to be aware of, and care for, the least among us, we have collected supplies for the girls in Dageno, Tanzania, our local Light House shelter, and are currently preparing for Winter Relief, the ecumenical county-wide program that houses the homeless during the harshest of the winter months. This is great!

But at times, to paraphrase an old story, it can seem like we take someone out of the river downstream, dry them off, and then gently put them back in the river. We need to ask ourselves “How did this person get in the river to begin with? What is going on upstream that we can change?”

I, along with seven other parishioners, recently attended Episcopal Advocacy Day at the Maryland State Legislature. EAD is sponsored by the Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network (/www.facebook.com/meppn/) and the Rev. Kathy Shahinian, our Diocesan Public Policy Advocate. The upshot of the day is this: we can make a difference! The bills that are presented to the Assembly each session cover a number of areas that are of real consequence to public health and safety, and truly impact the lives of the least among us. Many of our Episcopalian sisters and brothers make the trip to Annapolis to sit in hearings, and even testify (using a prepared script that reflects our diocesan stance on a given issue).

Another good source of information is the Episcopal Public Policy Network, the national group. Their website is here. You can sign up for periodic alerts from them that will keep you abreast of current situations.

I know, “TMI!!!” you’re saying. It’s not, really. These are resources. We need to advocate because if we don’t, who will? Laws don’t pass themselves. Legislators are humans and are influenced by human stories. We need to tell our stories, speak our faith and work to remove the obstacles upstream that keep so many folks in the river downstream.

May the Holy Spirit comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.

Love, Patti
Death of Sue Farmer

We are saddened to announce the death of former parishioner Sue Farmer. Her service has not been scheduled yet, but you can track that information here.

Rest eternal grant to her, O Lord; And let light perpetual shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Grant, O Lord, to all who are bereaved the spirit of faith and courage, that they may have strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; not sorrowing as those without hope, but in thankful remembrance of your great goodness, and in the joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love. And this we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Sunday's Service - February 17, 2019
St. Margaret's will be hosting our local homeless brothers and sisters in March for winter relief. Over a hundred volunteer slots are required! Please begin signing up on Sundays during coffeehour or sign up HERE (or on our website under "Quick Links").
Men's Breakfast on Feb. 23
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is sponsoring a men's breakfast this Saturday, Feb. 23, 9:00 a.m. at Riverbay Roadhouse in the Cape St. Claire shopping center. Guest speaker will be Grant Harmon who will share stories about his work with the FBI and "stories we've never heard." All men of the church are welcome. If you plan to attend, please RSVP with Tug Knorr at tugknorr@aol.com .
Day School Fundraiser Auction on March 2
Our Day School will be holding their major annual fundraiser on Saturday, March 2, 6 p.m. at the Annapolis Maritime Museum.

This year, our award-winning school has a major expense: to replace the playground to bring it up to code for the coming school year. The amount needed for equipment and installation as well as grading is $70,000.

Please consider supporting this effort!

Ash Wednesday on March 6
ash wednesday
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. Ash Wednesday emphasizes two themes: our sinfulness before God and our human mortality.

Services at St. Margaret's will be held at 7:30 a.m., Noon, and 7:00 p.m.
Following the noon service, the Women's Guild will host a soup and salad luncheon in the Parish Hall. All are welcome.
Silent Movie Concert on March 10
We are excited to announce that notable organist Michael Britt will return to St. Margaret's on Sunday, March 10 at 4 p.m. to accompany the classic silent comedy Sherlock, Jr. starring Buster Keaton, right in our sanctuary! Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to this annual popular family-friendly event!
Preview of Sherlock Jr.
March 9th Diocesan Events
A Centering Prayer Retreat led by the Right Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, bishop of Maryland, March 9, St. Martin’s in-the-Field, Severna Park.

Reflect on the nature of prayer as relationship with God, and explore the levels of relationship that you can grow into. Learn and practice centering prayer as a way of contemplation - being guided by the Spirit beyond thoughts, words and emotions. And rest in the interior silence which is the root of all prayer.  Learn more and register online here.

The annual Bishop Unplugged event with Bishop Sutton and diocesan youth will be held March 9 at St. Martin's-in-the-Field, Severna Park, 2:00-4:00 p.m. It is a great time for youth to meet their peers, get to know the bishop, and grow their faith.

Coming This Lent @ St. Margaret's
Compline by Candlelight (Wednesday evenings)
Each Wednesday at 7 p.m., starting March 13, enter the sanctuary for a short, contemplative candlelit service that builds each week from spoken to all liturgy sung. It will be the perfect way to observe the Lenten season and to close your day.

Sunday Mornings
Join the Rev. Peter W. Mayer on Sunday mornings during Lent (starting March 10) from 10:20 to 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for discussions from the book "Hanging by a Thread" by Samuel Wells. The book reflects on the challenges of understanding Christ's crucifixion that arise today using contemporary ideas in history, biblical studies, and philosophy.   Books are available on Amazon.com here or can be purchased from independent book sellers at www.biblio.com.

Thursday Mornings
Our Thursday morning study will soon begin a new book just in time for Lent titled "The Last Week" by Borg/Crossan that centers on w hat the Gospels really teach about Jesus's final days in Jerusalem. The study begins at 9:15 a.m. on Thursdays in Classroom E. Childcare in the nursery is provided. All are welcome! There are a few books left that are being sold during coffeehour on Sundays at the winter relief table or you can purchase one online.

Monday Evenings
On our Monday night Faith & Fellowship formation nights in Lent, we will provide a study for both the music lover and the biblical seeker exploring the scriptural texts of Handel's  Messiah.  This study offers careful examination of the texts as we listen to the musical lines. Starting March 11.

Donations Needed for Dageno Center
Dozens of our parishioners will soon be traveling to Africa and visiting our parish grant awardee -- the Dageno Girls Center. Through their travel, they are able to transfer donations needed.

If you would be willing to bring some used items to donate to Dageno Girls Center, the following items are needed:
• Tech equipment: laptops, digital cameras, unlocked cell phones, projectors, SD storage cards
• Science lab supplies: microscopes, beakers, test tubes, magnets, scales, legos
• Art supplies: construction paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, colored chalk, certificate/award paper, paint pens, fabric scissors
• Gardening supplies: drip irrigation pipes, vegetable seeds
• Games: soccer balls, volley balls, kick balls, whiffle ball set, board games, puzzles
• Camping supplies for the Dageno graduates’ tourism business: tents and sleeping bags
• Bedding and towels for Dageno graduates’ lodge business: double and twin sheet sets, hand towels, bath towels
• Kitchen supplies for Dageno graduates’ restaurant business: coffee presses, mixing bowls, ice cube trays, measuring cups, baking sheets and pans, Tupperware / Rubbermaid plastic containers of all sizes, reusable straws.

Donations that are smaller can be left in the narthex. For larger items or for more information, contact Gail Pelton 301-385-3816 or peltongail@gmail.com or Janice Roper Graham at janice@opp-llc.com or 443-569-6051 .

Activities resume Monday
Quick Links

Dragon Tales - Monday afternoons
Sunday Announcements - Wednesday mornings
Summer Camps 2019

St. Margaret's Church
1601 Pleasant Plains Road
Annapolis, MD 21409
(410) 974-0200 Office Phone
(443) 867-5463 Pastoral Emergency Line

Staff Contacts

The Rev. Peter W. Mayer, Rector, peter@st-margarets.org
The Rev. Patti Sachs, Assistant Rector, patti@st-margarets.org
Elizabeth Radley, Director of Operations, elizabeth@st-margarets.org
Jim Douglas, Director of Music, music@st-margarets.org
Laura Tayman, Communications & Programs Asst., laura@st-margarets.org
Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Leader, jeff@st-margarets.org
Teresa McCorkle, Bookkeeper, office@st-margarets.org
Jim Bowersox, Facility Operations Assistant
Judy Hall, Churchyard Administrator, churchyard@st-margarets.org
Izzy Winn, Grants Administrator, missions@st-margarets.org