Indian Lake Watershed Association Update 3/4/2018
I ndian Lake Watershed Association's Annual Meeting 3/8/2018
The Association's annual public meeting will take place on Thursday, March 8th, 2018 from 5:30 to 6:30 at the Bancroft School Field House, 100 Shore Drive in Worcester.
This meeting is open to the public and is designed to give you an update on all the great things the association is involved with including lake management, public spaces around the lake and how you can help.
Worcester Lakes & Ponds Program: Year 1 at Indian Lake
Jacquelyn Burmeister, Environmental Analyst, City of Worcester Lakes and Ponds,
DPW&P Water Operations Division
Leading by Example: Field Management at Bancroft School
Peter McKone, Director of Operations, Bancroft School 
Progress in our Parks: Master Plan Updates for Public Spaces around Indian Lake
Rob Antonelli, Assistant Commissioner, City of Worcester - DPW & Parks
Parks, Recreation & Cemetery Division
Neighborhood Policing
Roger Steele, Captain, Worcester Police Department 
Please join us!

** Should the meeting need be rescheduled due to the weather, we will email our Constant Contact distribution list and post on the Indian Lake Facebook.
A True Sign of S-P-R-I-N-G!
The City of Worcester's Department of Public Works and Parks Storm Water Management Team is anticipating closing the gates to refill the lake on Monday, March 12th! 
Residents on big and Little Indian Lake, kindly take the time to cleanup along your shoreline before the refill date.
State of the Lakes


Reporting on our Waterways

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the 'State of the Lakes: Water Quality and Initiatives in Our Blue Spaces' last week!
You can find the report that pertains to Indian Lake at the link below:
Photo: ILWA president Beth Proko talking about our group (photo courtesy of Friends of Patch Reservoir).
Blackstone River Coalition Water Monitors Needed
Susan Thomas, Coordinator of the Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program asked us to pass along a request for volunteers this monitoring season for the following:
  • Site monitor for Poor Farm Brook which is located by the Roberto Clemente Field near the  Great Brook Valley housing complex along the NE Cutoff.This is a cold water fishery resource. Parking is easy and it's a short walk down an embankment to the water just upstream of the road. It's only 10 min drive or so to the lab for sample drop off.
  • Site monitor for Broad Meadow Brook at Dunkirk (off Greenwood Street) just a few minutes up Massasoit Rd from Mass Audubon. It's easy parking and easy access by the culvert opening of the brook.
  • Floaters are needed to cover sites when the regular monitor is unable to do so.

Field Monitor training takes about one hour and this will be scheduled to meet volunteers' schedules. Lab training takes place during a testing day and doesn't require advanced prep.

Susan Thomas, Coordinator
Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program
Blackstone River Coalition
414 Massasoit Rd, Worcester
City of Worcester Strategic Planning Survey
On behalf of the City of Worcester, we are sharing a public survey that we hope you will consider participating in. It is part of the City's strategic planning process and allows you to provide input and prioritize items that are important to you.
You should probably give yourself about 10 minutes to participate in it's entirety:

Focus on Little Indian
The ILWA's Water Quality Subcommittee met with Little Indian abutters last week to discuss the lake's history, current management and what the future may look like for Little Indian.
Little Indian is a small but beautiful water body which boasts much wildlife. Turtles can be seen sunning themselves on a log on virtually any warm day and the swans have already returned to nest alongside the water.
Yet the introduction of Rt 122A many years ago impeded the flow of water and the culvert under the roadway just hasn't worked as effectively as one would hope. Thus the lake has struggled for years with shallow stagnant water, sediment buildup, weeds and algae. The lake is owned by both the City of Worcester and residents, with property lines stretching to mid lake.
Residents have worked very hard over many years evaluating numerous management techniques. With many new faces in the neighborhood, it was great to meet and discuss the best ways to move forward in the near term and encourage people to get involved.
Representatives from SOLitude Lake Management came to discuss the results of last year's summer management plans and answer questions about their experiences at the lake.
Thank you to everyone who came out to support this effort!
MA COLAP Meeting Friday, April 13th from 8am to 3pm
Interested in lake and pond management? The 31st Annual meeting of the Massachusetts Congress of Lakes and Ponds (COLAP) is a great spot to learn and meet many experts in the field! The full day conference includes speakers from several disciplines. This year's  topics are centered around invasive species and how they affect lakes and lake management in Massachusetts.

For more information and to register:

Spring Cleanup Set for Saturday, May 5th from 9 am to noon
Our spring cleanup will be on Saturday, May 5th. Please join us as we focus on shoreline cleanup, Morgan Park, Shore Park, Clason Beach, Frostholm Memorial and Hapgood Brooks Memorial!!
Monthly Neighborhood Watch
The Indian Lake Neighborhood Watch meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at the training room at Harr Toyota, 100 Gold Star Boulevard. At every meeting we receive an update on the neighborhood crime statistics from the previous month from Worcester
Police Officer Lisa Carlson. Officer Carlson also shares other updates with the group including trends in crime around the city as well as important tips regarding general safety, home security and how to identify illegal drugs and drug use behaviors.
This meeting is also about quality of life issues in the neighborhood such as missing street signs, graffiti, illegal dumpting, pot holes, abandoned vehicles, abandoned houses, etc. The meeting is typically attended by one of the City of Worcester Code Enforcement employees who is also available to answer questions about city ordinances.
If you are unable to attend these meetings but would like to share information with the group or ask a question you can email [email protected]  or Officer Carlson directly at [email protected] .
The next neighborhood meeting is Tuesday, March 20th at 6pm.


Indian Lake Watershed Association, Inc.
PO Box 60244, Worcester, MA 01606