This black swallowtail goes about its business in Como Park. Photo: Nile Fellows
TCGIS Opens Doors Before Demolition
Twin Cities German Immersion School will open its Aula -- the former St. Andrew's church building -- this Sunday to allow neighbors, former parishioners, school families, and anyone else to "say goodbye" to the building.  The school expects to begin tearing down the building the week of Aug. 5, as it begins the construction project that will add academic space, a gymnasium, and a cafeteria to handle its growing enrollment. 

School parents are organizing the farewell on July 28 from 1-2:30 p.m. There is no program, the school says, just light snacks, music, and time for reflection. 

The City of Saint Paul issued a demolition permit on July 24, a day after a  Minnesota Appeals Court ruling cleared the way for demolition.  Also, on July 24, the city's Housing and Redevelopment Authority gave preliminary approval for up to $9 million in conduit revenue bonds that the school can use to finance its construction project. A final vote on the bonds is scheduled for Aug. 14.
ComoFest Finishes with a Flurry 
This weekend is your last chance to soak in 2019's ComoFest activities. The rundown:
  • Northwest Como Movie Night and Campout: Today, Friday July 26, 6:30 p.m. until Saturday morning, 1550 N. Hamline Ave. An outdoor showing of "Smallfoot" begins about 9 p.m. After the movie, there's a bonfire and s'mores. Before the movie, activities include kickball, yard games, a jump castle, other kids' diversions, and concessions. If it rains, the movie will move inside. Admission is free.
  • TopLine Federal Credit Union's Community Appreciation Picnic: This Saturday, July 27, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 976 Lexington Parkway. Stop by for hot dogs, treats and games. Free. Then, at 1:15, take part in Como Park's "shortest marathon" and hustle across Lexington Parkway to ...
  • Gabe's Mini Mingle: This Saturday, July 27, 1-5 p.m., Gabe's by the Park, 991 Lexington Parkway. Miniature golf, mini-donuts, a mini-beer-tasting festival, and music. On the west parking lot. Free.
Grab a Paddle, Grab Some Trash
Bring (or rent) a canoe or kayak next Saturday morning, Aug. 3, and team up with other neighbors to pull trash from Como Lake. If you don't want to be on the water, join us by walking the shoreline and cleaning up litter there.

We'll supply equipment, beverages, and really good doughnuts. Join us anytime you can between 9 a.m. and noon. The event is organized by the District 10 Como Community Council and supported by a grant from the Capitol Region Watershed District. To sign up: Fill out the online form
What's Your Favorite Drain Name?
So far, Como residents have adopted more than 170 storm drains. Some clearly had a lot of fun naming their adopted drain in the process. Here's a sample:  Vote for your favorite now!

Meanwhile, there is only one week left in the friendly competition between District 10 and five other district councils to see which neighborhood can adopt more drains this summer. To understand why we adopt drains, see this short video. It's easy to adopt one or more near your home, school, organization, or business.
  • Go to
  • Once you get to the interactive map, look for a red drain -- that means the drain is available. (Green means someone else already has it.)
  • Adopt one or more of the available drains.
  • Then, diligently keep the drain clean, so debris doesn't flow into Como Lake, the Mississippi River, or connecting waterways. As a reminder to you and your neighbors, a lawn sign will mysteriously show up, highlighting your role.
Not All Plastics Can Be Recycled   
Yes, you can recycle a lot of plastics in your blue cart. But you cannot recycle plastic utensils and straws -- for two reasons:
  • They are too small and difficult to sort at recycling facilities.
  • There are no recycling markets for them.
You also can't recycle plastic containers labeled #3 (PVC, or polyvinyl chloride) or #6 (PS, or polystyrene).

Recycle Smart: Choose reusable spoons or straws instead. Or, use paper straws or BPI-certified straws or spoons, which can be composted at community organics recycling sites (such as the District 10 site on Beulah Lane in Como Park).
The Gift of Tongues  
The Saint Paul Public Library doesn't have this -- but the library's website does. It's called Transparent Language Online. It's a way to learn to read, write, speak, and understand any of more than 100 languages on your home computer or mobile device. It's also free: All you need is a library card to set up your account. Learn how it works
Road Construction Near Us
  • Larpenteur Ave. (between Dale and Rice): Ramsey County will restripe most of this stretch from four lanes to three beginning this Monday, July 29. The restriping will create one travel lane in each direction, with a shared center turn lane and temporary pedestrian medians. Work is expected to last two weeks.
  • Larpenteur Ave. (west of Snelling): Much of this stretch remains one lane in each direction as concrete repairs continue from Snelling west almost to 280. The timeline keeps getting extended: Now, engineers say, work will last until mid-August. 
  • Wheelock Parkway: Reconstruction is underway between the Western/Arlington intersection and Rice St.
Yoga Returns to the Pavilion  
A public yoga class takes place almost every Wednesday and Friday morning in August on the outdoor, covered stage at the Como Lakeside Pavilion. Como Park resident Sara Wait leads the all-levels class, which includes gentle flow/vinyasa with elements of yin yoga.  The drop-in classes meet from 9-10 a.m. on Aug. 2, 7, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, and 30. Classes are free, though a $10 donation is suggested. Participants should bring their own mat and water. The south gate at the Pavilion will open at 8:45, and close when class starts.
Don't let the name fool you. Prairie Fire Lady Choir sings The Replacements, Bikini Kill, Leonard Cohen, Twisted Sister and a lot more that you wouldn't expect from a chorus. Photo: Paul Lundgren
Music Continues  at the Pavilion
  • Today-Saturday, July 26-27: Opera on the Lake: Die Fladermaus, 7 p.m. Tickets: $25
  • This Sunday, July 28: Como Pops, 3 p.m.; Hopkins Westwind Concert Band, 7 p.m.
  • This Monday, July 29: River City Chorale, 7 p.m.
  • This Tuesday, July 30: St. Anthony Park Community Band, 7 p.m.
  • This Wednesday, July 31: Rich Louis Band, 7 p.m.
  • This Thursday, Aug. 1: Lush Country, 7 p.m.
  • Next Friday, Aug. 2: Happy Hour with John Eller's piano bar sing-along of rock classics, 5:30 p.m., Prairie Fire Lady Choir, 7 p.m.
Events are free (except when they're not). Find out more about the performers -- or get an advance look at the season's full mix of local artists and traditional bandstand performers -- on Spring Cafe's website.
This Week Ahead at the Fairgrounds
  • Minnesota United park-and-ride: This Saturday, July 27. Parking lots south of Como Ave. are open for tailgating and shuttle buses from 4-11 p.m. The soccer match vs. Vancouver is at 7 p.m. at Allianz Field.
Other Things Going On
  • This Wednesday, July 31: Ward 1 Fair Housing Convening, 5-7 p.m. Rondo Community Library, 461 Dale St.
  • Friday Aug. 9: Deadline to submit comments on application by Duke's Cars and Towing to open an auto repair garage at 977 Front Ave. Submit comments by email or in writing to Legislative Hearing Officer, City Hall Room 310, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102.
  • Saturday Aug. 10: Como Woodland Nature Survey Walk: Dragonflies, 9 a.m.
  • Monday Aug. 12: Public hearing on application from Gabe's By The Park to modify its liquor license to allow amplified sound on its outdoor deck, 10 a.m., Room 330, City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
  • Thursday Aug. 15: Mayor Melvin Carter's 2020 Budget Address, noon-1:30 p.m. Frogtown Community Center, 237 W. Thomas.
Keep Your Garage Doors Closed. Really. 
Garage burglaries are driving the 26 percent increase in residential break-ins this year, according to commanders in Saint Paul's Western District. Reversing that trend is simple, they say, if residents learn to keep their overhead door and service door closed and locked. 

Leaving doors open -- even if you are in the yard doing chores, or just running into the house to grab something -- is an invitation for thieves to walk in and walk off with power equipment, tools, bikes, or other gear before you know it. Or, it let's thieves take inventory, so they know what they'll get when they come back later.

To prove how common this is, Saint Paul officers conducted Operation Pulldown this spring. They drove through alleys and streets at night, looking for open garage doors. They found more than 600. Instead of taking something, police left something: A note letting residents know they probably wouldn't be so lucky next time.

This Week's Como Neighborhood Crime Update 
We Can Help with Your Party
District 10 has street barricades and portable recycling containers that community members can use for block parties, neighborhood, or family events. You can borrow the recycling containers for free; there are two kinds:
  • For cans, bottles and other items you can include in your weekly recycling.
  • For food scraps and other compostable organics.
The street barricades are required by the city when you block off your street or alley -- but ours are a more-affordable option than getting them from Public Works.  Barricades require a $50 deposit. We return $40 when you return the barricades.  Reservations are first-come, first-served. (To borrow our barricades, you must have an event permit from the city.)

To reserve any of this equipment, call our office at 651-644-3889, or send us an email.
Photo: T Boardman
Streetcar Station is Open Every Sunday
For the rest of the season, the Como Park Streetcar Station is open every Sunday from noon-4 p.m. It is a great chance to learn a little about the long-gone trolley system in the Twin Cities, about the history and visionaries behind Como and the city's overall park system, to pick up organics recycling bags or kitchen starter kits, or just to chat with a District 10 board member who is staffing the day. The Historic Streetcar Station is at the northeast corner of Lexington and Horton.
Spread the Word
District 10 is one of Saint Paul's 17 citizen participation districts. The District 10 Como Community Council is a nonprofit organization, governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by members of the community. The Council's mission is to inform, educate, and connect the neighborhood to increase community pride and confidence. 
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