IPUL's News Update / Social Media Recap:
July 26, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
************* Sharing Local and Regional Information ***********

If you know of or have news, information or upcoming events in your hometown that are relevant to families who have children with disabilities or special health care needs and would like us to share that information, please email the details to for review.
Our program coordinator will then share this via IPUL's social media networks.
IPULians (Still) on the Road Next Week
IPUL Staff will be in North Idaho at the Caregiving in Idaho Lifespan Respite Summit, until Thursday, August 1st.

If you will be trying to reach us in that time for assistance, we recommend using the form on our website at: T his link  as this will have the best response time.

Calls to the office intake line may not be returned until after we are back in the office in August.

You can always email us individually at (first name)@  as well - our email address can be found on our website at
News About IPUL Arts
Friday, July 19, 2019, the IPUL Board of Directors unanimously voted to change the name of VSA Idaho, The State Organization on Arts and Disability programming to IPUL Arts.

The VSA affiliate network has ended but our arts programming is alive and well!

IPUL Arts brings arts education to children with disabilities via our Creative Access Artists in Residence Program and our Work of Art Pre-Employment Training program via grants and contracts with our partners.

Reports From the Road (1)
Angela started off this week for us by reporting in from Washington DC:

Spending my day with other state chair, co-chair, and providers for our Infant Toddler Coordinating Councils. I love how many of them refer to their partnerships with their Parent Training and Information Centers for increased and improved parent engagement and in parent leadership development. Yay PTIs! 

~Angela Lindig, IPUL Executive Director and current Co-Chair of the Idaho Infant Toddler Coordinating Council in Washington DC
Reports From the Road (2)
L to R  Casey Gordon Angela Lindig Joe Gonzalez Sarah Tueller
IPUL staff attended the 2019 Office of Special Education (OSEP) Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. along with State Department of Education, Infant Toddler Program, and Parent Training and Information Center partners from Idaho, and across the nation.

We enjoyed a wonderful reception on the Hill where we heard from our congressional leaders who support our work and our families who are raising with disabilities!

(L to R : Casey Gordon, Angela Lindig, Joe Gonzalez, Sarah Tueller)
Celebrate 29 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act With This Fact Sheet
We shared this:

" Celebrate 29 years of the Americans with Disabilities Act! Learn more:

And from the fact sheet:

ADA is...

A federal civil rights law passed in 1990. It prohibits disability discrimination by the state and federal
government, including in schools. It also applies to private schools and workplaces, and to any
space that oers goods and services to the public. ADA covers people of all ages.

Here First! Our Monthly Trainings Schedule
We just finalized our year at a glance calendar for the 2019-2020 period, and are sending it out here before we have it up anywhere else.
2019-2020 save the date calendar
Graham Slam 2019
Graham DeLaet
August Statewide Training - 
Special Education: 10 tips For Back To School Success
august 2019 newsletter
Join us for a discussion to prepare you and your child for a positive start to the new school year. Topics will include creating a snapshot of your child, working with new IEP team members, and developing any necessary plans for safety, behavior, emergencies, and more.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. 
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. MDT



We welcome people who want to attend the training in person at our Boise office. 
(Please plan to be in the office at least 10 minutes prior to broadcast.)

People attending remotely via our simulcast webinar will only need to have a modern web browser to attend. (And you can do that via computer, smartphone, or tablet)

You can register by clicking this link:

You will receive a confirmation email with a link to join either of the live events.