Volume VIII | Summer 2020
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists
Sports Medicine Newsletter
Summer 2020
Spring Sports and School Cancelled
On May 1st Gov. Cuomo officially ordered for schools to stay closed for the remainder of the academic year. Among many other things, this leaves spring sport athletes and coaches to cope with the loss of their season. For most athletes, it's a bummer but there's always next year. For senior athletes, it's a loss of a right of passage. Some may be lucky enough to continue their athletic careers in college, and a very lucky few might be able to make it to the professional level, but even those that get to carry on, this still makes for a chapter with no conclusion.

It's not all sad news though. Many teams are finding ways to stay connected with the best part of a team sport... the team. Some teams are having virtual team workouts through videochats and participating in social media challenges. Just because we can't be physically close to one another doesn't mean you can't stay connected. Never underestimate the power of team.
Ithaca College Swimming and Diving team having a virtual team workout.
A New Superhero
Cal Altman is a 3rd grader at Michael A. Maroun Elementary in Phoenix, NY. Like everyone else, he is staying home to help stop the spread of COVID 19. A member of his family works in the medical field and one day she asked Cal to draw her a picture.

So he went on the internet and found inspiration from the picture on the left and drew his own version on the right. This is not only a testament to Cal's artistic talents, but a nod to this generation's new idea of what it means to be a superhero.

Thank you to all of the frontline workers putting themselves at risk to help keep everyone safe and healthy.
2021 Summer Olympics
It is official, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics will be postponed until summer 2021. All athletes that have qualified will keep their spots for the delayed games, but the athletes that were training for their Olympic Trials planned for later in the year will have to completely reimagine their training plan.

Rescheduling the games might prove to be almost as much of a production as building the Olympic Village was. Some athletes may feel like the change could have a negative impact on their performance, while others may find the extra year of training as an advantage.

Whichever the case may be, we can be sure that the Olympic Spirit will continue to flourish and hopefully be a wonderful reconnecting of people from all 206 participating nations after this difficult year of distancing.
Maintaining Fitness with Social Distancing
There are many resources to help you stay active while social distancing.

  • The Peloton App has extended their free trial to 90 days. There is a lot more than just spinning workouts.

  • Partner fitness challenges can help keep you accountable. Videochat while working out or make a shared exercise log to track each other’s progress.
Mental Health Corner
This spring has been a stressful time emotionally, mentally, financially, and the summer is likely to follow suit. While it is indisputable fact that staying home and social distancing are the only tools we have to limit the spread of COVID 19 and in turn save lives, humans are a social creature and it is taking a toll on people's mental health.

Dr. Nanavati of Upstate did a radio interview on strategies to maintain wellness and manage stress. Listen to the full interview here.

Ever have questions about orthopedic injuries or how to prevent injuries? Tweet your questions to @SOSbones #AskSOS and our providers will answer them here!

We are looking for topics the community is interested in hearing about. We’ll ask our orthopedic experts and share the answers.
Please share your thoughts with us at

Have a team, tournament, or game coming up?
Click Here to request an SOS Athletic Trainer for your team or upcoming event. Athletic Trainers are available for regular coverage for your school or team as well as per diem coverage for individual games, tournaments, or camps!
SOS Sports Medicine Physicians
Dr. Glenn B. Axelrod
Dr. Todd C. Battaglia
Dr. P. James Newman
Dr. John F. Parker
Dr. Bradley S. Raphael
Dr. Irving G. Raphael
Dr. L. Ryan Smart
Dr. Daniel C. Wnorowski
After-Hours Care
Convenient, immediate, evening & weekend care for acute orthopedic injuries. Treats medical conditions that need prompt attention, but are not life-threatening.

Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists | Sports Medicine | 315.251.3100 |