February 15, 2019
This Sunday at Binkley
February 17, 2019
Morning Celebration
9:00 am, Lounge

Sunday School
9:30 am

11:00 am, Sanctuary
Marcus McFaul
Youth Group
6:00 pm, Sunroom/Lounge
From Our Pastor
Serene Jones, president of Union theological Seminary in NYC, will be our guest presenter for the Seymour Symposium at Binkley on March 2-3. I hope you've registered by now (if not, register here ) and please, please, please extend invitations for guests to attend. Over the past few weeks I've shared some of her writing in this space to whet your appetite for her perspectives and depth of content. Sometime in March her book,  Call it Grace: Finding Meaning in a Fractured World,  will be released. Here is an excerpt from the Introduction:

" I believe this moment in our history is a unique one for embarking on the search for a new, more grace-filled American spirituality...As a minister, teacher, friend, and administrator, I interact with people from all walks of life. Most are searching, longing, and yet so many of us are in despair. No one believes in anything; nihilism, hopelessness, and moral emptiness reign, on both the right and left sides of the political spectrum. We have grown godless. Especially, but not only, inside our faith communities.
The ideas of mystery, grace, love, sin, and forgiveness need to be made available to people in an accessible way and to become part of the public discourse again...I believe a theology of grace can help us achieve the kind of honesty and openness----toward ourselves and others---required to banish the presiding despair and, as a culture, walk toward grace and global well-being."

This Sunday I'll be preaching from the lectionary gospel lesson (Luke 6: 17-26). This text is Luke's version of the Beatitudes (compare with Matthew's version in Matthew 5:1-12). In worship we will have the joy of dedicating Abi Famoyegun, daughter to Cathy and Dele, and sister to big brother Sola. Rabindranath Tagore is credited with saying that "every child that is born is proof that God has not yet given up on human beings." When a child and family are celebrated as this week with the McDermott's and Famoyegun's despair is banished indeed. Take a look at the bulletin here .

I look forward to being with you this Sunday.

With much affection for you,
Marcus McFaul
The Binkley 411
Adult Sunday School Classes
9:30 am
Join us on Sunday morning, February 17, 9:30-10:30 for an adult Sunday School class. There are a variety of opportunities to choose from, and each class is open to newcomers!

Mindful Parenting, Lounge: This week, Paula Butler will be facilitating the conversation.

The Bible and The New York Times , Sunroom: Marcus McFaul is leading a discussion on two articles: Survivor says SBC leaders’ response to abuse revelations little help to victims and When Religion Leads to Trauma.

Finding Myself on a Journey , Chapel: Meredith Bratcher guides this Bible-based experiential learning and life reflection class. This Sunday, the passage to be considered is Luke 6:17-26 .

It’s Not Just One Way , Room 17: Each week in this class, an individual or couple shares their spiritual journey with the group.

English as a Second Language and Christianity , Room 18: Bo Lloyd leads the class in an engaging study of Christian faith, while also helping participants improve English vocabulary and fluency.
Reading with a Queer Eye
This Tuesday evening begins a multi-week bible study for our students on the Bible and LGBTQ+ affirmation. "Reading with a Queer Eye" will take another look at the scriptural passages most frequently used to condemn queer people. Our discussion will call us to live into the most liberating responses to these texts. The first discussion will take place this Tuesday evening at 8PM in the library. All students are encouraged to attend! Contact Campus Ministry Coordinator Austin for more info: austin@binkleychurch.org.
Wednesday Night Series
Feb 20, 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
Way of Love: Recovering the Heart of Christianity. Dr. Norman Wirzba , Professor of Theology and Ecology at Duke Divinity School, returns to Binkley to engage us in conversation about his 2016 book, Way of Love, which offers compelling stories and theological testimony of the best kind. Come and be inspired! Check ‘Event’ in the Friendship Register or RSVP to the office by Monday, February 4 at noon. Dinner is $7 for adults, $4 for children.
Our Wednesday night chefs, Linda and Karin, hard at work, but always with a smile! 
Registration Now Open!
2019 Seymour Symposium
March 2-3
Serene Jones said recently, "It’s no coincidence that widespread pastoral abuse has flourished in traditions with strongly patriarchal theology. How we know and name God deeply impacts who wields power within churches, and who is left voiceless."

View her two minute video, "Staring suffering straight in the face":

Volunteers and donations of plastic jugs and cylindrical oatmeal boxes are need for the children's program. Contact Sheryl Scrimsher  for more information.
Monday, Feb. 18, 12:30 pm, Lounge
NOW ON MONDAYS! Anyone available for a hearty lunch and a wholesome program at 12:30 pm on Monday, February 18 is invited to Primetimers. This month our program is led by Marcus McFaul, “Life with Uncle Ernest: The Ernest Tubb Story.” Lunch from K&W is $9. Please RSVP to the office or sign up outside directly after worship on Sunday.
Bail Bond Justice Project
Tues., Feb. 26, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall
  Binkley is hosting a Community Informational Meeting on our new initiative, the Orange County Bail Bond Justice Project. We are inviting interested folks from other congregations, organizations, and community members to come and join us in this effort. The meeting will be 7:00 to 8:30 in the Binkley Fellowship Hall.

We hope you will attend this meeting and help get the word out to other justice-minded friends in the community. For folks who would like more information, they can send an email to   info@ocbailbondjustice.org .  
Update from Sign Committee
The Sign Committee (Rob Lewis, chair; Janet O’Neal; Fred Schroeder; Chon Shoaf) appreciates the Binkley congregation taking the time and interest to provide guidance in the form of comments on the Committee’s preliminary proposal for a new sign at our Church. Your
comments have all been reviewed and considered by the Committee, and we have shared a summary with Council. We have listed the comments (with names removed) for your awareness of the rich diversity of opinions shared. We have also grouped the comments into common themes and provided our response to offer you additional information.

Click HERE to continue reading and to access the list of comments, response from the committee, list of committee
activities as of January 28,2019, and preliminary sign proposal shared at the display table in January.
Safety Update
The safety working group received Council approval to implement the security procedures presented a few weeks ago. Please read this Sunday's bulletin announcements for details. In general, you can always exit the building but you can only enter worship after 11:15 using your key fob or with the assistance of a safety coordinator in the narthex. Remember backpacks are not allowed in the sanctuary. As we integrate these plans during the 11:00 worship hour, we continue to seek your feedback and cooperation.
February Challenge
Plant a Tree
The Earth Ministries Team is confident that Binkley members and friends lament the great loss of trees and whole forest in the rapidly urbanizing area in which we live. Not only do we appreciate the natural beauty of trees and forest, we are also mindful of their benefits to humans and all other living creatures. As a reminder, here is a list of 10 benefits of trees:
Our Wider Community
Click the links below for more information on each event.
April 5, 2019, St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Registration now open. A day-long interfaith conference in Chapel Hill on April 5, exploring how faith influences our reactions to suicide and what we can do better in our responses. Speakers will address how faith communities can engage, support, and build resiliency around those affected by suicide and suicidality. Click here for more information.

Peace in Our Land: Toward a World Without Violence
July 15-20, 2019, Cali, Colombia
We invite you to join us for the 2019 Global Baptist Peace Conference in Cali, Colombia! The conference is open to everyone and anyone interested in peacemaking and will also serve as the 2019 Summer Conference for BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz. During our time together, we will build on the important work of Baptists engaged in peacemaking processes around the globe and equip those engaged in ecumenical and interfaith peacebuilding around the world.  
Link your grocery store loyalty cards to BPS. Here's how.
Revised November 2016
Church Office Hours

8:30 am - 4 pm

8:30 am - 3 pm
Publication Deadlines

Submissions for the March Newsletter are due by:

February 18

Submissions for the weekly bulletin and Friday Update are due by:

Wednesday Noon
The Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church
 | 919.942.4964 | office@binkleychurch.org | binkleychurch.org