IPUL's Social Media Recap : February 15, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
A Positive Start to the Week
We began the week by sharing this great video

2019 Idaho Youth Leadership Forum
The Idaho State Capitol Building
We shared this from the Idaho State Independent Living Council:

It's that time!!!! Can I get a YAY!!!!

Applications are now being accepted for the 2019 Idaho Youth Leadership Forum. It is 6 days of fun and information, with topics including disability history, advocacy, education, career and employment, financial literacy and tons more! 

If you are an individual with a disability, or know one, between the ages of 16 - 21... we would love to have you join us at Boise State University this summer! All expenses will be covered, we just want to help you strengthen those leadership skills. 

Applications can be found on the Idaho SILC webpage at   and the deadline for submission is April 26th, 2019.

If you have any questions, or just want to tell me how excited you are... you can call Jami Davis at: 208-334-3800 or email me at:

Upcoming Transition To Adult Services Meetings
Flyer for the event
We shared this from the Children's Developmental Disabilities Program:

You're Invited:
Join us for a discussion regarding the process of transitioning your child from Children's Developmental Disability Services to Adult Developmental Disability Services

Meetings at the Boise Health and Welfare 1720 Westgate Dr. Suite D Boise, ID 83704 are on March 6, 2019, May 15, 2019, September 18, 2019, and November 6, 2019. All from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

The meeting at the Nampa Health and Welfare at 823 Park Centre Way Nampa, ID 83651 is on July 17, 2019, Also from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

RSVP by contacting either
Laura Banks (208) 475-5094
Hadley Goff (208) 334-0920

Please include your name, full name of the teen (if applicable), how many people will attend, and a contact number or email.
Join the Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities
The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities is seeking new members for the following positions:

· Parent of a child with developmental disabilities

· Adult Self-Advocate with developmental disabilities/intellectual disabilities

If you are interested, please visit the Council website and complete both the Council Application and the Governor’s Application.

Applications are due by March 1st!

Thank You for Participating!
Angela shared this on our Facebook page:

Thanks to all who were able to join us online and in-person this evening for our monthly training. Next month, plan on joining IPUL's Parent Education Coordinators, Sarah Tueller and Casey Gordon for a presentation that is geared toward both parents and youth: Getting and Keeping the First Job.

Also, remember that tonight's training will be recorded at the end of the month as modules and then archived on our website for easy access any time.

(For more information on the upcoming statewide live training, see below)
Reminder: Teen Steam Night in Boise is Next Week
An HP Designjet 120 printer
Local (Boise area) teens - we don't want to cancel our casual STEAM night this coming Tuesday, February 19th. We were originally worried that there would be too many registrations so we're a bit surprised that we have so few. Be sure to sign up today!

Quick reminder that this event is quickly approaching - it's going to be a fun, relaxed opportunity for teens to get to work with some technology and print out posters.

Teen STEAM Night

On Tuesday, February 19, 2019, from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. Idaho Parents Unlimited will be hosting an informal get-together for up to ten teens to hang out, enjoy snacks, and try out some of our new digital art technology to create and print posters.

Participants will be able to use Photoshop with Wacom art 

Teens who need additional supports are encouraged to bring them.
In order to attend, you must register. Register to attend by clicking this link:

Legislative Agenda Information
We've pinned this post to the top of our Facebook page:

There are a lot of things happening at the Idaho Legislature each day that they are in session (typically from January through March.) Did you know that you can access the daily agendas on their website? You can also listen into the committee hearings that stream live. Idaho Parents Unlimited pays close attention to the House and Senate Health and Welfare and Education committees but you may interested in hearing about agencies, proposed rule changes, and other legislative action as well. With busy schedules and proximity - not everyone lives in the Treasure Valley - shocking! - this is a great way to stay on top of things no matter where you are. Daily agendas are found here:

Live streaming of hearings are found here:
We want you to update your preferences!
the words update profile are highlighted  you can find this at the bottom of this page
You can now tune your email preferences! We want to be sure you are getting the mail from us that matters to you.

Currently if you are on our mailing list (and if you are reading this, you are) you are getting everything we send out... However we know that not everyone wants to see everything we send out, so we are making it easy to tune your preferences.

If you scroll to the very bottom of this mailing you will find a link that says "update profile" clicking this will launch a page where you can update your information, and choose what mailings you will receive from us in the future.

You will be able to deselect or select to be on the newsletter list, the social media update list, or the announcements list.

If you are happy with getting everything, then you don't have to do anything, you are all set. But should you want to adjust what we send you, that is now possible.
IPUL's upcoming statewide trainings:
Next statewide training:
March Statewide Training: 
Getting and Keeping the First Job  
Broadcast Live from the Boise office and interactive statewide via webinar platform.
Getting and Keeping the First Job 
Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 5:30 - 7:00 pm MT

Participants will learn about the importance of employment for all and its particular impact on people with disabilities. The critical role of families and engaging youth in career planning as well as maintaining high expectations of youth are included. Basic job search activities as well as skills that help youth with disabilities keep the jobs they get.

Again, we welcome people who want to attend the training in person at our Boise office. (Please plan to be in the office at least by 5:20 p.m.)  People attending remotely via our simulcast webinar will only need to have a modern web browser to attend. (And you can do that via computer, smartphone, or tablet) 

You will receive a confirmation email, but it won't have the link to the webinar just yet. We are changing to a new webinar platform. As soon as we have that, you will have a follow-up email with the link to attend via webinar,  even if you are planning to attend the training in our Boise office in person.  
Next webinar:
Just a reminder that we have changed how we present our webinars - rather than a live webinar, will be releasing a series of shorter, prerecorded modules on the same topic as our statewide training. The idea being that once we put them up, they will remain available for anyone to register to see and watch at their leisure.
You can find them here on our website:

The next topic will be Planning for a Healthy Transition to Adulthood - and will be available on 2/27/19