March 2019

In March, We March!
Celebrating Women's History Month
Shepard Fairey, We The People, 2017

Inclusive Communities was proud to participate in the Omaha Women's Day March on Sunday, March 10. We joined around 1,500 strong women and men in Downtown Omaha to advocate for equitable pay for women, reproductive rights, the #MeToo movement, and other inequities that disproportionately impact women of all ages, races, abilities, and sexual identities.

We were proud to see some of our IncluCity youth making their voices heard at the march!

Lozier Omaha Table Talk
Thank you to all who joined us for the Omaha Table Talk: Ageism on March 12! We had an opportunity to explore issues of age discrimination in the workplace and how companies are impacted by age diversity, or a lack thereof.

In our current job market, many mature workers offer valuable work experience and knowledge, but may need updated training for emerging technologies, communication methods and work styles. Younger workers often face the barrier of "looking too young," which employers may interpret as inexperience, lack of knowledge, laziness, or lack of motivation.

Our panelist, and this year's Humanitarian of the Year Award winner, Marta Nieves stated, "It's important to feel you have a place in this world and that you are important. In order to maintain an equitable democracy, we need to do better."

We want to thank our participants in the table discussions for sharing their concerns, experiences and ideas on having multi-generational discussions on ageism. We'd also like to thank our moderator, Ashley Rae Turner; our panelists, Marta Nieves, Luper Akough, and Christopher M. Kelly; and all our table facilitators and volunteers for lending their energy and crucial dialogue. Special thanks to our partner Heather Holmes with the Crown Pointe Retirement Community.
Upcoming OTT Events
Black Lives Matter with College of St. Mary
Tuesday, March 26, 6:00-7:30pm

For so long the conversation about police brutality and the black community has centered on the abuse black men and boys experience by law enforcement. Following the high-profile arrest and death while in police custody of Sandra Bland in 2015, the #sayhername movement gained national attention as it sought to raise awareness for black female victims of police brutality and anti-black violence in the United States.

In partnership with College of Saint Mary, Inclusive Communities invites you to join a concentrated and intentional conversation about how black women and femmes are affected by anti-blackness and police brutality. What are the intersections of gender and race when it comes to the health care women receive? Why are Black women disproportionately sexually abused while in custody more than other women? On Tuesday March 26th, we take on these important questions and hear action steps all of us can take to be better allies and ensure Black Lives Matter.
Faith and LGBTQ
Tuesday, April 16, 6:00-7:30pm

One of the most contentious identity intersections talked about. When the person you are conflicts with the deity you praise, it can lead to a life full of internal, as well as community conflict. An estimated 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center estimated that between 5 and 10% of LGBT youth, depending on age and sex groups, have attempted suicide, a rate 1.5-3 times higher than heterosexual youth. What factors contribute to statistics like these? Is there a responsibility for organizations centered around faith to assist in the lives of LGBTQ people? Is faith a solution to these issues or a cause, or can it be both? Join us on Tuesday, April 16th as we talk about this and more.
Join Us April 7 for the Humanitarian Brunch!
We've been gathering Omaha’s best and brightest to honor those with a steadfast commitment to making the Omaha community a better place for everyone for more than 80 years. Now more than ever, we need to recognize those who are dedicated to creating more inclusive communities.

Join us for our 2019 Humanitarian Brunch on Sunday, April 7, 2019 with Guest Speaker Vu Le, writer, speaker, vegan, Pisces and Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps, a social justice nonprofit.

The Brunch will start at noon with a happy hour, featuring a Bloody Mary and mimosa bar until 1 p.m. A hosted brunch and program will follow immediately afterward.

For more information or to have your name added to the invite list please contact Suzanna George at 402-391-4460 or  . You can also learn more about Vu Le here. 
Cultural Inclusion Summit

LAST CHANCE! Registration extended until midnight tonight!

Inclusive Communities is proud to partner once again with Omaha Performing Arts for their annual Inclusion Summit! This professional development opportunity for senior leaders, managers, and employees will highlight cultural inclusivity to ensure a more open, inclusive, and understanding in the workplace. Using a shared theater experience as a point of reference, participants will gain valuable skills in creating an inclusive work environment, understanding bias, and building a diverse workforce.
This summit is geared towards employees from both corporate and non-profit organizations along with community leaders.