Weekly Postings
February 15 - February 24, 2019
In This Issue

MON 5:30 PM

Our Schedule this Sunday February 17
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist, Rite One

9:30 AM  
Formation classes for ALL ages
See schedule below

10:30 AM  
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall

11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury choirs
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn
Parish Life Pick 3 Sign-ups
History Data Day Sign-ups

5:30 PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion 
with Prayers for Healing
Laura Tomlin
is our guest musician for this Sunday
This Sunday February 17
History Data Day Sign-ups
Sunday, following the 11 AM service

Sign up in the Narthex today after the 11 AM service, then meet Saturday, February 23, 10 AM - 4 PM, in the Berlin Room. Bring your laptop, tablet, or smart phone and help key our Parish Index 1820-1913 into a simple on-line form. Among other gems, the index records the birth of Col. Archibald Butt, friend and aide to two U.S. presidents, who lost his life in the sinking of the Titanic. Sign up for 2 hours or stay all day. Lunch and snacks provided.  For information or to sign up, email Jaime Figueroa
Parish Life - PICK 3! Sign-ups 
Sunday, following the 11 AM service

You are invited to become a part of Parish Life Pick 3! It is very simple...pick three events that interest you and sign up for one or more jobs in each event! Sign-ups are open for many of our spring events including: Share your Chili Sunday, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper (Men's Group), and spring Evensong and Rose Sunday receptions. Please stop by the Parish Life table in Tyler Hall during coffee and conversation or after Sunday's 11 AM service to sign up or sign up here on-line.
Formation Classes this Sunday February 17

RECTOR'S FORUM, Year-round
Leader: Fr. Muir and guests
Location: The Parlor

The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day.
Bible Study: ROMANS
Sundays, 9:30 AM, throughout the Season of Epiphany
Leaders: Bill Weston and Fr. John Jenkins
Location : Berlin Room

This Sunday: arrive having read Romans 12:1-13:7.

Explore Christ's redeeming love throughout the season of Epiphany by reading a few verses each day from Paul's Letter to the Romans. Join with tens of thousands of Episcopalians to learn about life in the early church and central principles of our Christian faith. The Good Book Club offers an opportunity to dive deeply into scripture and create a daily practice of engagement with God's Word. It's easy to join the Good Book Club: just open your Bible and start! 

Each Sunday we gather to learn more about the week's assigned Scripture and ponder its meaning for us today. As an additional resource, Bishop Benhase leads a weekly lecture and discussion at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Savannah.  Follow his verse-by-verse study guide and watch his class live online Wednesdays at 10 AM or afterwards view the video recording.

Week 6 - Romans 12:1-13-7
Week 5 -
Romans 10:5-11:36
Week 4
- Romans 8:8-10:4
Week 3 - Romans 6:1-8:8
Week 2 - Romans 3:9-5:21
Week 1 - Romans 1:1-3:8

Good News Club - Week 6
Follow these links to the daily schedule of readings and
A Reflection Guide for Paul's Letter to the Romans  produced by Forward Movement and United Thank Offering (UTO).

Please share your feedback or questions with Fr. Jenkins.
FAITH & NATURE: Divine Adventures of Life on Earth
Grades 6 - 12
Leader: Todd Shafer and company
Location: The Upper Room (Upstairs Parish House)

What is up with science, the universe and God and ME? We will dig in and wonder about our place in God's creation... BUT FIRST, breakfast to get the morning going!  Questions about formation? Contact Todd Shafer.

Additional youth announcements are sent out in the Youth Newsletter and through a "Remind" text. If you have any questions or need to be added to the group text for reminders about youth events, email your contact information Fr. John.

WEAVING GOD'S PROMISES -- Ages 8-11 or Grades 3 - 5
Leader: Coleman Graham and company
Location: Blue Room, Children's Ministries Center

Our bigger children will immerse themselves in an Episcopal formation experience rooted in the stories of our faith as presented in Matthew's Gospel. In this first of a three-year cycle, our children encounter the story of our salvation from the fall to our redemption and how we fit into the story. Our theme in this curriculum year is "God loves us and stays with us-no matter what." Every session incorporates theology and history from our Episcopal-Anglican perspective. Questions??? Contact Coleman Graham or Fr. John.
GODLY PLAY -- 4s to 8, Kindergarten thru 2nd grade
Leaders: Kim Butler & Ivey Coleman
Location: Godly Play Room, Children's Ministry Center

We take children and their relationship with God seriously and seek to provide both space to foster encounters with God and the language necessary to make meaning of those experiences. Within the Godly Play classroom, the Biblical narrative is lovingly presented to children using beautiful materials with an invitation to step into each story with awe and wonder. Children are then allowed time to respond to and reflect on their experience of the story.

Take a Parent Page from the table so you can talk your child about "their work" and wonder with them throughout the week about the sacred story. Questions??? Contact Kim Butler, Ivey Coleman, or Fr. John
Next Week February 18 - February 24
Tuesday's Music Live 
Tuesday, February 19, 12:00 noon
Nave and River Room 

Tuesday's Music Live continues its 31st season Tuesday, February 19, with a free concert by Renee Boyce, pianist. Lunch, catered by Cordially Invited, is available after the concert by advance reservation. The cost is $12 per person. Reservations at or by calling the Box Office at (706) 722-3463.
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, February 20, 6-7 PM,  Tyler Hall

Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday, February 20, 6-7 PM, in Tyler Hall. On the menu: 5 cheese Italian sausage, ground beef lasagna, lemon butter broccoli, Caesar salad, and Coca-Cola cake. $5 per person; $15 max per family. A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please RSVP to Todd Shafer. All are encouraged to participate in Compline, a simple and brief Night Prayer service, immediately follows in the chapel, 7-7:15 PM.
"The Lord Almighty, grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end."

COMPLINE - closing prayers for the day
Wednesday, February 20, 7:00 - 7:15 PM
Chapel of St. Peter & St. Paul

Bring your mid-week evening to a prayerful close in a still, candlelit sacred space with one another and God. Compline is a much beloved, simple prayer service for the end of the day. It also may be observed in private at the end of your day and is found on p.127-135 in The Book of Common Prayer. 
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, February 23, 9 - 10:45 AM 

The Master's Table Soup Kitchen located at 702 Fenwick Street will be staffed and sponsored by Saint Paul's Church volunteers Saturday, February 23. The Prep Team works from 9 - 10:45 AM. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parishioners while chopping, stirring, and preparing lunch for 150-250 guests.
Contact Al and Laraine Yarbrough for more information.
Share your Chili Sunday
Sunday, February 24, following the 11 AM service

February is the perfect time for a chili lunch! The Parish Life Committee invites you to bring your favorite chili to church on Sunday, February 24, unofficially "Share Your Chili Sunday." We'll meet in the River Room with friends following the 11 AM service to taste some of the best chili Saint Paul's has to offer. Whether it is beef chili, chicken chili, veggie chili, spicy or mild, we love it all. If chili is not your specialty, no worries, bring a topping, side, or dessert. We look forward to fellowship, food, and fun! Questions, contact Todd Shafer.

As always we need a team to help set up, serve, and clean up. Please sign up here. 
Looking Ahead 
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, March 5, 6-7:30 PM

The men of Saint Paul's will host this year's Pancake Supper. Come try out our pancakes - blueberry, chocolate, banana, or bring your own topping to fellowship and support the Parish Life Committee. Please contact Jonathan Flanagan if you wish to volunteer your services. Or, check out sign up genius on Saint Paul's website to volunteer for this event. Volunteers are needed to assist the setup, cooking and clean up for this event.
Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, March 6, 12 noon and 7 PM

Ash Wednesday services will be held March 6, 12 noon and 7  PM in the church. A Nursery will be provided for the 7  PM service.   
3 Bridges Run Sign-Ups
Saturday, March 9, 9 AM 

Saint Paul's NEW Outreach Ministries Fundraiser, 3 Bridges Run, is Saturday, March 9, 9  AM . This is the 2019 fundraiser for our outreach ministries. There are THREE ways to participate: be a sponsor; be a race volunteer; be a race participant; or do all 3!  More information here
Listening Session for XI Bishop Search, Augusta Convocation
Sunday, March 10, 2:30 PM, Church of the Good Shepherd 

The Search Committee for the 11th Bishop of Georgia will be holding a series of Listening Sessions around the diocese over the next several weeks. The Augusta Convocation session is March 10, 2:30 PM at Church of the Good Shepherd for anyone who can attend. The Search Committee wants to include as many voices as possible in the conversation and recommends these thoughts to ponder before you arrive at one of the Sessions: what miracle/joy/success have you seen in the last 10 years? What was your best moment in the Diocese? What have we missed, or what could we have done better? What are your hopes for the next 10 years?

Whether or not you attend a Listening Session, please take the time to complete this brief survey
News from the Diocese

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field
February 2019
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be February 10.  

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