Take Our Connectivity Study Survey
About The Project

Recently, the Village of Palmetto Bay was awarded $80,000 by the Miami-Dade County Transportation Planning Organization for the purpose of completing a Multi-Use Trail & SMART Plan Connectivity Feasibility Study. The study aims to improve mobility, safety and accessibility to the SMART Plan’s South Dade Corridor Transitway and South Dade Trail from the Village of Palmetto Bay. The new plan will identify and assess existing conditions for bicycle and pedestrian connectivity along SW 144 Street, SW 152 Street, SW 168 Street and SW 184 Street, between the South Dade Transitway and Old Cutler Road.

The study will consider multi-use pathways, sidewalks and/or protected or buffered bicycle lanes. Two alternatives will be evaluated for the above-mentioned roadways. The final plan will include 15% design plans for up to two corridors connecting Old Cutler Trail and the South Dade Trail. The project is anticipated to be completed by November 2021.
Take Our Survey

Before any determinations are made, we first want to hear from our residents to appropriately assess how, when and in what form our residents use or would best use the bicycle and pedestrian network. The survey will be used to assess the types of improvements and which two roadways the study will focus on.

Please click the link below to take our 5-minute survey.

This survey will close on June 8th.
Why Public Involvement Is Important

Public input is vital in creating a safe and livable community. Residents and business owners who live and work in the Village of Palmetto Bay are best suited to provide input and feedback on what is desired in their community. Public involvement through all phases of the transportation decision-making process is the key to developing an efficient transportation system that meets the community’s needs. Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas and concerns. The public will also observe how their input contributes to the project’s outcomes.

After a series of public meetings, a final product will be created and presented to include preliminary design plans of the preferred alternative for two of the four roadways under review.
Project Contact Information

Consultant Project Manager
Christina Fermin, AICP, LEED Green Associate
3363 W. Commercial Blvd, Suite 115A
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Village Project Manager
Dionisio Torres, P.E.
Director of Public Services
9705 East Hibiscus Street
Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
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