
Wreaths across America is this Saturday, December 15! Sign-up to go!

See below for New Year's Eve plans and more!
Wreaths Across America
The Youth and Brotherhood of St. Andrew host the trip to lay wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery this Saturday, December 15th. Join us and the congregation as we honor those who have died by laying wreaths. It is a popular event and all are welcome.

Attitude of Gratitude
Rev. Mary Kay reminded us last week about gratitude as we prepare this Advent for the coming of Christ this Christmas. What is commonplace in our lives that we might look at differently?
New Year's Eve/Christmas Party
Christmas begins on December 25 and goes through January 6! Looking for a safe way to spend New Year's Eve? Email if you are interested in spending this 7th Day of Christmas and New Year's Eve with a party! If you are a parent and would like to help us create this safe and festive beginning to the New Year, please email as well.
Youth #AdventWord
Have you been following #stdavidsashburnyouth unique way of capturing each word and meditation during this season of Advent? Check us out on Instagram!
Register for Youth Ministry 2018-19
Please remember to complete the online registration/parental consent form This required form helps provide the safest environment for our youth and adults. Please complete as soon as you can.

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