Dear Parents,

We look forward to reconnecting as we begin another week of Remote Learning tomorrow. 

On Monday, April 27 we will have our third District-wide Grey Day, with a focus on the Maker Movement and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Education. A guide of activities for this day organized by difficulty levels, because everyone's point of entry to STEAM and Maker is different, is available with further instructions here: 

As a reminder, Grey Days were added to the calendar to achieve the following:

  • Provide all students with common, theme-based activities designed to be accessible to the whole family. 
  • Add time for students to engage in independent work and to catch up on assignments/projects. 
  • Afford teachers common time to prioritize curricular objectives across the District for consistency and alignment.  

Please note that attendance will need to be taken on Grey Days.  Your children's classroom teacher will be sharing links to record attendance in the same way that they have been taking attendance on all other remote learning days.

If you have questions regarding the Grey Day activities, please email [email protected] . We have specific staff dedicated to supporting our Grey Day so teachers can remain available for important meetings and for responding to student emails about other learning.  We encourage you to share photos of your students' Grey Day experience via this email, which we may share on our District social media and other communications. 

We hope you enjoy supporting your students as they work through this week's STEAM/Maker Grey Day experience.


Maureen Chertow Miller
Director of Technology
The Winnetka Public Schools
@mmiller112 #WE36

The Winnetka Public Schools community empowers every student to flourish in 
an innovative, experiential environment. We support and challenge all learners 
to actively engage in continual growth and achievement to make 
a meaningful difference in the world.  

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