The Heart of Every Lover:
Weekly Offerings
April 24, 2020
Shaw Family Photo Collection
" My center is the heart of every lover. 
Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center. "

Meher Baba 
(Meher Center, 1956)
Dear Meher Center Family & Friends,
All that is Meher Center— the simple cabins and buildings maintained with great love and attention; the calming and embracing forest of contemplative paths and gentle lakes; the vast Atlantic; but mostly the loving and enlivening presence of God— all of this now patiently awaits the return of His lovers and of those who seek something deeper in their lives. 
In the meantime, the Center is following the advice of the scientific community, carefully maintaining social distancing, and waiting for the most sensible time to reopen.  We are continuing a very small staff presence on site to look after security and necessary maintenance, while most of the staff remains at home working on various projects.
In approaching all our difficulties, Meher Baba has said: Do not worry. Be happy in my Love and continue to hold fast to my daaman (hem of the Master’s garment) to the very end. Rest assured that all will be divinely well. God does not abandon those who trust Him.*
As always, we look forward to seeing you at Meher Baba’s home in the West sometime soon.
In His love and service,

Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff

* The Path of Love , p. 115-116
Lovers' Offerings
Laurel Magrini
Mani Dreyfuss
& Nick Guida
Arsenio Rodriguez
"Where there is Nothing, there is God"
In this rare early talk on the Center, Charles Purdom, one of Meher Baba's earliest Western disciples and a scholar, talks about meeting Meher Baba and writing his monumental books, The God Man and The Perfect Master . To his surprise as a skeptic, he was asked by Baba to write His biography. His inner journey, writing process and revelations during his times with Baba are unique gems for any seeker.

Audio, 1:29:02
Meher Center, September 1964
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives
"I Believe"
In this film, Bernice Ivory, whom Kitty Davy called a “great disciple of Meher Baba," shares her early experiences of coming to Baba in the 1950’s. Unfortunately, only the first portion of her story was recorded, but it gives a taste of her devotion, her humor, and, most importantly, how Baba overcame her skepticism with His presence and love.

Video, 31:50 
Meher Center Meeting Place, February 23, 1994
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives