This Sunday, December 16, 2018
Of Bone and Sinew
Service Leader: Anthony Johnson
Sunday, December 16, 9:30 AM & 11:15 AM in the Sanctuary
Ellen Craft and her husband William escaped American Slavery on an amazing journey of 1,000 miles in search of peace and freedom. Clutching their dream of having children born as free persons, born of free bone and sinew, their saga is one of the most unique in American history.
New Inquirers Series at UUCP
Every Sunday 9:45 AM in Annex B
Inquirers is a series for anyone who would like to meet others and learn more about UUCP. Join other newcomers, members, lay leaders and the membership team for a half hour of building connections and growing relationships. The second half hour explores changing topics each week, that go deeper into an area of ministry within our congregation. Inquirers topics include  Leadership, Children’s Ministry, Unicare, Social Justice, Membership, Congregational Tour and History, Small Group Ministry, Unitarian Universalism 101  and  Inside Worship Services. Coffee and treats provided, no sign-up necessary!
This week's Inquirers will be Living our Vision
Advancing Justice Table
  • This week Advancing Justice is raising awareness of the rise of police violence in Phoenix. Pick up links to the NYT article that addressed this and responses in AZCentral. We hope to offer an action you can take with regard to this at our table on Sunday, December 30.
  • A new list of needed items for migrants passing through Phoenix is now available.
Next Sunday, December 23
Light in the Darkness
Service Leader: Rev. Margret A. O’Neall
Sunday, December 23, 9:30 AM & 11:15 AM in the Sanctuary
Night falls earlier, the air cools, the dark time of winter solstice affects us even in the desert. Around the world and through the ages, people bring light to lift the gloom, to bring hope, inviting the sun to return. How shall we bring light to a darkened world?
New Inquirers Series at UUCP
Sunday, December 23
Next week’s Inquirers topic is UU 101 - What do Unitarian Universalists believe? Come join the group discussion about our 7 principles.
80's Babies & Parents of Younger Children Holiday Potluck
Sunday, December 16 at 12:30 PM
Celebrate the holidays with the UUCP 80s Babies and Parents of Younger Children groups! We’ll gather after second service on December 16 for a kid-friendly potluck celebration. Please bring a favorite brunch/holiday treat to share. Special thanks to Natalie and Angel for hosting us at their home in Central Scottsdale - address provided upon RSVP. Please RSVP to Amy McKlindon at
Upcoming Events
Poetry Writers Workshop
Monday, December 17, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM in Annex B
Mary Oliver wrote, “Poetry isn’t a profession, it’s a way of life. It’s an empty basket; you put your life into it and make something out of that.” The Poetry Workshop is the place and opportunity to let your creativity flow ‐ a forum for all those writers who have been looking for a place to interact with like spirits and creators. For more information contact Rosemary Roenfanz at or please register at .
Saturday, December 22, Blue Christmas
Saturday, December 22 at 5:00 PM in the Sanctuary
There is much joy in the holiday season, but it can also be a painful time for those who have experienced loss. This gentle service will offer a space of holding, with music, spoken word and meditative ritual, to provide support in the sadness that can be present among the celebrations of this time. Child care will be provided.
Green Sanctuary Group
Our theme for this month is  recycling  so clean out your drawers and closets. We are collecting art supplies, fabric, yarn, medicine bottles with labels removed, egg cartons, clean, dry single-use water bottles (large and small), colorful plastic jar/bottle lids and many other items, both for our own use and for the Art Resource Center. Stop by our table and pick up a list. Baskets and boxes for these items will be at the Green Sanctuary table during the month of December. Keep them coming! Thanks
Open (Drop-In) Small Group
Thursday, December 20, 7:00 PM in Annex B
Small Group Ministry is an ideal way to connect to others and tend to your heart and spirit at UUCP. Life can feel like a frenzied struggle against a materialistic world, which leaves us feeling disconnected from our deepest selves and without the energy to reach out in love and service to others. They follow the monthly worship themes and offer a way to engage the themes in your daily life and grow and learn with a group while sharing your own story, insights and learnings.
Women’s Ritual
Thursday, December 20, 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary
Join a group of women for earth-centered rituals that honor the season, the phases of the moon and personal spirituality. Each month, a different participant will plan a ritual for everyone to engage in. This month we will be honoring Winter Solstice. Contact Pat Reed for more information at .
Christmas Caroling 
Saturday, December 22, at 12:00 PM, meeting in the Sanctuary
If you enjoy singing Christmas carols and spreading cheer, please join us on Saturday, December 22, for our congregation's annual afternoon of caroling! We'll meet at UUCP at 12:00 PM, sing a few carols together, and then spend a relaxed afternoon visiting and singing to UUCP elders who are rarely able to attend services. If you'll definitely be attending, let Benjie know so that he can estimate how many people we can visit.
Holiday Services
Monday December 24: Christmas Eve Services
5:30 PM Family Service and non-traditional Nativity Play
Service Leaders: Rev. Margret A. O’Neall, Anthony Johnson, Children’s Ministry Team
6:30 PM-7:30 PM Cookies and Cider Fellowship Hour – please bring cookies to share
7:30 PM Lessons and Carols
Service Leaders:  Rev. Margret A. O’Neall, Anthony Johnson, Benjie Messer
We celebrate Christmas Eve with music, community and candlelight, singing carols and lighting candles in the darkness. The early service includes a children’s play and the later service will include the congregation choir. Everyone is invited to bring cookies to share in fellowship from 6:30 PM-7:30 PM.
Coming Soon: Neighborhood Connections
Members at UUCP come from all over the Valley. Soon, you may receive a phone call or email from someone in your neighborhood, looking to get together with others in proximity to make connections and get to know each other. What will this look like? You get to decide! Have a potluck, meet at a local coffee shop, picnic in the park, it's up to you. These neighborhood groups move us toward a radically inclusive community, provide a familiar face on Sundays, and can be a source of support when your car won't start, or you need to borrow a cup of sugar!
Calling all Poets!
This year's Poetry Service will be in both services on Sunday, January 6, 2019. We invite poets to share their work and poetry lovers to share beloved poems. If you wish to share poetry in the service, contact Rev Margret at , or by phone at 623-201-7188.
Traveling 2nd Fridays
Friday's at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary, January-May
Barbara Cawthorne has organized several amazing months of Traveling presentations on the second Friday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary. You can click the link below to see the 2019 schedule or look out for a special email next week.
Nebiat’s Family Car
Nebiat and family (our Eritrean refugee family) want to thank our congregation for your generous support enabling them to purchase a car. We surpassed our goal of $1000.00 raising $1837.00! The extra dollars will assist in the car registration and liability car insurance required. If you haven’t returned your gift certificate, please return today at back table. Thanks for helping to make their Christmas special.
An Invitation to Current (and Former) Members and Friends.
As UUCP commits to being a radically inclusive, welcoming community and a “spiritual community for our time,” how can we assure that all feel truly welcome? How should we change, and how should we stay the same?
The UUCP Inclusion Team invites you to join a vital and ongoing conversation about these questions. In coming months, we will be exploring how congregants come to feel included and excluded based on gender, race, ability, mental health, age, religious background and other factors.
As a first step, we are seeking your stories of gender inclusion and exclusion at UUCP. As a person who identifies as trans, gender nonbinary, gender nonconforming, or gender conforming -- what experiences have led you to feel welcomed, or not, at UUCP? As an ally, how have you witnessed gender inclusion or exclusion?  
How will these stories be used? First, your experiences will help us educate ourselves and other members. Your responses will be discussed by the team as we assess UUCP’s status as a welcoming congregation. Second, your stories will inform the design of welcoming spaces, services, rituals, and social activities. Third, with your permission, and only with your permission, we will work with you to share some of these stories in written or multi-media messages designed to foster understanding and gender inclusion at UUCP. Please join the conversation by sharing your own experiences on this brief (10-15 minutes) survey. Use the link
The UUCP Inclusion Team (Amanda Rogers, Anthony Johnson, Ashley Perez, Courtney Flanagan, Jonny Lifshitz, Katie Quinn, Larry Reed, Margret O’Neall, Vince Waldron)
UUCP | 602-840-8400||